Love at a distance: Is it possible to save


Love at a distance - myth or reality? How much hot disputes are regularly maintained on this topic! Some consider such love is definitely impossible, strange, and others lead as examples of the history of happy couples, whose relationships began at a distance. Let's try to figure out and find out - to be or not to be love at the distance?

Love at a distance

Love is possible?

Love - is complex and difficult to explain to feeling. No matter how much experts would try to analyze its scientific methods, the conclusion is one - it does not obey the laws of logic, but acts as a thinner.

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Sometimes the side is difficult to believe that completely different in nature, age, interests, worldview, even nationality, people can be together. But the fact remains a fact and this is confirmed by many stories. Love is illogical, what else to say.

Is there love at a distance? For some, there is no, and for someone yes, it all depends on the specific situation, from people, their behavior, honesty with each other, loyalty and many other factors.

In the era of technical progress, the overwhelming majority of dating are carried out through the Internet, often people are territorially at a great distance. And some couples have to maintain a virtual relationship due to circumstances.

In some cases, everything ends well, love wins, people finally reunite and conclude marriage. In other constant distrust, jealousy kill feelings and the union breaks down.

It seems to me the most important question that should ask yourself in loved, it does not "do love at a distance?", And "how to keep feelings in a distance at a distance?" We will find the answer to it, but first let's deal with the main types of remote love and its main problems.

Types of relations in the format "Online"

When it comes to the feelings at a distance, 2 options for the development of events should be distinguished:

  1. Beloveds got acquainted via the Internet or the meeting occurred in life (for example, on vacation, travel), but they live far from each other. The development of their relationships from the very beginning occurs at the distance.
  2. Initially, relations developed in reality, he and she could even live together, but then by virtue of life circumstances, partners had to be disconnected. Most often, separation is associated with the need for a man to leave for earnings in another city or country.

Why is it important to make a difference between the designated situations? In their root, there are absolutely different problems. So, in the first version, the main dilemma is associated with the further development of relations, their exit from the world cobweb in real life, as well as with difficulties that often wait in love with reunion.

For the second case, the main complexity is to preserve love, adaptation to the changed conditions, maintaining feelings through kilometers from each other.

Love at a distance

The main difficulties of love at a distance

And again we should consider two stories separately. Problems of relations faced online:
  • The process of their development . The man and the woman were originally accustomed to thinking primarily for themselves, to solve their problems on their own. With the need to live together, it may be difficult for them to adapt to the elect / chief, take into account his interests. In this soil often arise quarrels, misunderstanding.
  • Difficulties in communication . Although modern technologies allow us to successfully maintain communication online, virtual communication will never replace living things. The intonation, facial expressions play a huge role - non-verbal signals without which the true meaning of the said is often lost. Plus, with all the desire, lovers will not be able to communicate 24 hours a day.
  • Ability to make mistake . On the Internet it is easy to create an image of an ideal yourself, even if he is in fact distale from reality. Increment is another trouble of love at a distance. In fact, you can not make sure the truthfulness of the information that the interlocutor leads without live contact. Therefore, distrust often arises, the tension that invariably leads to quarrels.
  • Protecting candidatebakery period . Distance communications are often on an idealized stage of inlentity longer than the last time. On the one hand, this is good: there is always a pleasant excitement, emotions, no boredom and monotony. But on the other there is also their own minuses: when the long-awaited acquaintance will occur in reality, it may be that you are not at all ready to have something more than a pleasant correspondence in Vaiber.

With what difficulties there are couples that have experienced relationships in life, but forced to worry a long-term separation:

  • The problem of expectations. The nature of the relationship is changing, respectively, changes to your expectations from them. If you were constantly together before, you had the possibility of tactile contact, intimate proximity, now temporarily have to forget about them.
  • The aggravation of distrust of the partner. Whatever ideal your relationship, when there is a strong stress like a long separation, trusting at a distance it becomes difficult. There is a big risk to start jealous and torturing your suspicion soul mate.
  • Loneliness . Now you have no one to celebrate your birthday and New Year, you have no one to visit married couples, even tritely stroll through the park or go to the beach. License with a loved one brightly demonstrates all the gaps that they used to be occupied. Getting better with loneliness is usually not easy.

Relationships at a distance: how to keep love

But if there is a desire and real feelings - do not hurry to think about parting. In this world, everything is possible, let's find out how to keep love at a distance. Tips are given general, they will fit both for people who have never seen each other, and for those who are forced to survive the separation.

Tip 1. Communicate often

Create such a life so that your favorite person is constantly "present" beside, albeit virtually. Fortunately, there are many messengers today, and more mobile communications, email and other ways to communicate.

You are interested in the events that happen to your partner, his emotional state, tell about yourself, share cute photos and videos.

Love at a distance

Tip 2. Start as early as possible

Recommendation for couples that have not yet converged on the first date in reality. Try to plan it shortly after your acquaintance, so as not to spend a bunch of time for communication, which will be meaningless and will not lead to anything.

Tip 3. Learn to trust

Trust is one of the main pillars holding love at a distance. Without it, fragile design risks collapsed into two accounts, and it is often impossible to build it back.

If you decide to maintain remote relationships, it is important to learn to trust each other. Stop torturing chosen by constant suspicion in infidelity. At a minimum, they are meaningless because you can still not find out the truth about the change.

Learn to listen to your heart, trust inner vote. For their part, also do not give reasons for doubt, keep loyal to your beloved person.

Council 4. Be sincere

Do not try to artificially create the image of the person who you are not. Cheating sooner or later will reveal, and no one will return the lost time. This is for those who are not familiar yet.

In the second case, talk to a partner that you are disturbed, about internal experiences, fears or dreams, desires. The distance, most likely, will open up new faces of each other, which you both have to find out.

Tip 5. Do not refuse sexual interest.

This, of course, is not about cheating. And that it is important to support intimate interest even being a hundred kilometers from each other. Here everything is purely individually - every couple will accurately find an acceptable option for yourself, whether "hot" photos and videos, sex by phone or erotic stories.

Tip 6. Do not dream, but do

Love is manifested not only in beautiful words and promises, but in real actions. Clear plans should be built about the future of the future, gradually starting to embody them in practice. And not just sitting passively expecting that once everything will be decided by the magic wand itself.

Of course, the main initiative at the same time is ideally coming from a man. But efforts should apply both participants in relations. If you see that the game happens "in the same gate," it is worth thinking - does it make sense in maintaining such a connection at a distance?

Tip 7. Use any opportunity to meet

Meeting in life is an exciting and very important event for lovers. And its cancellation invariably delivers a strong disappointment to the second person. Of course, sometimes there are unforeseen circumstances, spoiling plans (disease, urgent trip, etc.).

If the dating began to abolish or transferred constantly without serious reasons - this is a reason for the disorder, forcing it to think about the significance of the relationship.

And a little more about love in the distance will tell the following video:

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