Work with subconscious: Effective techniques and techniques


Working with subconscious and effective techniques for changing reality can completely change human life. In our subconscious, there are many stereotypes and patterns of thinking, which are the result of upbringing and communicating with others.

If you replace old settings with new, you can completely rewrite the script of your life. The quality of his life depends on the human subconscious. The management of own subconscious mind allows you to change your attitude towards yourself and to become confident and to achieve life success.

Consider the techniques of working with the subconscious, which developed practitioners psychologists. With the help of these techniques, my school friend managed to become the lead manager of a large company for sales. I used to think about it before.

Work with subconscious effects Effective tech

What is aware of the subconscious

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The functioning of brain activity is studied by several sciences, and at the moment the subject of research is not studied to the end. However, about the subconscious, the classic science is not tried, because it studies only matter.

Psychologists and neurophysiologists consider consciousness and subconscious of the united whole - human mind. There is a conscious mind and subconscious mind.

Consciousness is the ability to mention, awareness of themselves at the moment of time. With the help of consciousness, we evaluate your actions and feelings, we are aware of our thoughts and actions.

Consciousness is always associated with attention: we are aware of only what our attention is sent at the moment.

The subconscious is also the activities of our mind, but without awareness and attention. When we sleep, the subconscious controls processes in our body. It coordinates the work of the heart and all systems and bodies of our body. If the consciousness turns off during our sleep, then the subconscious works without breaks "for lunch" and weekend.

Consciousness can manage our conscious actions: we close your eyes during sleep, stretch your hand to take the right object. But we unconsciously close your eyes during bright light: the subconscious is controlled by this process. The man did not have time to think about closing his eyes as they themselves closed.

On a note! The subconsciously interacts closely with all energy-information structures of the Universe.

This is known to science. It is also known that in the subconscious, all information about the person and his actions are stored. This property of the subconscious was discovered in the process of hypnotic serangements. When the consciousness was disconnected, and the person could not control his words and thoughts, then the subconsciousness gave clear answers to the questions.

When consciousness is disabled: the human body breathes, digests food, sees a dream. In the same way, the circumstances of our lives that are accepted to attribute fate are mostly the result of our subconscious processes.

Subconscious functions:

  • collection and data processing;
  • inspiration, intuition;
  • modeling behavior in recurring situations;
  • Copying the model of behavior of loved ones.

In the subconscious, absolutely all the information that has seen / heard a person has been stored. This is a data bank comparable to the library. Most of the information is erased from the memory, but remains in the subconscious storage. At the right moment, this information will pop up in memory.

Intuition, insight, invention is everything connected with our subconscious. With the help of mental activity and volitional efforts, it is impossible to cause inspiration or strengthen intuition. But you can learn how to manage the subconscious, which controls the specified processes.

What is behavior modeling? For example, if a person has ever died boiling water, he will blow on a drink or a hot dish. If at least once to burn fire, a person will automatically pour his hand from the flame. And this action will be ahead of thought.

Copying the model of adult behavior is occupied everywhere. For example, if the mother raised her daughter without her father, oh and daughter will also become a single mother. This mental installation is rapidly transmitted between close people. In the daughter's database, loneliness will be recorded as a life rate.

how to turn off consciousness and enable subconscious

Power of subconscious

It can be said that the subconsciousness affects all spheres of human vital activity. The thoughts and deeds of a person depend on it. External factors affect the subconscious:

  • upbringing;
  • surrounding;
  • Acquired habits.

Education instills the basic norms of interaction with society. The information laid as a child has a strong impact on the whole life of a person, get rid of the foundation is sometimes impossible. The fact that the child learned in the family, in kindergarten and school, remains with him for life and firmly sits in the subconscious.

If at this time the child attracted complexes and fears, they will firmly hold their positions and control the thoughts and behavior of an adult person. To eliminate these installations, you will need help a psychologist.

The surrounding atmosphere is friends, relatives, colleagues, familiar - forms a human worldview. He involuntarily begins to imitate someone who is better or authoritative. Purifying influence is bad companies for thoughts and worldviews and then teenagers.

First, they imitate leaders and begin to eat alcohol and smoke to become "their own." Subsequently, it seems to them that this is their own desire to drink and smoke.

The media is a powerful lever of influence on the minds, especially for young people. This is not only television: social networks are greatly influenced by social networks. They have a very subtle (drastic effect) on a person and agree to make the choice they need or choose the tactics of behavior.

Acquired skills are also postponed in the subconscious and become a stereotype of behavior. For example, if a person repeats many times the same action or movement, it becomes a new subconscious program. Subsequently, he begins to perform it "on the machine", without even thinking. Example: Swimming, Skiing, Figure Skating.

Work with subconscious

Methods of work with subconscious

Psychologists have developed programs for working with a person's subconscious:

  • reprogramming;
  • deproprogramming;
  • programming.

Reprogramming is the replacement of old templates and stereotypes with new, new response models on the situation.

But this method can solve the problem only at the emotional level. For example, at the sight of a black cat, the reaction will be positive instead of negative. However, the problem itself, associated with an intense reaction to a black cat, not going anywhere.

Defrogramming is a solution to the problem at the subconscious level. When the cause of the problem is eliminated, then the human psyche does not respond to the signals associated with it and signs. That is, a person will simply not notice a black cat: about the same way as it does not react to trees.

It is unlikely to deprogramble your problems yourself: you need a specialist help.

Programming is the introduction of the necessary information in the subconscious of the person, bypassing his consciousness. Details of the technicians are described in NLP methods (neurolinguistic programming).

Work with the subconscious is based on the consistency of the signals. For example, a person "negotiates" with the subconscious, that the answer is "yes" there will be a feeling of warmth in the right ear, and the left ear will warm up for the answer.

Work with the subconscious is:

  • development of installations;
  • affirmations;
  • visualization;
  • meditation;
  • self-compliance;
  • Bookmark thoughts.

Also to work with the subconscious apply:

  • metaphorical cards;
  • Painting;
  • discharge;
  • hypnosis;
  • Out of body.

The direct download of information in the subconscious (Alexander Kling) also applies. Psychologists have long applied in their practice drawing - intuitive, neurography, coloring mandala, etc.

Metaphorical cards - an effective tool for communicating with the subconscious, a person begins to talk to him as with a real being - but with the help of images in the pictures.

Excribing is an automatic writing technique. Using it, you can pull out "on the Light of God" the very deep information hidden in the subconscious. With this technique, it is exempt from mental blocks, clamps, "cockroaches" in the head.

Automatic letter technique uncomplicated. It is necessary to prepare a sheet of paper and handle. Concentrate on your question, the answer to which you need to get, and after a minute let him go - stop thinking.

Now you need to concentrate on your inner sensations, observe yourself from the inside. After 5-8 minutes, you need to record any words or phrases that will come to mind.

At first glance, these words and phrases may seem meaningless. But with attentive reading several times in a row you will understand what the subconscious mind wants to tell you. The fact is that it is talking to us in the language of images and metaphors, therefore it is not worthwhile to be surprised by such an "exotic" method of communication.

The exit from the body is a conscious dream, a way to directly communicate with its own subconscious. Immersion technician in a conscious dream is very much, they can be studied by books.

Technics work with subconscious

It is important to understand that it is the subconscious mind to a greater extent responsibly for everything that happens in our lives.

What other techniques are how to work with the subconscious:

  • tarot cards;
  • wax castings;
  • glass bowl;
  • pendulum, frame;
  • Elements of nature.

In addition, there are psychological techniques for installing contact with subconscious - test tasks, psychological puzzles, construction of installations.

Check out the video, how to turn off consciousness and enable subconscious:

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