Woman in 40 years old: psychology, middle-aged crisis


When we are young, it seems that the problem of age will never stand on the agenda. In 20, 25 and 30 years, few of the women are worried about this account, but the situation begins to change with the approach of the numbers in the passport to the "40" mark.

Then, except for external, physical changes arise internal, psychological, not all representatives of beautiful sex can simply accept the aging process. Woman at 40 years old: the psychology of its behavior, characteristic crises and ways to deal with them - consider in the material below.

middle-aged crisis for women 40 years

Psychology of a 40-year-old woman

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On the fourth ten, many ladies begin to worry about the wilts of their beauty, attractiveness, often gives concern the subject of personal life and self-realization in the profession. This period in psychology is known as middle age crisis . The estimated line when it comes to summarize the living stage.

Important! The number "40" is taken for an exemplary landmark, in fact, the middle-aged crisis can happen in the interval from 40 to 65 years. Its duration varies from several months to several years - it all depends on the specific situation.

And although the psychology of a man in 40 years is a more popular topic, the female crisis is no less serious and dangerous if it does not give him due attention on time. After all, when, when analyzing the past youth and youth, a woman comes to the conclusion that not everything in life was as she wanted, often she develops depression.

What other signs take place - find out further.

Middle-aged crisis in women: symptoms

Of the characteristic manifestations of the crisis, the following are distinguished:

  • aggression, irritability;
  • increased anxiety;
  • sharp changes in mood;
  • apathy, lack of vitality;
  • Enlarged conflict;
  • Inner "emptiness", a sense of loneliness;
  • Often there is a strong desire to live "on the full coil", "to tear up" in front of old age;
  • The future is often seen in the negative light, it seems that there are no good prospects;
  • The woman faces the conflict of his desires and plans with harsh reality;
  • It may feel dissatisfaction from the changed appearance, profession, family status.

Psychologists talk about four major categories of signs of the women's middle-aged crisis:

  1. Emotional (negative attitude, depression).
  2. Behavioral (conflicts, bad habits, dependencies).
  3. Cognitive (the desire to find yourself, his destination, the meaning of life, the views are changing, thoughts may arise to terminate the marriage).
  4. Hormonal and physiological (climax begins, libido falls, somatic pathologies arise).

These symptoms in groups are the same for both sexes, but differ in gender features.

A man after 40: Psychology, crises - a more commonly found request, possibly due to the fact that the female sex feels more responsible for the family against the background of a smaller number of opportunities for external self-realization.

middle-aged crisis for women 40 years

Model behavior in a state of crisis

For women from 40, experiencing psychological difficulties, it is characterized by the use of four models of behavior:
  1. Begin to compare the result with the expended forces. This model is especially manifested in the ladies who have begun to build a career from an early age.
  2. They defeat that they were not realized in the profession. The problem of housewives, consciously choosing the family before the career.
  3. Desperately try to deliver outgoing youth by pause. To do this, resort to the services of cosmetologists, plastic surgeons, begin to wear clothes for young girls. Ladies suffer the strongest, which early became independent, married.
  4. They begin to change their lives: they go to the institute or courses to master the new profession, they find new hobbies, are often bred and married again.

Causes causing a crisis of 40 years

There are many of them, consider the most basic:

  • Significant changes in appearance: wrinkles appear, the skin loses elasticity and saves, hair gray. All this gives moral discomfort, especially if the woman got used to pay a lot of attention to appearance.
  • It becomes less energy, now it is necessary to treat yourself more carefully than in youth. The body will not forgive the "heroism", it is necessary to rest more.
  • Menopause comes. Hormonal "swings" lead to sharp changes in mood, plus it should be added dry skin cover, an increase in body weight, uncomfortable sensations with intimate intimacy.
  • Children - we are talking about their absence, when a woman feels that the maternal instincts could not implement either about growing off and their care from the parental home. In the latter case, the "empty nest syndrome" is developing, a sense of unnecessaryness, use.
  • Parents - if they are still alive, now the time comes when they need care and caress from the side of the daughter. If they suffer from diseases, then follow them can become very problematic, take a bunch of strength and energy.
  • There is a crisis of unrealizations: Questions have questions "Are I doing all my life in my head?", "Were I able to benefit the world?", "Wasn't my job meaningless and useless?" Many fine sex representatives are forced to work on the unloved work for the sake of money or realizing other people's expectations, but at the same time they ignore their own desires and needs. Internal dissatisfaction is growing and reaches his peak by the middle of life.
  • Family relationships are rethought. Children grow up, the need to save the family sake disappears, plus a woman begins to appreciate himself. Therefore, she can suddenly find out in surprise that he lived for many years under the roof with a completely stranger man. As a result, often after 40 there are divorces, and the former spouses find new beloved.
  • The fear of old age and death appears. In principle, it is natural to humans, but with age begins to visit more and more.
  • The fear of staying one at old age years is especially relevant for women who did not create family and who did not give birth to children.

Monica white aged

How to cope with the crisis

It became clear that the crisis of 40 years is a serious problem that requires a compulsory decision. In 40-50 years, it is not too late to change your life, perhaps even turning it into a completely different direction.

Remember the most important rule - Do not try to "close your eyes" on your condition , do not tolerate and do not expect that everything will decide in itself.

Otherwise, you will suffer from inaction: In addition to negative mood, physical diseases (cardiovascular, endocrine, nerve disorders can develop, and in some cases everything is not limited to).

According to psychologists, the crisis has come - this is a sign objectively to evaluate its condition, to sort out my desires and needs, find a right decision that suitable for you. And so that the middle-aged crisis will be relevant to minimal consequences, be sure to consider the following recommendations:

  • Rest - the body is now vital, a full-fledged relax;
  • Take care of yourself: Eat delicious healthy food, buy beautiful clothes, as before make makeup (the main right, without frills), love yourself;
  • Expand Intelligent Horizons: Read new books, attend interesting trainings, seminars - good, the choice of them is now more than sufficient;
  • Arrange yourself an exciting pastime: go to theaters and cinema, in museums and at the exhibitions: all these classes will distract from evil thoughts, "switch" to a new wave;
  • Find yourself a hobby in my soul - this, from which the eyes will "burn", which will cause the sea of ​​positive emotions and the desire to devote all his free time. Favorite business is the best prevention from poor mood and depression associated with age. By the way, if the passion allows - why not start on it to earn, getting not just moral satisfaction, but also money?
  • leaving finally with hateful work and do what always dreamed of;
  • Sign up for interesting courses or circles for interest. So you will expand the horizons and who knows may be finding new acquaintances;
  • Do not be afraid to arrange a personal life, referring to age - there are a lot of examples of happy women who met the love of the whole life after 40;
  • If there is a desire and the opportunity - even give birth to a child, why not? Better late than ever, as the famous proverb says. Pay attention to Hollywood stars - many of them first knew the joy of maternity on the fourth dozen of life, for example, as an actress Monica Belucci.

In this list, not all of the possible ways to overcome the crisis of the Middle Years for the beautiful half of humanity were presented. You can add a lot of other classes to it, which will make a variety of familiar life, will post positive energy and motivate a happy future life.

In addition, take a look at the problem under a different angle: Yes, you have no such a young face and body, as in 20-30 years, but you have a valuable life experience that you did not have in youth. But age still allows you to commit serious transformation of life - there would be a desire.

Do not close your experiences - much more efficiently share them with loved ones or seek help to a psychologist. During the crisis of 40 years, stress accumulated during the life is gradually. But also in an amazing way new abilities, talents that can be implemented in practice, creating the lives of their dreams!

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