Conspiracy from enemies as a way to eliminate ill-wishers


The magic conspiracy from enemies is a strong means to help withstand any negative effects emanating from ill-wishers.


Appointment and benefit of witchcraft conspiracy

Alas, the time in which we live, such that enemies can be absolutely from any person. Ironically, sometimes the best friends are transmitted to the category of detractors. To pretend to be sworn enemies, it is not necessarily someone to go through the road at an inappropriate moment. Often, for the appearance of envious and enemies, it is enough to succeed in any field of life and be able to do something better than those around people.

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Envy and hatred are very powerful negative emotions: directed per person, they are capable of the most unpredictable and destructive way to affect his fate. It is important to protect themselves to protect yourself and protect against unwanted consequences. Just for this purpose, you can use various rites from enemies, including from the Dark Witchcraft area.

Nevertheless, it is necessary to remember that even black magic conspiracies will not be able to completely change the attitude of ill-wishers. It was like negative, so negative and remain. The truly made rite will create protection against negative impact, and in the future the enemy will not be able to have a bad influence on the performer of the ritual and harm any area of ​​his life.

Varieties and nuances of execution

The main goal that any opponent is persecuted is to harm your opponent. Sophisticated situations, troubles at work, revenge - methods that are guided by unfriendlies in attempts to pump a person who did not see them. In any of the cases, the relevant will be a conspiracy from enemies, having several of its varieties:

  • Rites to eliminate enemies : Conspiracy of a universal nature belonging to white magic. Help neutralize the enemies and enviousness, disrupt their insidious plans;
  • Protective rituals from nonsense: Block the negative impact on the part of ill-wishers and remove his consequences, acting for the performer;
  • Ritals used to identify a detractor : Help to recognize secret ill-wishers, creating their atrocities behind the artist's back;
  • Rituals, conspiracies of revenge and retaliation of black magic : Help the performer to take revenge on enemies, punish them. Believe more often to black magic. This group of conspiracies should be used in the most extreme cases in order not to stick the trouble.

Professional magicians recommend performing rituals Tuesday and Wednesday . These are the first three varieties of conspiracies listed above. Rites committed with the purpose of punishment or revenge are held Monday and Friday.

The conspiracy from the enemies, in general, is safe for the artist, but in the eventual case, if its implementation is justified. Such rituals help to solve almost all problems that are directly related to ill-wishers.

The best conspiracies from ill-wishers

On Kissel

Conspiracy from enemies to Kissel

This ritual from the discharge of light magic helps to neutralize the goats of the enemies, to resist their negative impact. Conspiracy is read on Kisel, who needs to cook from any black berries (for example, black currant, blueberry, blackberry).

During the day before the rite, a small preparation is carried out, during which the Contractor must sit in a relaxed atmosphere, to consider further actions towards the enemone.

The ritual begins with the cooking of syrup from the prepared berries. When he starts to throw, it is necessary to embroider more starch in it, saying:

"I will remember your boyfriend, boldly, I skillfully skillfully. As the HRIANY fought, the enemies defeated his own, so the enemy's name (the name of the enemy) and I crushing, his business will destroy. Kiselek-Kissel, you bore the whole day, ride yes kipi, effort is mine and custody. I am the first (one), and my enemy is for me to always be, not to overtake me and not to knock down from my road. Lord with me: I helps, protects and sends. As said (a), so it will be. Key. Lock. Language. Amen (3 times)! "

The finished Kisel performer must completely drink at a tempo convenient for himself (it's not necessary to hurry).

From enemies at work

A powerful charm, which, subject to the right execution, protect the performer from the enemies to work throughout his life. The text of the conspiracy should be learned by heart, as well as hand to rewrite it on a clean white sheet of paper. Read three times, the words are as follows:

"Glory Father, thank Son, Glory to the Holy Spirit. Lord, save and save me from any evil, from the goose and notes, from the secret ideas, from poisons and swords, from the cunning networks, from insidious and cunning negotiations, from conspiracies and sords, from imprisonment, from enemy visits, from bribing yes The sword, from the word pronounced by the sorry, from the false promise, from the enemy meeting, from the flooding water, from a drinking wave, save, sorry, from the beast, from the fire, from the buoy wind will save me, from ice, Lord, save me, save me. Save, Lord, from the evil sorcerer, I will save me from the terrible disease, from the death of early in vain, save, Lord, from an inverted Cross, I will save me. CHUR, MY Duma, Chur, My flesh, Chur, Living Red My Blood, Chur, Wildly Dick My Thought. My guardian angel, for my soul my pray, everything that I said (a), which has seen (a) and did not say (a), the word for the word come from me from all sorts of me, (your name), saved. Key, lock, tongue. Amen (3 times)! "

A piece of paper with this plot should always wear with him.

See also a protective conspiracy against ill-wishers in the video:

To identify the ill-wisher

This conspiracy is applied when the performer does not know the name of his secret enemy, but wants to reveal it. Words are read on the eve of the church holiday, in bed, before falling asleep. Conspire text:

"I go to the rows, I look at my eyes. Among the Holy Rows there is Samson Saint. The name of God, the Eternal, Living, I say the Holy Word: "Saint Samson, wearing a dream I have a dream!" Let Samson saint my enemy pointed me, through the prophetic dream face will show it to me. Trinity of the Most Holy and Live, Help, Lord Jesus Christ, my dream bless! In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Now and in the eyelids. Amen!"

An inflighter should be the performer in a dream.

To take revenge on enemy

Conspiracy of black magic

Conspiracies to take revenge on the enemy are counted for black magic and apply only in the most extreme cases. They are dangerous in that they act on the principle of damage, therefore they can adversely affect both ill-wishers and on the owner itself.

For the implementation of the ritual, it is required to prepare some attributes: several hairless hairless, scissors and 2 candles.

In the "Witiment Hour" (from midnight to 3 o'clock in the morning), the performer should remain alone, put the candles on the table, light them. Then you need to take the enemy's hair, scissors to cut them into several parts, saying:

"I cut yes cut, I punish the slave (the name of the enemy)! Let all my troubles go away, let them see all troubles for him! Let all evil, what he did to me, he will return himself and it will turn more stronger, and it will not be quickly! I cut yes cut, the fate of the slave (the name of the enemy) on my similar do! Let the random of sins wander all unhappiness! "

After reading the plot, the hair is unfriendly need to burn in the flame of any candle, saying:

"Everything burns, everything is burning, my word is strong!"

Candles need to be repayed, flaking in the ground.

Thanks to the action of this conspiracy, the enemy of the performer of the ritual will answer for the caused troubles, troubles and suffering, a stable black band will come in his life.

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