Reincarnation of the soul after death: evidence


The reincarnation of the soul (in another "reincarnation", "resettlement of the soul") - represents a combination of religious and philosophical ideas that the eternal essence of living organisms (soul) is reborn many times in new bodies.

In the modern world, people's interest in the theme of reincarnation increased markedly. Researchers Yang Stevenson, Raymond Mudi, Michael Newton and others made a great contribution to its development. Thanks to them, the phenomenon of reincarnation from the religious and philosophical teachings turns into a scientifically based fact.

Reincarnation of the soul

The resettlement of the soul after death is the goal where

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The main goal of reincarnation The evolution of the soul, its development and the transition to a higher level of vibrations.

The theory of re-incarnation is used by the adepts of many world religions - Hindus, Buddhists, Jainists, Sykchists, Daosists, Shintoists. It also inherent in a number of modern flows - Kabbalah, transcendentalism, theosophy, anthroposophy, the movement of New Age and modern religious flows of Slavs.

The rebirth of the souls believed both the famous philosophers of ancient Greece. The statements about reincarnation belong to Pythagora, Socrates, Platon, Empedocula, Plutarch, Dam, and neoplatonic and Pythagoreans.

Rebirth of the soul after death: Basic provisions

Reincarnation is based on 2 main components:

  1. Vera in the presence of an intangible entity (Souls, Spirit, Divine Sparks, etc.). This entity includes the identity of the individual, his consciousness. There is a close connection between the physical body and soul, but after the death of the body, the spiritual substance is separated from him and continues its existence.
  2. Faith in reincarnation of the soul in a new body. Rebirth can occur immediately after death or after a certain period. According to the theory of reincarnation, the souls can be embodied on Earth, both in the bodies of people and other living beings - depending on the level of development. Due to the resettlement of the souls there is a continuation of the existence of a person outside the material body.

Sansary wheel

Theory of Reincarnation in Hinduism

Reincarnation of the soul (on Sanskrit "Punarjanma") - represents the basic concept of Hinduism. However, the reincarnation recognize other Indian religions. For their followers, the endless cycle of deaths and births is a natural natural phenomenon.

The reincarnation doctrine describes in detail the "Vedas" - very ancient Scripture Scriptures of Hinduism. Also, the Upanishads mention it - the ancient Indian religious and philosophical treatises, who are addicted to the "Vedas".

Hinduism refers to the soul of Atman - the eternal, unchanged spiritual essence, and the physical body is considered to be broken, because it is capable of die.

Considering the phenomenon of reincarnation from the position of Hinduism, it should be noted its strong connection with karma. This term finds its explanation in Upanishads. So according to sacred texts:

"Karma - represents the influence of a person committed by man, this is one of the reasons."

Karma launches Sansar - that is, the eternal cycle of births and deaths. Hindu adherents are confident about the stay of human souls in this cycle. The soul craves to implement certain material desires (and this can be done only using the physical body). Therefore, it repeatedly comes to the world of matter.

At the same time, in Hinduism, material joys are not perceived as a sin or ban. Religion teaches that it is impossible to become truly happy and satisfied with life at the expense of the worldly pleasures.

The physical world, according to the Hindu sages, resembles an illusory dream. And being in the Sansary cycle is a consequence of ignorance, inability to understand the true nature of what is happening.

If the soul is developing, and not degrades, then over time, it is disappointed from the material world and its superficial pleasures. Then she seeks to find higher forms of pleasure, but for this she needs a serious spiritual practice.

The latter helps to understand yourself - to realize the eternity of his soul and stop associated itself only with the physical shell. Now the material joys look like something completely insignificant, spiritual bliss comes to the fore.

With the disappearance of any material desires of the soul may forever leave the Sansary cycle, that is, stop reborn.

In Hinduism, the interruption of the chain of births and death is called mocks (salvation).

Soul Reincarnation: Evidence

In the 20th century, the theory of resettlement souls was deeply studied by such experts as Professor psychiatry Yang Stevenson, psychologist and Dr. Raymond Mode, doctor of philosophy and hypnotherapist Michael Newton, scientist Psychiatrist Brian Ways. All of them left behind the printed works, where they told about research conducted by them.

Of course, regression specialists in past lives have enough and grabs critics who are trying to discredit their work. But, for fairness, it is worth noting that not all scientific achievements were recognized immediately.

Many geniuses of science at first were perceived for crazy and only after their knowledge of their knowledge were assessed.

Studying the phenomenon of reincarnation, the aforementioned Raymond Moody and Jan Stevenson, sought to use the most scientific approach. For example, Modeudi used the technique of regressive hypnosis, with which the theory of reincarnation is usually studied.

Being a big skeptic, Raymond decided to subjected to regression at first himself. When the researcher raised the memories of several of its previous incarnations, he inspired and decided to go further. The result of its activities were the book "Life after life", "Life to life".

It is impossible to bypass the face and name of Michael Newton, because they also conducted a large number of regressions in past lives. On the basis of the stories who behaved to the doctor patients, the publication of the "Travel Soul", "Purpose of the Soul", "Life between Lives" was drawn up.

Psychiatrist Jan Stevenson, forty years of his practice dedicated to the search for evidence of children's stories about their previous embodiments. The professor compared the facts, analyzed, performed the search for information, went to different corners of the world, studied archives. And in most cases, they were convinced of the truthfulness of toddler stories.

In total, he analyzed about 3 thousand stories.

Raymond Morud.

Resettlement of souls after death: Real facts

Now let's get acquainted with the stories of people who managed to remember their distant past.

History 1. Strange Mountain on the hand of the child

Residents of the eastern states, where they believe in rebirth, ancient times had one interesting custom. When a member of the family died, he left a special label on his body. Born soon the child tried to find a mole in the same place. And if it managed, people were convinced that the soul of the deceased entered the body of the newborn.

In the 20th century, a psychiatrist from the United States Jim Tucher is seriously an overwhelming phenomenon of reincarnation and decided to explore it. Having read with a large number of cases, Tucker, according to the total, made up of them a whole book "Life to Life". She saw the world in 2005.

And in 2012, Jim Tucker, together with the psychologist, Jürgen Keyl, publish research on families where children appeared on the light with their goddes in places of labels on the bodies of the dead members of the family.

The study is mentioned by a boy from Myanmar, who had a mole on his left hand. Out of 11 months before his birth, the native grandfather of the baby died and left the label in his hand in exactly the same place.

At the age of two years, the child appeals to his grandmother with the words that the late grandfather often uttered during his lifetime. Nobody called a woman in the family anymore. The boy also began to turn to his mother as it did the deceased.

The mother of the child told the researcher that, being in a position, she was constantly thinking about the left father. Woman dreamed to be next to them. Now the presence of a strange mole and the amazing handles of the boy to their relatives convince the family in the embodiment of the soul of a grandfather in the baby.

Mountain on hand

History 2. "Resurrection" of the murdered son

Bryan Wesis is held by Chairman of the Psychiatry Department at the Medical Center (Miami). And although he received the classic psychiatrist education, he has a great medical practice, he also studies the phenomenon of reincarnation.

In the book of Ways we find a description of the story of a woman Dian. By profession, she is a senior nurse who worked in the center of ambulance. Daian was a regression session last life (regressive hypnosis), she recalled her previous embodiment. Then she lived in North America, just in the period of frequent skirmishes with the Indian population.

Daian "see" as one day she had to hide from the Indians who attacked her settlement. In the hands of a woman had a newborn baby.

The girl was afraid that the Indians will be discovered with the child, so she covered her mouth. She strangled the baby. He had a birthplace on his body in the form of a crescent, which was on his hand, near the shoulder.

After a couple of months after regression, the nurse acquaints with a new patient who entered the clinic. At first glance, it appears to him inexplicable sympathy, just like him.

A serious relationship is rapidly tied between them. And how shock was for Dian found a birthmark, reminiscent of crescents in the same place where she saw the Mountain with his deceased baby in a past life.

History 3. Soldier from Japan, which burned

This case refers to the practice of the psychiatrist Jan Stevenson. He tells about the girl from Burma, called Ma Wine Tar of the 1962 year. When the baby was only 3, she surprised her parents with stories about the life of the Military Japanese. He was attacked by Burmesers, was tied to the tree and burned.

Ma Wine Tar did not indicate more specific details in his stories. But, according to Stevenson, it was about the last life of the girl.

This conclusion came to the professor, after analyzing historical facts: During the war in 1945, the Japanese army retreated, and Burmese and the truth often captured the soldiers of their opponent in captives. The popular view of the execution of them was burning alive.

In favor of the theory of Stevenson, the unusual behavior of Ma Wine Tar was also spoken, absolutely not inherent in a traditional Burmese girl. For example, she sought to make a short haircut, asked to buy her clothes for boys. The girl did not tolerate sharp food (main in local cuisine), but he loved pork and sweet.

She also behaved aggressively - slapped her friends with whom he played on the street. According to Stevenson, the Japanese military had the habit of clapping the face of peasants from Burma. But a similar practice was never applied indigenous Burmese.

In addition, Ma Wine Tar refused to be a Buddhist, despite the fact that it was the religion of her family. In the end, she began to talk about herself "foreigners". But this is not all - at birth, the girl had serious damage to both hands (no refill between nameless and middle fingers).

Fingers had to amputate a couple of days after birth.

Other fingers had congenital traces, as if they were specifically injured. Similar damage was also present on both wrists, however, on the right, it subsequently disappeared. Such traces very much resembled burns from the rope, which the prisoner of the Japanese tied to the tree before execution.

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