Self-development and self-improvement of personality - psychology


Self-development and self-improvement are gaining popularity in our country. A person who knows how to adequately appreciate his abilities, acquires self-confidence and tomorrow. A person who is working on himself is always open to the acquisition of new knowledge and impressions.

He looks optimistic about the future, because he knows how to form it. How to achieve this condition, what to do and where to start? Consider these questions in the article.

I started my way to perfection with yoga classes, and my girlfriend was seriously plunged into meditative practices. A year passed, and I see how she changed: it became calmer, more confident in herself, slimmer and much more pleasant in communication. Perhaps and in me, there were also positive changes, someone from the outside would notice this and tell me.


Psychology self-development

Why do you need self-development, and why modern people are increasingly thinking about him? Self-development is necessary for self-actualization, to implement its vocation. That is, in order to realize your creative potential, it must first be revealed. This is also engaged in self-development and self-improvement as an incentive to self-realization.

Why disclose what is given from nature? Not all people can realize what was given to them from birth. And this is facilitated by many factors:

  • improper education;
  • the presence of psychological complexes;
  • disbelief in yourself and their strength;
  • Negative influence of others, relatives.

Unrealized capabilities with a heavy burden lie on the shoulders and do not give rest. Sometimes a person cannot self-realize due to the psychological pressure of relatives or the nearest environment. In this case, he needs to simply change the place of residence and the circle of communication to achieve something in life.

Some people "pull strap" on the unloved work, because she brings money to accommodation. Years are coming, but there is no self-realization. As a result, a person can fall as depression and not to get out of it.

Self-realization is the path to a whole person. This is the desire of a person to be who he wants. This is a life in harmony with yourself, the implementation of natural potential. It is an opportunity to go its own way, and not to swim by the flow of life.

The stimulus for self-development is the desire for:

  • self-determination;
  • self-affirmation;
  • knowledge;
  • security;
  • self-expression.

Human personality needs freedom of manifestation of their individuality, self-expression. This can be done through art, literary creativity, volunteer movement, etc. Man needs to evolve, improve itself and create. Without satisfying these basic needs of the soul, he begins to degrade.

Self-development helps:

  • maintain their evolutionary growth and development at the proper level;
  • become competitive in society, socially significant and popular;
  • support self-esteem at a high level;
  • self-realize in life.

However, self-development with cultural and aesthetic forms should not be confused. These are different things. It can be correlated with spirituality, but it can manifest itself in any form. Self-development gives us the opportunity to keep up with the times, take any changes in the surrounding reality and innovation.

Refusal of self-development is just existence.

Self-development and self-improvement

Components of self-development

Modern psychology shares self-development into several components:
  • physical;
  • physiological;
  • mental;
  • social;
  • spiritual;
  • intellectual;
  • Professional.

Physical development involves the training of musculature, endurance and strength. Physiological development is a healthy lifestyle, strengthening the immune status of the body, improving well-being.

Mental development is a training of its abilities, work with memory and thinking. Spiritual development is a search for the meaning of life and everything connected with this concept. Intellectual development is the receipt of new knowledge and skills.

Social development is a transition to a higher level of social layer, promotion of career ladder, conquering new social vertices, increasing your authority.

Professional development is a receipt of additional education, mastering new professional skills.

At the subconscious level, a person chooses exactly the direction of self-development personality, which causes a response in his inner world.

Stages of self-development

The generalized technique of personal growth and self-development does not exist, as each person develops individually. Psychology can only indicate the general direction in which a person can move:

  1. awareness of the need for internal changes;
  2. identify your shortcomings that need to be changed;
  3. put the target to which you need to move;
  4. determine the way to achieve the desired result;
  5. Promotion over the selected path.

Consider these steps in detail.

Awareness of the need for change

The awareness of the need for internal change is necessary in order to start moving in this direction. If a person does not understand that he needs self-development, he will not seek him. At this stage, the critical attitude towards oneself is important:

  • feeling of tramplement in place, lack of development up to degradation;
  • inexplicable inner sense of anxiety;
  • constant postponing of important cases for later;
  • The emergence of bad habits.

Man begins to feel that he does not do his own business. This leads to routine and boredom, sense of meaninglessness and emptiness. Life passes by, the man is just stuck in one place. Either the state of emptiness can be accompanied by a lack of any goal and desire to strive forward to new horizons.

The taste of life disappears. This is a serious signal that you need to change something urgently.

Next may appear an inexplicable feeling of anxiety inside, without any reason. Anxiety can be constant and go into depression. If depression lasts more than two days, you need to urgently contact a specialist for help. To do not come to a psychiatrist, you need to turn to a psychologist on time.

The appearance of bad habits is an attempt to fill in the inner emptiness at least something or just forget. It may be addicted to tobacco or alcohol, "hanging" in social networks or games. This is the last signal that you need to urgently change something in life.

Self-development personality

Search for shortcomings

To move along the path of self-development and self-improvement, it is necessary to understand what shortcomings should be eliminated or turning into dignity. Disadvantages become an interference on the path of personal development, causes of losses and failures.

They do not allow fully disclosed internal potential and become the cause of life dissatisfaction with themselves. The most important thing at this stage is to determine the direction in which you need to move.

If internal support becomes necessary, you can seek help from religion, psychology or esoteric. The study of these areas will help gain internal confidence and strength to overcome the most complex interference.

Setting the goal

This definition should be the future, where and what is the ultimately a person must come. This stage for many becomes just a stumbling block, because few people know what he specifically wants. It is easier for people to realize what they do not want than to put a clear goal and determine the direction of movement.

The absence of a goal ends with complaints about life, finding guilty in their failures, sacrifices syndrome. With such a psychological setting, there can be no speech about self-improvement and development.

It is necessary to clearly know what you want from life. To determine this, you need to write everything on one sheet everything that does not suit. On another sheet, it is necessary to clearly outline the picture of the future, which should be striving for.

Determine the way to achieve the result

This may be an independent study of literature on self-development or recording for trainings, or the acquisition of audio programs with the recording of trainings. In order for development to go quickly and efficiently, you need to reconsider your circle of communication.

Some people may not just shoot down from the selected path, but also pull down. Therefore, you will have to make a very serious approach to this issue and make a choice between friendship with man and self-development. It is not necessary to sharply interrupt communication: you can just gradually wean a person from contacts with you.

Who to choose in friends? These should be people who succeeded on the path of self-development and reached certain results. Here you need to reach, communicate with them. New friends can be found on thematic forums or social networks.

Psychology self-development

Promotion on the way

The result will not be achieved if you simply restrict ourselves to reading the literature. It is necessary to act and apply in practice what you learned from thematic courses and literature. That the result manifests itself, it will be necessary to work hard.

If you have chosen physiological development, you need to adhere to a healthy lifestyle (s), it is very much to refuse and live on a new routine of the day. Therefore, be prepared for action, otherwise the dream will change and will remain a dream. Remember that self-improvement is a continuous process, seven days a week and vacation.

What can prevent self-development

As soon as a person decides to change something to change or change his life, all sorts of interference and obstacles immediately appear. Who could not be wasted to start a new life from Monday? Many have never started it.

Main interference:

  • hanging in social networks, empty pastime on the Internet;
  • the inability to overcome the laziness, which turns out to be much stronger than solid will;
  • chronic stress situations that take strength and time;
  • negative experience in the past, memory of failures and mistakes;
  • The desire of total control over your life.

Remember that you set the goal to become better, so turning out of the way because of the interference is unreasonable. Tune into a positive way and realize that now your whole life will be subordinate to the goal - self-development and self-improvement.

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