How to change life for the better: Tips and recommendations


Many people do not suit them the present, but they do not apply a smooth account of any effort to change the situation. Perhaps because they do not know where to start. If you are also interested in the question: "How to change life for the better?", But you are in confusion, I propose to read the following material, where you will find tips on improving your reality.

how to change life for the better

How to change your life for the better: 10 recommendations

They will help you understand, in what direction to move.

Recommendation 1. Find yourself

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Each of us comes to this world with its congenital abilities, predispositions, talents. Everyone has its purpose: someone has these training of other people, someone has creativity, writing, cooking, music, medicine ... Vesma options.

The problem is that many people do not know their destination, do not understand why they live, what they should do. Because of what they feel deeply unhappy, unrealized, unloved work pulls out all the forces and does not bring any satisfaction ...

Therefore, if you specify a question: "How to change life for the better, where to start?" Start finding yourself. Performing your destination, you will feel joy, pleasure, happiness, then every day of life will begin to live not wormlessly and empty, but with benefit for yourself and for the world.

Recommendation 2. Learn to love and accept yourself

All people have both their advantages and disadvantages, weaknesses requiring special attention. Unfortunately, no one is perfect. But the difference is that some people, knowing about their disadvantages, take them and love themselves, while others are constantly tormented by the inner criticism, self-vaccination, compare themselves with others not in their favor.

As a result, there is a feeling of deep dissatisfaction with life, self-esteem falls, motivation to further actions and changes are lost.

Understand correctly - it's not about to indulge your own weaknesses, no, with them, of course, it is necessary to work. But there are things that remain unchanged all life - for example, your temperament, psychotype. And they are important to learn how to take, loving and respecting their individuality. Without love and adoption, it is impossible to move forward and positive changes in life.

Recommendation 3. Change bad habits

We all see us something that negatively affects health, well-being, inhibits growth, and, as a result, prevents success. Life consists of trifles - it is said in a popular saying and it is really true. And it consists of our habits.

And every bad habit has consequences. Eat a lot of sweet daily - worsen the metabolism, risk earning diabetes and get extra kilograms. They got up an hour later - did not have time to do something important, moved it to tomorrow. Okay, if it is a single case, but when is it systematically? The result is obvious.

And if you tell yourself: "I want to change my life!", But at the same time do not change old habits - you continue to "swim downstream." Yes, it is not easy to change the habits that have rooted over the years and decades. Here it will be necessary to use all the power of the will, to show the self-discipline.

In order for this process to be less painful - start with phased, not sharp changes. For example, do not exclude the sweet of the diet completely, and every day reduce the portions. Stop and go to half an hour before, every day increasing time. Such changes will be more efficient and qualitative, because they will not provoke a "rollback".

bad habits

Recommendation 4. Place Clear Targets

When you figured out in ourselves, they understood, in which direction should move, the next step will be the preparation of a plan to achieve the desired result. Divide the targets to the "burning", which must be done right now, the medium and long-term, to be able to correctly distribute time and strength.

If you have a global goal in front of you, it is best to "split" on the scenes and perform them in turn. Psychologists compare such tactics with a cake: eat the whole is immediately difficult, and nothing but harm to health will bring. But if you use it on a piece - you will get pleasure from the process and the cake will be destroyed.

Recommendation 5. Live in present

Change your life further. For many people, it is characteristic to concentrate on the past - scroll into the heads perfect errors, to suffer from remorse of conscience, regret what they did, and not otherwise.

But as a result of such a strategy of behavior, you slow down, prevent the movement forward. After all, the focus of attention on the past, you will automatically cease to see the capabilities of the present and future prospects.

Is there any sense in this, is it from regrets and repentance will change something there in the past? Much better and more correct - let go of the situation. Here, most likely, the assistance of a psychologist will be required. You can try it yourself, but the results of the specialist, of course, will be better.

It may happen and directly the opposite picture - excessive concern about the events of the future. When all thoughts in the head are only about the future: you are thinking about your plans for the hundredth time, you can not wait, when will end today and start tomorrow.

Both extremes are not healthy and will not be able to give the state of true happiness. The only thing you really have at the moment is the present. And it is at the present moment that you must be, noticing everything that happens to you, enjoying every moment: a delicious dessert, a walk through the park, time spent with native people.

Appreciate your real, thank life (God, fate - as you like) for everything you have. Do not fall into the past and do not run into the future, while losing the happy moments and the capabilities of the present!

Recommendation 6. Leave the Comfort Zone

To live in the usual rhythm and atmosphere is easy and safe. Here each stage is well known, it does not cause anxiety. The only "but" is constantly in a state of stagnation, a person begins to degrade. And this is not combined with changes in life for the better.

Therefore, the next advice is for the question: "How to radically change your life?" - Start coming out of the comfort zone. At first, the expansion of the usual boundaries will scare you, cause internal stress, fear, uncertainty. But over time, you will realize that life has become much more rich, interesting, better and more complete.

In addition, independent exit from the field of comfort becomes a wonderful motivation for the adoption of new solutions, helps to find new goals and start reaching them. How to leave the stagnation zone? Think and write down those "uncomfortable" things that you really want to do, but scary. Start exercising them in practice.

Leave the area of ​​comfort is necessary throughout life, never stop this process. Over time and constant practice, it will be made easier and easier.

Comfort Zone Exit

Recommendation 7. Stop spend time

Time is the most expensive resource, because it is impossible to return it back. But as often, people "merge a precious time in the toilet": When they make aimless occupation like viewing soap operas, hangs on social networks or computer games.

I change my life for the better - it means I refuse a blank pastime, I begin to spend time exclusively on important things (self-development, education, improving skill, etc.).

Recommendation 8. Reliable fears

Fears of all people are obsessive thoughts living in consciousness and make us stand still. Often, precisely because of your own fears, we do not solve the changes.

It is very important to learn to get rid of their fears. How to do it? Analyze what is hiding behind your fear, because it is often a real fear skillfully masked for a completely innocent phobia or experience. For example, a person is afraid of parting with a partner, even if he behaves in an inappropriate way.

But if you smoke a little deeper, it turns out that true fear is afraid to stay alone, that is, no one needs.

Analyze and work fears better with a psychologist, although some of some you can get rid of themselves and on your own.

Recommendation 9. Believe in yourself

A simple phrase "I will succeed," "I will achieve my goals," but repeating it regularly, you will see an impressive result. The effectiveness of self-purification was scientifically proven and tested by thousands of people around the world.

Also, do not forget to praise yourself for the work done, even for insignificant at first sight. So you motivate yourself to further accomplishments. And, as we remember, the whole life consists of little things - accordingly, if you have done at least a "trifle" today - it means a little approached positive changes.

Recommendation 10. Do not stop self-development

Read smart books on psychology, self-improvement, classics, see developing videos and films instead of entertainment TV shows, attend the thematic seminars you are interested in, lectures.

When you learn new information - expand your horizons, become more confident in yourself. Thanks to the knowledge, internal flexibility is gained, it becomes easier to find a solution and adapt to changes. And life begins to play with completely new paints!

I hope now it has become a little clearer, how to completely change your life. Finally, I recommend watching the video on the topic:

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