Man's soul after death up to 40 days: Farewell to soul


Where is the soul of man after death up to 40 days, what happens to her? Scientific facts about the state of the soul of the deceased person do not exist, so you have to take on the faith of the words of theologians and clairvoyant. There is also evidence of the state of the soul after leaving the body during clinical death. To whom to believe, the person himself decides.

The Fathers of the Church teach that 40 days after death are defining in the posthumous existence of the soul. Native is very important to pay a maximum of attention to the departed to alleviate his fate. Each prayer matters. Consider in detail that it expects a soul in a small world for forty days after death.

man's soul after death up to 40 days

3 days after death

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Consider what transformation the shower passes for three days after death. Christians believe that the first 3 days after the death of the soul is next to her body, sees relatives and loved ones.

If a person was baptized, he also sees his guardian angel. Also, the soul will have to see the spirits of darkness, which during the lifetime raised him to sinful actions.

The spirits of darkness look extremely unattractive and do not hide their hatred for the human soul, in every way they tend to pass it into hell. Demons tell about what bad deeds a person committed during his life, and summarize - not worthy of excuse. The guardian angel protects his ward and tries not to give it to the confusion of evil spirits.

On the third day, the body refresher, relatives and loved ones ascertain prayers for the deceased. It all helps the soul to overcome a difficult trial in its passage through the subtle worlds. Prayers strongly help the soul, they literally redeem it from the paws of demons and the spirits of the malice.

Through three days after the death of the soul appears before the throne of God and makes the first worship. Then she goes to the paradise or hellish monastery. But the soul of the restful man is not delayed on the ground for three days, but immediately goes to the sky. In this she helps the angels and saints, which the shower was diligently prayed for life.

Can a man's soul influence the material objects of the earth's world? It is impossible, since she has no body. The soul retains the mind, memory and feelings. But loses the possibility of physical influence on the material world. And it can not talk either, so any communication takes only telepathically.

that the soul makes 40 days after death

9 days after death

Where is the soul to 40 days after death? According to Orthodox teaching, the soul until the 9th day lives in paradise. At this time, it rests from the torment of earthly life, pain and suffering.

Tries to forget everything. Also, the soul welcomes his relatives and loved ones who died before her. However, only those who took the baptism and led the righteous life are tested. Sinners are experiencing flour conscience for their unrighteous life.

If the sinners were hated by Orthodox shrines during his lifetime, then after death they would not be able to stay next to them. The sinner will choke hatred, he will not be able to bear the presence of God's grace. On the ninth day of the soul again appears before the creator, and then goes into hell, where and stays to forty days.

where the soul is up to 40 days after death

40 days after death

What does the soul make 40 days after death, starting from the 9th day? She is in hell and tolerate flour. What kind of flour tolerate the soul can be determined by its preferences in the earth's life. The torment will be that the soul will not be able to get pleasure and fill its desires.

For example, who is accustomed to dried, will suffer from the impossibility of dreamed, the drug addict - from breaking, the clodnik - from the impossibility of enjoying the body. Why is it going on in hell? Because there is no longer a body that can be cleaned. Desires remained, but there are no bodies. Therefore, the soul will experience suffering and flour.

Undoubtedly under the lifetime, passions thrown into the soul and will deliver unbearable suffering.

Therefore, it is very important to cope with your passions while life is not to suffer after death. Under life, much easier to defeat any lust of the power of prayer, and after the death of this opportunity will not be.

These torments are called hell. The man himself creates his hell during the lifetime of unrighteous behavior. The soul will be tormented by unreasonable passions, which man loosened unrestrained.

And what do the souls of the righteous in hell? Despite the pious life on earth, they are also in hellish monastery until the 40th day. They deliver unbearable suffering to observe how sinners are tormented.

According to Orthodox teaching, from 9 to 40 days each soul is taking plain - a kind of strength test. During this time, her fate will be decided: whether it will remain in hell or fall into the paradise monastery.

40th day

This is the most decisive day of the posthumous existence of the soul. She again appears before God, where her fate is solved. The soul is determined in paradise or hell to expect a terrible court who will hold Jesus Christ.

At the last court, the final fate of the soul will be solved, the decision will be made on the basis of a detailed analysis of the whole person's life. Even thoughts and intentions will be taken into account.

So you can sum up the result that the soul makes 40 days after death: its fate is solved. On the 40th day in the church, a memorial service is in the soul, prayers help in determining her fate.

Living people ask for the forgiveness of the merciful God, petition for the sinner. On the 40th day, relatives visit the dead grave, arrange a memorial lunch and distribute things. This is all done in order to pray for the soul once again, remembered the good word.

In Orthodoxy believe that prayers and services of relatives help their souls to get used in the world of persideration, many sins are redeemed. Bright memory, ordered prayers improve the posthumous state of the soul.

Man's soul after death up to 40 days: Farewell to soul 2863_4

Can the soul become the guardian of the living

This question interests many, as there is a belief that the souls of dead relatives can help alive. Partly this belief corresponds to the truth. For example, the soul can come to the help of a native, who fell into a critical situation. But it should be considered where the soul is in hell or paradise.

Those who got into hell, even help themselves, the more native.

Those who fell into paradise can patronize alive. But you don't always want to do it. The soul wants to relax from earthly affairs and impressions from which it is tired during the earth's existence. But if the relatives will persistently ask for help, then the soul will have it.

The teachings of other religions

Hindu teaching believes that immediately after death, the soul is sent to the gods. There it is identified, find out the whole truth. After that, she can go home. Therefore, in the Hindu tradition, it is customary to cremate the body on the first day after death. This is due to anxiety about the soul, which can be afraid of his dead body.

In Islam, it is taught that the soul immediately after leaving the body goes to Allah, and after completing the funeral rite, the grave becomes the grave. This corresponds to the Catholic purgatory from sins. Being in the grave, the soul talks with two angels. They determine where she is in hell or paradise.

Some creeds (Buddhists, Hinduses, Judea-Kabbalists) believe that the souls of the dead can be subjected to a new embodiment in the body - reincarnation.

The soul will reincarnize in new bodies until it gains enlightenment. For example, the deceased elderly man can return to the abandoned house as a newborn baby. But if a person led the wrong lifestyle, his soul can come to the body of the animal.

Which of the total listed is the truth, it is not known to anyone. Everyone chooses himself, what to believe him.

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