Numerology by date of birth: Schedule of life and fate


Scientist Pythagoras, on the theory of which modern numerology is based, offered to build a schedule of life by date of birth. This schedule helps to determine the main milestones of the fate of a person and understand what time it is worth to expect difficulties, and in what - success. Talk about how to calculate and build such a schedule.

Schedule online

To calculate, enter the date of birth. When you hover the mouse on the chart, it will display the year. Every seven years, the values ​​of the graph are repeated. Decryption of each value is presented below.

Your date of birth:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 27 April 29, January 31, January 31, JUNE JUNE JUNE 195, 1951 1952 1953 1954 1957 1958 1959 1969 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1976 1981 1984 1984 1985 1992 1998 1999 1995 1991 2007 2008 2009 2010 2012 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Build Graph

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Numerology by date of birth: Schedule of life and fate 2831_1
Numerology by date of birth: Schedule of life and fate 2831_2

Deciphering graphics values

Analyze the schedule is simple enough - choose a year and see which digit along the Y axis it corresponds to.


It will extremely need to support friends and relatives. Often will experience apathy, melancholy, not far to depression. Permanent failures and notorious black stripe.

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Also zero indicates the need to test karmic debts. This is the time of reassessment of values, redemption of past sins.


The unit indicates that the raising period will begin in your life after experienced difficulties. But luck will not come from outside - you only need to count on yourself. If it turns out to cope with the attacks of dissatisfaction, "include" hard work and try to achieve success, he will come. But still the period is quite complicated


Two also points to the rise. The path to success will be difficult, slow, but confident. "You go quiet, you will continue" - here's the motto for years that came under the influence of two. It is advisable to choke calmness and learn philosophically to treat any difficulties.

Two is good in that it makes it possible to control and notice any negative coming in time. Thanks to this property, it is possible to extinguish all the bad and open to meet a good one.


The period is heavy enough, but there will be hope for success. Usually at this time of beliefs and views of a person are subjected to serious changes. The position you occupy in society will be pretty shaky and unreliable. You have to show the wonders of ingenuity.

Positive moment: During the years of Troika, many new friends appear, this is a great time and to establish business contacts.


This time is constancy. In the years of the fourth, a person is able to determine their habits and beliefs. He finally begins to occupy a worthy position in society, changes does not want, everything suits both in his personal life, and in work affairs.

Schedule of fate by date of birth

But if the fourth year arises after the "strong" year (8-9), this indicates the occurrence of a period of insecurity and its forces. Energy will become less.


Five is very happy, but an extremely unpredictable number. This is an impersonation of risk, unforeseen and amazing events in life. Life under the action of the five resembles a lottery in which you can either break down a big kush, or to remain at all.

Important: If the year-five comes after a year less (1-4), then, most likely, a person meets his true love. The situation is worse if the top five came after the larger year (6-9). Then you should expect disagreements in the family. There are probabilities, conflicts that can end up with parting.


Extremely favorable time when a person feels complete harmony and happiness. In life, everything will be folded smoothly and smoothly. Stability will come in personal and business relationships. Do not have to worry due to lack of money.

What is especially important: during this period, it is necessary to put goals that will not disperse with personal boundaries and moral principles of man. Then everything desired will come by itself.

Watch the video about building a schedule of fate by date of birth:


Seven-year-old years - the most favorable period in order to pay the time of the spiritual component of life. You can engage in spiritual practices, self-development, practicing meditation. More landed people can engage in scientific work or research. Also this is the right time to create new relationships.


Success time. Good luck will be accompanied literally in everything - money will come themselves and in large quantities, goals will be easy to implement, and acquaintances with the opposite sex will stop disappointing.


Dream time is aidal period for self-realization, execution of long-time desires, the implementation of goals. This years, when a person is able to achieve a peak of his success and reap the fruits of efforts applied earlier.

Calculation of graphics yourself

The chart of vitality is based on the fact that the life of any person is subject to seven cycles. Each of them is responsible for the rise and decline in vitality, and each point of schedule is a cycle indicator.

To build a chart, you need:

  • To write down the date of birth of a person: for example, 10/16/1991.
  • Then you need to multiply the numbers between themselves: 16 * 10 * 1991 = 318560.
  • If the number has been seven, we leave it unchanged.
  • In our example, the number is six-digit. Therefore, it is necessary to add the first two digits to it: we get 31856031.

After the calculation, you can proceed to the drawing. This must be done according to the following algorithm:

  • X axis - years of life with a step of 7 years. They must be recorded in several rows.
  • On the Y axis on both sides, it is necessary to postpone the numbers from 0 to 9. Above each year along the x axis, it is necessary to sequentially postpone the numbers from the code that we obtained as a result of multiplication above (3, 1, 8, 5, 6, 0, 3, 1 ). Take a look at the drawing so that it is visually clear.
  • After you postpone all the points, connect them with lines.

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