Dog soul after death: Where does it get and what happens to her


The death of his beloved pet is easy to survigo, because he becomes a full member of the family. Dog's soul after death - what happens to her? This question is worried about many pets of domestic animals. However, a clear answer has not found a clear answer.

Each religion gives its definition of the fate of the animal soul after death, sometimes they do not coincide. But no matter what the representatives of religions would say, every master of a fluffy pet is sure that it is sure to meet him after his death.

Many of the owners of the dead pets tell that the fluffy is served signals and signs of their presence nearby. About this I was told for a neighbor, buried my favorite dog a month ago. She argued that Rex was next to her: she hears his breath and cogot cogs on the floor.

And what are the religious denominations and scientists talk about this? I will tell you about it in the article.

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Dog soul after death

What scientists say

Modern science is engaged in the study of the material world, so there is no idea about the soul of living organisms. However, the word "soul" is the translation of the ancient Greek word "psyche".

It turns out that the mental activity of biological organisms implies the presence of their souls. Also, the psyche of animals interacts with a psyche of a person, which can be said with confidence - a shower interaction occurs.

What is the difference between the human soul from the shower of animals? The fact that a person is created "in the image and likeness of God," but there are no animals. Also honors is freedom of choice, which is given only to a person. The behavior of animals is limited by the framework of instincts, human consciousness is not limited to anything.

What speaks Orthodoxy

Many owners of their pets are pleased to think that the soul of animals also acquires the right to get to the paradise, like a person. However, the Orthodox view of this question denies the dogs to an identical person of the soul.

In the Holy Scripture, it is mentioned that there will be a "new land and a new sky", as well as "the lamb will graze together with the Wolf." That is, the presence of animals in paradise is not denied.

On icons, some saints are depicted with animals. For example, a falcon sits on the hand of the holy trifon. Holy George is depicted on horseback. Yes, and the eagles fly around the throne.

This question is not considered in detail, because the object of salvation is the human soul. If the souls of people are saved, then the animals will also be saved. You need to save faith in the fact that "on the light" we will meet our favorite shaggy and feathered friends.

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Also, no need to forget that all animals have lived before the sin, along with Adam and Eve to Paradise, in full harmony with each other. And only after the fall, the world has changed: a man was damaged - the whole world was damaged. In the world they began to reign malice, hatred, mutual destruction, death. This is what the new theologians writes this to St. Simeon:

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After the correction of a person, harmony and peace, people and animals will come together to enjoy in eternity.

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Hope for a new life appeared with the coming of Jesus Christ, who reconciled God with his sacrifice with the universe and man. But already in our world there are cases of friendship of wild animals and man.

For example, Saint Seraphim Sarovsky was fed by Medveditsa, and the lion died with its paws with the grave of St. Mary Egypt. There is also evidence that crocodiles transported holy hermits through the River Nile.

where the souls of animals are going after death

Hinduism and Buddhism

Where are the souls of animals after death? According to the worldview of Buddhism, Atman (soul) of the animal earns karma, so after death falls either to paradise or in hell. Atman may be some time in hell, paying for sinful things, and some time in paradise. Paradise and hell for all the creature (and for humans) is the same.

Vedas do not consider the soul of man as something special, it is the same with the souls of all living beings. That is, there is no separately human or animal soul.

After staying in Paradise or hell, the dog's soul may return to Earth (reincarnation). However, not necessarily in the body of the dog. The soul can come to an insect or a warm-blooded creature, a stone or even a person.

According to Hinduses in animals, there is a keeper angel. But he protects not one creature, but the whole view immediately. For example, all dogs or all cats.


According to the teachings of the Quran, you need to exercise mercy to all living things. However, this creed does not imply the presence of paradise for animals. What happens to the dog's soul after death? Islam believes that the soul also turns into the dust, like the body of the animal.

According to the theologians, Paradise was created only for a person, his rescued soul. Paradise is considered a reward for the soul of a man who chose the right way to worship Allah. Animals of this choice do not have, therefore cannot be rewarded.

where the soul of the dog leaves after death

Paradise for animals and rainbow bridge

Disputes about the presence of animals of the soul are conducted by theologies of various denominations and to this day. On the one hand, the soul of animals cannot be compared with human. On the other hand, God also gave the "breath of life."

Belief in the Rainbow Bridge, where the favorite pet is falling after his death, inexperienced. The owners of the shaggy creatures, shed tears over the damaged Taurus of their pet, firmly believe that they will ever meet again in another dimension.

Rainbow Bridge is a place for animal shower. There they find their shelter, food and warmth. There, nothing threatens them, and they can spend all the time in merry games and entertainment.

But one day the pet attracts your image. He leaves his friends on the games and rushes towards the beloved owner. Now nothing will be able to separate you with your beloved friend.

What happens to the dog's soul after death

It is believed that after the death of the dog's soul, there is some time at the house. Some owners say that they heard the characteristic sounds of the presence of Peschik: a knock of cohesions on the floor, the sound of the collar, the Topot. It happens that the owner feels the touch of his pet to his hand or leg, his breath. And these are not isolated evidence.

The soul of the dog goes to his paradise, but some time can visit his house, where he lived with the owners. Also, the soul of the dog can transmit a kind of "hello" to your favorite owners. These are such moments that have their own personal. For example, some melody associated with his favorite peel: it starts to sound. Etc.

Some owners see their dead pets in a dream and play with them, like alive.

Sometimes the dead pets can make gifts to their bored owners. For example, suddenly the stray kitten or a small puppy will be needed to need help. You can give a parrot. These are all the signs of manifestation of you about you: so that they do not give up and missed the pet.


Pets appear in our lives not just like that. They always teach us something, save from stresses and even diseases. Shaggy friends love us much more than we are. And their love is so disinterested that it gives up a description of words.

They love us for what we are. What happens to the dog's soul after death? After some time, it merges with the group soul of all dogs, dissolves in it. So they say psychics. But each owner of a fluffy or feathery beloved believes that after death they will definitely meet, and nothing will be separated.

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