Conspiracy to lose weight - read yourself


Conspiracy on water is a simple and fairly safe way to reset a few extra kilograms. The species of this magical impact at the moment there are a large number, and every person who wants to lose weight can choose them from the most suitable ritual.

However, it is necessary to remember that anyone, even the strongest conspiracy of weight loss will be useless if the performer will consciously resist the process of getting rid of excess weight and will not apply no effort.

Water slimming

Slimming is hard work. Judging by the reviews of those who lost them, conspiracies only help speed up or strengthen this process. No rite will lead to an anticipated positive result, if a person who applied it will be all day to lie on the sofa and inactive.

The role of water in conspiracies

Among all the existing conspiracies, texts read on fluids are enjoyed. Such methods refer to the number of the most efficient, and all this thanks to the unique properties of one of the four natural elements.

Water is often used in all sorts of magical rites. It is determined by the fact that it absorbs any information well and can act as its conductor. Conspited liquid can be used directly inside (drink), it can be done with it.

Finding into the human body either closely with it in contact with it, the liquid transmits it to it the program initially in conspiracy. This program begins to act on the subconscious level, rebuilding the work of the human body under its requirements. The work of magic is carried out due to internal energy.

In general, such conspiracies are considered a rather safe method of getting rid of excess fat. For each person, the impact of the ritual will be individual, and therefore it is impossible to exclude the likelihood of negative consequences from the conducted rite (most often they show themselves in the form of some ailment). In order to maximize yourself, preference is recommended to give methods from the discharge of white magic.

Effective conspiracies and rituals

Easy way

Slimming on water

This conspiracy is read on a decreasing moon. The performer will need a glass of holy water and 3 candles (all this needs to be taken in the church). Ritual better to do before the departure to sleep

Reaching at night, you need to light all 3 candles and speak the water three times by the following words:

"Water water, go there and here. You do not run, but help me. My weight is running away with him. Water, water, not my trouble. Bring you trouble, and I will not find grief. "

After pronouncing text, water needs a volley to drink to a drop, and then speak:

"From clean water not knowing me trouble. My weight will go away, will go to the enemy. Amen" (3 times)

Wait until the candles will keep up to the end. Sparks can be just thrown out or bury. According to some reviews from people who tried this method, after the ritual, every week can leave up to 5 kg - until the weight comes to normal.

Another way to read before bedtime

In the period when the moon is declining, you need to speak the bank of clean water with the following words:

"How the moon decreases, so let me lose weight. And when she will grow, let the whole fat will take. Let everything fall unnecessary, fall off, go away, fly away, will run away. On the moon, yes in the sun, in the forest and in the steppe, yes in the field. Yes, there will remain forever, on the eyelids, the human life. Amen!"

In total, the conspiracy is read 7 times, after which the water should be inspected in a dark place for 7 days. On the day of New Moon, you need to make a few sips of the conspiracy fluid, and then drink it every day gradually.

Efficiency will increase if the ritual is repeated every month on the old moon until the weight is normalized.

On water for swimming

Bathing bath

The rite is performed on a decreasing moon. Late in the evening (after sunset, but before midnight), prepare a warm bath, adding a glass of cream and petals from 3 roses to the water (white, pink and red) into the water. Lie into the bath, without removing a native cross, and visualize for 10 minutes, trying to recreate a portrait of ourselves - slender, beautiful, elegant and graceful. Then say, contacting the liquid:

"Mother's Mother, I, God's slave (own name) , help. You poured milk, decorated with rose petals, put on the Holy Cross. In my grief, in my misfortune. Gone with me all the fats, from me far, far away. I want to be beautiful, I want to be slim to be, so that the weight is extraordinary to me never returned. Amen!"

Taking words, you can lie a little in the bathroom. As a rule, the first results should show themselves within a month after the rite. This ritual can be repeated every month until you come to the desired weight.

Another ritual on the red thread from Darya Mironova, see this video:

On water to reduce appetite

The conspiracy helps to reduce the appetite of the artist and thereby makes it less. It turns on the water, poured into a glass of underwhelming glass. Words are read 3 times:

"Zaparitsa Maritime, a watery girl. You baptize all the people, you will wear and wash. Hunger to remove my power with me, so that I did not torment me. With me, make a passion for food, so that I did not think so I did not want. As a person, the cleanest does not eat and does not drink, and one prayer lives, so you, the marsh, the Tsarina is water, strengthened me, let me refrain from the yoke. As she said, so will be.

After a triple pronouncement of the conspiracy, all water is drunk before bedtime by small sips, for one reception.

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