Psychology of relations between a man and a woman: stages


The psychology of relations between a man and a woman is the topic not only interesting, but also vital. After all, it is better to understand the psychological features of their partner, you are much easier to find an approach to it, it is possible to reduce the number of conflict situations, minimize the risk of separation.

Let's deepen in the topic, clarifying the psychology of sex relationships in this material, find out which stages of love exist.

Psychology of relations between a man and a woman

Psychology relationship between a man and a woman

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"Men from Mars, Women with Venus" - the name of the popular bestseller, which has become a parable in the towns. Indeed, the differences in male and female psychology are so fermented that often interfere with representatives of different sexes correctly understand each other.

What are they going to? Men are searching for solving specific problems, while women just want to be listened. When men appear in men, they usually seek to deal with them independently. If this is not possible, they can seek advice to the second half, wanting to hear her opinion.

Accordingly, when a wife comes to her husband and begins to share his sadness, the spouse is sincerely sure that she is looking for solutions to the situation. He and the not goodness that the woman is simply important to speak, be listened, get moral support.

Another serious difference is the reaction to stress and problems. Representatives of strong sex prefer, encountered with difficulties, distance themselves, to go to themselves and for some time to be alone. Lovely young ladies in the same cases are acting exactly the opposite: looking for communication of like-minded people, shall be divided, expecting to receive psychological support.

In addition, men often do not understand what actually meant their second half - it seems she said "no", but knowing the cunning of women, they suspect that "no" may well mean "yes."

Representatives of strong gender This provision of things annoying: being in nature straightforward, they prefer open and simple relationships without intrigue, manipulations and other women's games.

For the same reason, men there is no point in trying to hint on something: they still will not understand the hint, but only angry. If you need something from your boyfriend or a husband - just ask you about it.

By the way, real men love female requests, because they help them feel strong, to show their masculinity. Therefore, you should not try to do everything very much more reasonable and more useful for both to seek help to your beloved person.

Often, women try to demonstrate their love and care to the man so much, which literally "dear" him. You should not make a similar mistake - each person should have a personal space, personal interests.

Give the opportunity to meet my friends, go fishing if she gives him pleasure, do not force all the time to spend with them only. It is better to find yourself exciting and educational classes.

It is no secret that women need to yield a lot more words on the day - 20,000 (while the norm for men is only 7000 words). Therefore, often beautiful young ladies talk about completely insignificant things from a male point of view: discuss their acquaintances, share dreams, philosophy.

Psychology of relations between a man and a woman

And everything would be nothing if they are not trying to emanate their husbands. Understand correctly - a man is really very difficult to carry a stormy flow of female eloquence. But, it means, it is much more correct to catch up with their laid words in dealing with other women who will only be happy to communicate.

Do not suspect a silent husband that he is angry or offended at you - he just thinks.

Men is much more difficult than women to express their feelings and emotions, they prefer to live by the mind, not feelings. They also hate conflicts, trying with all their forces to see them.

The main error of the strong sex in the relationship - the inability to confess in their weaknesses, the desire to always maintain the image of a strong and confident person. Of course, this should be a real MCH, but all people sometimes have difficulties, in sincere and trusting relationships should not be afraid to reveal the second half.

Psychology said about the relationship between a man and a woman, psychology says that they are very often disintegrated by one and only reason: partners are confident that the appearance of problems is something abnormal, testifying to the extinction of feelings.

In fact, the relationship is simply developing, becoming more adults. It is worth remembering the relationship between a man and a woman psychology the stages that have to overcome each pair. Consider them in more detail on.

Stages of relationship between a man and a woman: psychology

Only after passing all the steps it is possible to talk about the development of the present feeling, and not just the initial in love.

The first stage

Called hunger. This is the same candy-bought period: beautiful, insanely romantic, but completely short-term - varies from 8 to 12 months.

The star of hunger is due to a strong emotional rise, as well as a significant hormonal splash. So scientists found out that the brain of a person in love is very similar to the brain of the addict. As a result, the beloved person seems exclusively in the pink light, with solid advantages, without flaws, all thoughts start spinning only around him.

Over time, the initial love euphoria subsides, the emotions are balanced, the adequate perception of reality is returned. And then the next stage comes.

Second stage

Called suggestion. Here the initial passions have already subsided, the situation is perceived calmly. And although interest in the lover is preserved, it ceases to be the only important life object. At the stage of suggestion, partners are surprised to find that in addition to the second half there is still a whole world with interests and other people.

At the same time, a chosen / chosen one cease to seem impeccable - shortcomings are beginning to be clearly seen. Lovers realize that they will not be able to return the original passion and hormonal madness. Yes, and this in principle is impossible: otherwise, the body would be depleted from constant emissions of hormones.

Third stage

Called rejection. It is characterized by the final disappearance of pink glasses, the appearance of doubts about its decision to be with this person. All its advantages and disadvantages are analyzed, the latter were not so relevant before, but now they go to the fore.

Many couples are completely disappointed in each other and make a decision to stop relations. The problem is the lack of vital wisdom, forces and patience, reluctance to work on their union, strengthen it. And the misunderstanding of the fact that in the following relationship I will also inevitably come to the same stage.

The rejection step occurs and begins to develop more pronounced in the case of not just a relationship at a distance, but a joint stay of lovers. Life contributes to the permanent solution of everyday problems requires a lot of patience and forces. But if partners managed to cope with the task, their union is waiting for the next stage.

Psychology of relations between a man and a woman

Fourth stage

Called patience. It implies the skill of a calm perception of reality, rejection of the violent change in the second half.

At the same time, this is not about blind submissions at all, but about the reasonable acceptance of another person as it is, the refusal to change it. On the adoption of it with both positive and with the negative parties of the person, which, of course, have each of us. And there is no point in trying to change your chosen one or choices - but it makes sense to start changing himself.

The ability tolerant belongs to another person, respect his inner world - speaks of the emergence of sprouts of deep wisdom and real love, and not just sympathy and lust. Here partners are struggling with their own egoism, accept the individuality of the second half and realize that "if you want to change - to start standing with yourself."

At the stage of patience, conflicts still have a place to be, but here they differ not so fatality as in the previous stages. After all, there is awareness that the quarrel will end, the world will be restored.

Fifth stage

Called ministry. It is now that a clear awareness is present that the partner is not our copy, but acts as another person with its character characteristics, habits, tastes, advantages and disadvantages.

But there is an understanding that in the relationship the main thing is not to take, but to give. Partners learn to share love for another person to do something for another person, and not only demand. This is an adult position in relationships characterized by interchange: After all, when we give love, affection, care, we provoke the chosense / chief of the same thing.

Thanks to the concentration on its own duties, the next stage is developed.

Six Stage

Called respect. It is characterized by mutual respect not for certain actions or actions, but as a whole as a unique person with all its features, as well as for a jointly traveled path with all its difficulties.

In addition to the complete adoption of the elect as a person comes awareness of its value as an individual. In addition to respect, the confidence of the second half increases, it becomes the best friend with which you can freely exchange energy, feelings and thoughts.

Psychology of relations between a man and a woman

Seventh Stage

Called love. And this is no longer about passion, not about emotions and attraction, but about deep, measured, but sustainable feelings. At this stage, the partner is the greatest value, it gives endless happiness, joy, discoveries.

It becomes a native soul, a truly native person. Communication and joint pastime delivers the greatest pleasure. There is a spiritual connection. Unfortunately, not all the unions are given to the last seventh stage: in most cases, the relationship is crumbling on the third stage.

But love is not a reward, it cannot be obtained as a gift over. Love is labor, permanent labor of two people, these are the efforts made by them to preserve and develop relations. For love it is necessary to achieve psychological maturity, refuse egoism.

Psychology of relations between a man and a woman: weakness

Finally, let's talk about weak places that are inherent in representatives of both sexes in love unions.

Men's weaknesses can be allocated:

  1. The appearance of the chosen. Not in vain it is also said that men love their eyes. Therefore, you should not disappoint them, but it is important to always follow your appearance.
  2. The desire to protect the girl. Men are vital to feel strong and necessary, it is worth leaving this task to them without trying to be strong and fearless independently.
  3. Care requirement. In a relationship, guys expect to receive it from chosen, feel necessary and important. Therefore, you need to not forget to feed them on time, follow the purity of their wardrobe.
  4. Uncleaning the order. A man in the family union needs to feel the main thing and it is absolutely normal. You should not compete with him for a place under the palm trees.
  5. Weakness on female tears. When the girl cries, the MCh is lost, it is dying and tries to calm her. The main thing is not to overdo it and do not hear the hysterical special.

From the female slacking, we highlight the following:

  1. Increased vulnerability, sensitivity. The more mobile nervous system is the cause of phenomena data. Girls are in dire need of psychological, and not just physical support.
  2. Love for long conversations. But it is better for these purposes to turn to girlfriends, and not torturing the spouse with endless monologues.
  3. Fear of loneliness. More inherent in women that are stronger than attached emotionally and harder to worry the break.
  4. Passion for comfort. She is also more susceptible to women who love beautiful outfits, seek to live in a cozy neleshka, travel around the world and receive new impressions. Do not deprive them of these nice bonuses.

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