Psychology of men: learn to understand your husband


Women and men are very different in nature, often they are not easy to understand each other and find a compromise. The fact is that we have been expressing feelings in different ways, we have different needs, in different ways. Psychology of men, her understanding will facilitate the process of finding a connector between the floors.

Psychology of men

Men's psychology for women

According to psychologists, most of its conflicts in relations happen precisely due to lack of understanding by women of male psychology, inability to communicate with them correctly.

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There is a whole abyss of the differences between representatives of the two floors: physiological, intellectual, psychological, emotional. And it seems that this is not secret information, but in practice in the heat of conflicts most often it is forgotten.

Below are the recommendations of psychologists, how best to understand the man:

  • They are more than in stubbornness and perseverance women. Women easier to compromise, give way than men, remember this in controversial situations;
  • Women often say, without thinking, and men are more prone to rampant actions (not everything, of course, but many);
  • A woman believes that if her man looked at an attractive girl on the street - it is immediately tantamount to treason. In fact, the situation is often different. Men have a good erotic vision, they notice beautiful faces and figures around themselves, but it does not mean that they will be guaranteed to change you;
  • Also should not be offended by MCH, if he forgot the date of your dating or marriage. Men's psyche such things perceives as "little things", because his attention is concentrated on more significant things: career, financial well-being of the family. Through them, he shows love for a woman. Therefore, it is better to remind you in advance about the approaching date, and not to inflate the lips and be angry.

Psychology of men

How to communicate with a man - Tips for psychologists

Their knowledge and compliance will greatly facilitate the favor of the connectment between the floors.

Tip 1. "No" - hint, "Yes" - requests

One of the most important rules - if you want to get something from your MCH (no matter - a bouquet of flowers, a new dress or a romantic trip), do not try to hint it, because it is completely meaningless. Men do not understand the hints due to the characteristics of thinking and this is a fact confirmed by psychologists.

Therefore, just voiced directly your request without evoking and inexpensively. Just do it calmly, in no case do not rush hysterics and scandals, do not require, but ask. Men hate when they are trying to make something strength to do something, but readily perform adequate requests for women.

Advice! Forget about the word "must", it automatically turns off the desire to do something for such a lady in the male brain.

Tip 2. Do not attempt to change the man

Many girls and women in naily cherish the idea of ​​"to re-educate" their MCH, changing his character, behavior, religious views, etc. The reality is such that men do not change!

And it is important to remember about this, entering into a serious relationship. In order to not be surprised, why he was, and remained a fallen materialist, although you desperately tried to drag him into the church, "bring to the spiritual" every weekend. Or, why not find a job, preferring to make money in the family brought a girl.

Try or not try, the result will not give it. Options are only two: either to accept a man with all his cockles and oddities, or to look for another candidate. There is no third.

Advice! Before marriage, just ask yourself a simple question: "If this man does not change, will remain like this now, can I take and love him?"

Tip 3. For a man, it is important to recognize

In girls, at meetings, it is customary to suck each other with flattering compliments: about appearance, new purchases. In the world of men there was a different situation. Since childcare, most of its own representatives of strong sex are used to comparison with peers, and most often not in their favor (there is, of course, exclusion from the rules, but it is not about them now).

It turns out that the average MCH practically does not receive the words of recognition, praise in life. Nevertheless, it is very important for him, capable of stimulating to new, even higher achievements.

But be able to praise the chosen one you need right - make focus on concrete things, on the fact that the man did for you (earned money, took the trip to the trip, repaired the toilet, etc.).

If you begin to praise for the qualities of the person, he is likely to be caught up and stop doing something (and why, if I and so good?). And always say sincere, from the soul, without trying to praise your husband artificially in order to obtain some "buns" for yourself. Incureness is always felt.

Psychology of men

Council 4. Do not control it

Men can not tolerate when women are trying to control them everywhere and everywhere, fall asleep with questions: "Where and with whom he was?", "What did the finance spent?" and the like.

It is important for him to feel like a leader in a relationship, the normal MCH with adequate self-esteem will not allow to be "under the heel" of the spouse. Sooner or later, this situation will be bored and he will leave. Well, or will come up with sophisticated ways to avoid your control.

Tip 5. Do not criticize

The representatives of the fine sex it is important to be more inactive with words, because with their help they can, as a motivation of faithful to the achievements of transcendental heights, and lower his self-esteem below the plinth. A woman through words, an emotional reaction, recognition makes a man happy or unhappy.

Of course, sometimes there are situations when criticism is needed. But it should be very delicate - it is important to express its claim in a correct form, without insults and humiliation. It is categorically unacceptable to "cut" regularly the same one and the same, otherwise you can get the opposite expected result.

Tip 6. Let's give him a personal space.

When a woman is bad, she seeks to speak out, share emotions and experiences, get support from. When a man becomes bad, it is important for him to be alone with him, think about his feelings, make a decision independently. It is impossible to deprive MCh such an opportunity.

Tip 7. Respect his personality

His desires and needs. He has the right not to walk with you in Opera or to the exhibition of painting, if he hates these arts. As well as you have the right to give up a joint fishing trip or watching political video. The main thing is to be able to voice your desires and accept the desires and needs of the partner.

Tip 8. Do not forget about yourself

A common problem of girls and women is gained stable relationship, stop watching their appearance and develop. Rutin, domestic responsibilities are tightened, pumped as a snowball and now earlier interesting beauty turns into a non-heavy housewife.

It is not surprising that a man can quickly lose interest in such a wife.

Therefore, you should never put yourself: your interests, appearance in the background. Take care not only about a delicious dinner for a husband, but also to look good in his society and to talk about something with him.

Remembering these rules can not allow the development of many conflicts to make relationships with her husband strong and happy.

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