Acquaintance with the parents of the girl: Tips


Acquaintance with the parents of the girl is an important and very responsible stage in the life of every guy. He invariably causes a storm of internal unrest, reflections on how to behave properly to cause a potential testing of sympathy.

Well, let's consider useful recommendations that will help find a common language with the bride's parents when you meet.

Acquaintance with the parents of the girl

Acquaintance with the parents of the girl: training tips

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Starting to prepare for a meeting with mom and dad chosen follows in advance to communicate with them in life it has become easier to communicate.

  1. Find out in advance and be sure to remember the names and patrimonies of the people with whom you have to contact: parents, grandmothers and grandparents, aunt and uncle and other relatives.
  2. Ask a girl in detail to tell about your relatives: about the birth of their activities, hobbies, features of worldview and life views, favorite and unloved topics for conversations. How they spend their free time, adhere to an active or passive lifestyle - ask any questions to know what to say, if you have to stay with them alone.
  3. Morally tune in to the question of yourself. The first acquaintance is akin to the interview, it is quite natural that the relatives of the chosen will want to get a maximum of information about her new cavalier. Most likely, questions will be asked about your work, hobbies, plans of the nearest future, relatives, bad habits. It is worth considering answers to them so that in the process of the conversation is not confused.
  4. Find out what is best to bring with you. This is an important point, because absolutely not knowing other people can be very mistaken: for example, buy a large chocolate cake family of diabetics or orchid flower to those who suffer from allergies on plants. Therefore, ask the girl to help you with a choice of a successful present for her parents, taking into account their preferences and features.
  5. Think out your image in detail. It is important that you are dressed in accordance with the situation. So for dating at home, it is quite possible to fit in your favorite jeans or pants of a casual style, put the polo t-shirt or sweater. And if you were invited to meet a restaurant, it is worth staying on classic pants, shirt, jacket.

Sports or overwhelming clothing (jeans with holes, bright things, etc.) - not the best solution. Probably there is no need to write about personal hygiene and tidy, because it is so understandable to any adequate person.

How to behave at the meeting

A guy or a man with serious intentions experiences excitement before meeting with his beloved parents, because he wants to make a positive impression on them. To simplify the task, a number of useful tips are offered.

Recommendation 1. Remember about the rules of etiquette

Of course, familiarity with the parents of the bride is not a visit to the English Queen, but it is very important to take into account the basic things, namely:

  • To visit the guest on time - not forcing you to wait for yourself, but not half an hour before. In the first case, you will demonstrate your non-passuality and non-seriousness, and in the second - make people get nervous, completed preparations for the meeting in a hurry;
  • say hello: my father should shake his hand, and mom can be introduced, but it's better to clarify the day before the girl, as is customary to welcome each other in her family, maybe they have their own traditions;
  • Wait for invitations before sitting on the table;
  • During meals, a man is caught by the lady, feeding her dishes and pouring alcohol;
  • You do not talk to your mouth, it is ugly, first burn food, and then express.

Acquaintance with the parents of the girl

Recommendation 2. Correct Communication

Let's go according to the basic rules of polite communication:
  • Let us tell you the opportunity to finish the thought without interrupting it in the half-word. Leave all comments for later;
  • When you ask you something, try to answer expanded, not limited to one-room phrases;
  • In communication, be yourself - do not try to artificially seem worse or better than you really are. Any pretense is always felt and immediately causes distrust of a new acquaintance;
  • Come politely: in no case do not go to the cry, do not hurt those present, even if an unequivocal situation arose. Remember that the reputation is much easier than to restore it;
  • If the relatives of the bride ask you questions with trick - answer them briefly and restrained. Can't find the correct answer? Honestly admit it, and even better - delicately change the topic of conversation;
  • Under no circumstances doubt the authority of potential tests and trembling. Even if they are heard about their numerous shortcomings and "punzes". Do not allow yourself too much and not get involved in family intrigues;
  • Also, do not do the mother and father of the girl comments, do not put them in an awkward situation with uncomfortable questions. Be delicate, carefully come around "sharp corners" in communication;
  • If suddenly you notice a frankly aggressive and inadequate attitude towards yourself from the relatives of the bride, this is about to the risks to break out the conflict, the best thing that can be done is to retire from the battlefield. Of course, on the outside it sounds strange, but you will not put yourself in the wrong light on the first day, quarring with the newest relatives.

What topics are under the ban

There are several topics that are considered to communicate with unfamiliar people:

  • religious views;
  • political sympathies;
  • diseases;
  • finance;
  • Sex theme.

Conversations on the topics listed should be strictly avoided. Suddenly it turns out that you with parents of the future wife have diametrically opposite opinions about God or the current political leader of the country - then disagreements cannot be avoided. At a minimum, the first impression will be touched, and you will not have a second chance to produce it.

Intimate is a separate topic, talking about it with native girls is the top of indeaches and an indicator of evil education. You should not try to use my sense of humor for the full strength in conversation. All people differ at acceptable types of jokes, the fact that for some funny and funny, others will find arrogance or nonsense.

Do not discuss the problems of your relationship with your beloved, do not criticize her character, behavior, because such things should be found out personally with each other without the involvement of the "support service".

Other recommendations

It has already been said a lot of things, but let's make this list of such a list of tips.

  1. How to contact mom and dad bride . Politely call them by name and patronymic. But if they themselves insist on a simpler version - you can do without patience. Exceptionally from their permission and filing, it should not be asked about this.
  2. Non-verbal behavior . It is important to demonstrate yourself in familiar with the relatives of his beloved as a strong, confident man. Therefore, keep your back smooth, do not bother, when communicating, keep the contact "eyes to the eye". It is allowed to occasionally take a look, but not constantly look into the floor or ceiling.
  3. How to behave with a girl . Here will be required "Golden Mid": Do not show the deliberate coldness, fearing to show my emotions, but also do not shock those present by the visual long kisses, intimate embracing.
  4. Remove phone Away so that he does not interfere with you focus on what is happening. Not on time coming SMS, challenges will spoil communication, irritating the gathered people. If you make a call vital, ask for forgiveness and delete from the common room.
  5. How to behave during meals. Eat calmly, without a rush, try not to the chakup and do not run on alcoholic beverages. Be sure to try dishes made by the hostess at home, leave the plate full after the feast - a bad tone.

Acquaintance with the parents of the girl

End of the evening

And here is an exciting event - familiarity with the relatives of the girl approached completion. Finally, we will definitely thank the welcome reception, a delicious dinner, a pleasant company hostess at home and all guests. Do not greading on praise, but do not begin to flatter, remember that everything is good in moderation. Sincerity is always appreciated, not a latched show.

Leaving the house, you should say goodbye: men traditionally shook hands, women can be enjoyed or kissing in a cheek (here do not overdo it, find out in advance the girl, as is customary in their family).

Often the owners of the house accompany the gaze of the guests through the windows, do not forget about it and control your emotions until you dear enough.

Acquaintance of the parents of the groom with the bride's parents

It usually occurs after the announcement of the engagement of young. How to make me acquaintance moms and dads with each other as easy and comfortable? Useful advice will be used to help you.

  1. Do not appoint all dating for one day. This is too big load for everyone, so let the groom get to know the bride in advance, and she - she will be in the house of parents of the future husband.
  2. Then, according to tradition, a man comes to his father and mother of the girl, announces them about the desire to take their daughter in wives, asks the parent blessing.
  3. The next step is to think about the meeting place of two families. Most often such options are considered: the parents of the bride and the bride is called everyone to visit; Acquaintance occurs at neutral territory: in a cafe or restaurant; Young invite their relatives to gather from them - provided that they live separately from their parents.
  4. To communicate two clans to be enjoyable, all participants should behave naturally, refuse "sharp" topics to be polite and demonstrate a good attitude towards the second family.
  5. It happens that native guys and girls have a different level of material position. In this case, it is important to try to smooth the difference as much as possible: do not call guests into a fashionable restaurant, not to put off the dear outfits, decorations, in general, do not focus on your superiority in money.

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