Prayer Matron of Moscow for help in work and money


When the money is disastrously lacking (it doesn't matter, for what reason), the devilish temptations are told in the soul: Won, Masha is in Tarot's maps, and Oksana financial amulet has built, and both are already in new fur coats. Drink from yourself Thoughts about witchcraft and other mystical nonsense!

Orthodox What, the soul is not sorry - in magic to go? It is better to ask the Lord, he will help. And there are also saints who have the glory of defenders on a particular field. For example, if it starts to displays a lack of money, I pray the Matrona, and there was no longer time so that after such a prayer I did not find the way out of the difficult situation.

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What is asked by Mother Matron

  • About the healing of the patient.
  • On mutual love, marriage, family conservation (such prayers can be read not only for themselves, but also for their children and even grandchildren).
  • From drunkenness guy, groom, spouse.
  • About the occurrence of pregnancy.
  • About good luck in trading and other affairs.
  • For help in finding work, as well as in the service.
  • And finally, about money.
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All of these modern prayers have arisen for no accident. In yet the life of the old man, people went to her with such requests, the Matron prayed for people to the Lord, and many were given by their faith.

The strongest prayers about work and money

If you are a applicant, go to interviews, but you invariably answer "we will call you back, start daily to read the prayer" on job search ".

Prayer Matron of Moscow for help in work and money 2822_2

If you are employed, but you are not satisfied with the salary or it is constantly delayed, your prayer is "about money." And do not be afraid to treat her to the Matron, because you are not a manna heavenly, but an honest earnings for your own work. But even the Lord said: "According to the works of yours, you will be rewarded."

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Prayer Matron of Moscow for help in work and money 2822_3

If there are other difficulties on your work (you can't find a common language with colleagues or bosses, career growth stalled, you do not cope with your duties, you are afraid of dismissal), read the prayer "about help in resolving all problems."

Prayer Matron of Moscow for help in work and money 2822_4

How to pray

  • You can do it both in the church and at home.
  • If you do not know the special prayer (let's say, lost leaflets), speak in your own words. In prayer, the main thing is not harmony of statements, but sincerity.
  • In God's temple, go to the saint's image, twice shield, bow, burn the candle. You do not need to think that the stronger and inaccessible desire, the more expensive there should be a candle - buy a penny, Matushka asked her her own. After that, you can read the prayer (by memory or written), turn it over again.
  • In order for church prayer to help, you need to distribute alms before entering the temple. Nowadays, it is rare to see beggars near the church doors. However, many of us know people who need our more - can enter their home with a package of products, even elementary. Another good deal, which will also start, - go to the site of the charitable foundation and translate a small amount for the treatment of some child.
  • For home prayers, buy in the temple consecrated matron icon (the image from the computer screen or the phone is better to use only in the extreme case). In the home iconostasis, such an icon hangs just below the images of the Savior and the Virgin.
  • Stand in front of the home icon, turn around, bow, burn the candle, pray, turn again. Candle do not quit, let the lean itself. At that moment it is important to stay alone so that no one interfere with prayer (even the cat is better to close in another room). For a woman it is important to be in the scarf.

You can not ask about the good for yourself, which should end with something bad for your neighbor. Want to raise? Ask not only it, but also an increase for a higher person, whose place you dream to get.

Also do not ask for easy money. Staritsa will not send you a winning casino or even a lottery, you will not get news about a huge inheritance. Everything that holy will help - will make it possible to earn. And how much - it already depends on you.

Prayer Matron of Moscow for help in work and money 2822_5

Why do we read the Matron

During his life, this woman glorified her name with many wonders (and this is in the antirefiosis country of the Soviets!), Yes, and after the death of Matrona, people who pray to her have repeatedly told about wonderful healing and other amazing joy.

Matrona was born back in the year before last, namely in 1881. Her parents were Dmitry and Natalia, the poor peasants from the village of Serbino. The family was so needed that, having learned about pregnancy, Natalia immediately decided: as soon as the child is born, she will give him to the shelter. Still - and so in the house three mouths (the family had two boys and a girl)!

But the Lord was different, and shortly before childbirth a woman dreamed of a dream: her daughter flew to her, like white doves, only with a human face and without glazes. The woman understood - a dream for no accident, this God wants the diet to be wondered between other people's people, but left in the family.

The baby was really born blind. When she was baptized, the similarity of Nimba was formed above her head, and everyone understood - the great holy grown from the baby.

The girl grew up and began to console people, praying with them. Grateful visitors carried her non-good rural gifts - products. So the Matrona became the breadwinner of the family. And at least at the age of 17 she stopped walking (legs rushed), the girl remained all the same innocent and clean.

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Over time, she moved to Moscow. "Red Days" began, the persecution of Orthodox, so the woman was constantly hidden on new apartments. But people found out where she was, and walked - who is supported by who for advice, and who for the blessing.

After death, the old man was canonized, officially declares saint. Her non-reinforcements are carried by the country so that people can worship her.

Legend of the meeting of the Moscow Providian and Joseph Stalin

They say, in 1941, when Soviet troops were defeated by defeat, the "leader of peoples" himself, Joseph Stalin, walked to the Matron for the Council. And she predicted that, even though the war and it would be a hard, the Soviet people will win - "Red rooster will enclose black."

True, historians relate to such a legend skeptical - after all, it is strangely to expect such a piety from a person who has ordered about the executions of the priests and the destruction of churches.

More about the holy blessed Matronushka you will learn from a forty-minute documentary film. It can not only listen to the life of this decent woman, but also see her grave, fixing the crowds of pilgrims, as well as see a lot of Orthodox icons of this old man. And the main thing is that all information comes from the bass, sincerely honoring our Russian holy:

Let's summarize ...

  • The blessed Starith Matron is the Russian Holy of New. She lived just a hundred years ago, during the Soviet Union, put the second world.
  • There are many prayers to holy. People ask her about good luck in affairs, about love, about getting rid of the scattered disease. But most often asked to help with a shortage of money, search for work and other financial problems.
  • Matrona can pray both in the church and at home.
  • You can ask for an increase, search for work, raising the salary. Do not ask for a dream work due to the dismissal of another person, as well as light money - winning gambling, inheritance.

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