Psychology of a woman in relations with a man: eight secrets


Women and men are definitely different, and not only physiologically, but also internally - psychologically. Very often, ignorance and misunderstanding of differences between the floors creates a huge amount of difficulties in relations: conflicts, inconsideration, non-infractions arise on this basis.

But how many problems could be avoided if you read in time with the psychology of our partner, to study the strengths and weaknesses, get "Instructions for use"! Psychology of women and its main features - that's what we will talk about today.

Psychology of women

Women's psychology for men: what you did not know about the beloved

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The psychology of the behavior of women is strongly susceptible to regular hormonal changes in the body. Also on it has a significant impact of increased sensitivity to internal changes. The latter should be attributed not only to physiological changes, but also change in close communication with others.

But women are not so acute as men react to political or economic events.

Doctors psychologists explain everything simple: the specified behavior model was formed in women in the process of evolution. After all, representatives of weak gender has always been important to read even minor changes in the behavior, the mood of their neighbors, in their own - so they ensured security and offspring.

The primitive woman in the slightest rustling in the bushes could feel the approach of danger and warn the family from the terrible consequences. Its task was to control the inner state of his body, because otherwise, when it was failures and disadvantages, the chances were reduced to give healthy offspring.

Men from nature got completely different tasks: follow the conditions of the external environment, make complex logical operations, maintaining calmness regardless of circumstances - they all helped to successfully hunt mammoths and perform other men's functions.

Women's psychology in a relationship with a man

The most important difference between the floors, which should always be remembered by men, is an increased emotionality of beautiful ladies. Women in general live feelings, it is vital for them to experience and share emotions (albeit not always positive) than to be in an emotional stag.

Psychology of women

Popular difficulties of female psychology are associated with the clarification of feelings - their own and beloved person. The man should be remembered that when he shares with the beloved internal experiences (both good and bad) - they come closer.

Men from childhood is taught not to show their emotions: do not cry, do not complain, but patiently demolish everything silently. But this approach is rooted, if we are talking about a happy relationship! They must necessarily be trust, sincerity and spiritual proximity. In the absence of any emotions from a partner, a woman will begin to consider it indifferent and cold.

The next typical female feature is a need to calm down. It is explained by it more sensitive and excited by the nervous system of representatives of weak gender, which reacts often even on minor stimuli.

And if a man in the same situation felt just the need to make efforts, then the woman will begin to worry, nervous, get upset. Moreover, emotional impressions will continue in memory for a long time.

It is on this basis that quarrels often arise in relationships: a man has already forgotten about what happened, and his woman is still nervous, angry, offended. In such a behavior, its hypersensitive nervous system is to blame.

Women are accustomed to paying great attention to their appearance, and the shortcomings cause them a strong disorder. And this is not just the "pampering" or "Blazh", in reality, everything is much more serious.

Psychologists explain that women's beauty and attractiveness are a direct health indicator, which means that it is possible to give healthy offspring, to be competitive against the background of their tribesmen. Thus, the lady subconsciously tries to realize the maternal instinct, becoming attractive for the strongest and healthy male.

Women are always focused on the interlocutor. Communicating, they are building a speech on the principle of dialogue, even if they are divided into details of their lives, as they are interested in the reaction of the second participant of the conversation. And when the girl tells what happened with the maximum details, she is not really trying to "download" you with information, but gives it to as full as possible.

But scattered women's attention will supply a story with the mixture of important and secondary nuances, emotional and technical details. This is not surprised.

Psychology of women

Women's Psychology: 8 secrets

Let's consider the main distinguishing features of beautiful ladies in the form of eight secrets.

Secret 1. Incredible emotionality

Women in life prefer to be guided by emotions, not common logic. They are characterized by impressive emotionality: what a man will react restrained and calmly the girl can cause a whole storm inside.

The representatives of the fine sex with difficulty perceive the facts and logical arguments, so their behavior from the side often seems to be completely absurd. But in reality, women pay attention to a greater number of details than men, their actions always correspond to the changing space.

Secret 2. Frequent mood changes

Only girls can first laugh at the whole voice, and thirty minutes later snewed. Female mood is often changing due to hormonal changes in the body - the strongest of all this is manifested during the PMS, as well as pregnancy and postpartum period.

Secret 3. Increased sensitivity and susceptibility

In women, more excitable central nervous system, respectively, they are much brighter and more external and inner stimuli perceive more. They are easier to derive them from the state of internal equilibrium.

Men should be more inactive with statements about the appearance and behavior of the beloved: even a harmless remark can cause a nervous breakdown from the lady. Critics should be made in a very delicate form, carefully selecting words and expressions. Otherwise, trouble do not avoid.

Secret 4. The ability to "wind" yourself in any situation

Here women simply have no equal! The too restless, sensitive psyche and a rich imagination make them constantly think about what was not said and done, turning the happening of what happened on a completely different way.

For example, a man just made his wife a comment that she was slightly recovered, but the picture immediately arose in her head, as he looks at the slim girls and is necessarily going to change it. The scandal of the negligent spouse is secured!

Secret 5. Empathy

Unlike strong sex, the girls usually be guessed, in which psycho-emotional state is their interlocutor. They are able to capture such thin signals as changes in voice, intonation, view, touch, etc. And on their basis there are conclusions.

Secret 6. Developed intuition

Another traditionally female prerogative, which many men try to challenge. But practice shows that the female heart is always "depleting", how to do it properly, even if it seems completely illogical, stupid.

I will give a story from life. Grandmother and grandfather offered my sister to pick up his beloved grandson on the summer holidays. She was glad on the one hand: the child will receive a variety, new impressions, and she can relax a little. But in the soul I did not let go of an incomprehensible anxiety - I did not want to give the baby. However, there was no obvious arguments for refusal, so the sister agreed.

According to the end, the grandson from grandmother has become a windmill, most of the holidays left for treatment and subsequent recovery. But the sixth sense warned disagree, but she did not listen to him, for which he paid.

Secret 7. Softness and flexibility

Thanks to these qualities, women manage to build harmonious relationships, they also help to make compromises, give way to a partner. The male ego does not allow a man to admit that he was wrong, it is more difficult for him to make it more difficult to psychologically than a woman.

Secret 8. The need for love

The main task of a woman is to give love, inspire her man, stimulating it to new and new feats and achievements. Therefore, all women are in dire need of love, close confidence relations with a man, even if you are afraid to recognize yourself in this. And dream of finding the most "strong shoulder", for which you can reliably rely on.

Women are amazing creatures, I hope that the article helped you and the psychology of women in relations and in general it became a little more understandable. Finally, I propose to view the video on the topic:

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