Life after death exists: scientific evidence


Life after death (otherwise "afterlife") - acts as a religious and philosophical idea about the continuation of conscious life after the death of the physical body. As a rule, such submissions are based on faith in the presence of an immortal soul.

Interestingly, ideas about the soul, the past world differ in different religious creeds.

Is there life after death? Let's try to figure it out in this matter by contacting the information offered by modern scientists.

Life after death

Life after death

To answer the question: "Is there any life after death?" In my opinion, it is necessary, first of all, to familiarize yourself with the stories of people who survived the state of clinical death. After all, the experience of doctors from different countries of the world shows that patients talking about the afterlime world have similar memories.

Let's turn to the stories of those who "visited one foot on that light."

History 1. It happened with the singer Pam Reynolds

Okolosmert's experience of PEM Reynolds can be considered one of the most famous and documented. Thirty-five-year-old aged American performer had to endure a serious operation on the brain.

The woman was in a state of artificial coma, there was no minimum activity in her brain. In addition, Pam died during intervening with closed eyes, and headphones who drowning any external sounds were inserted into her ears (such as the voices of doctors, for example).

Subsequently, having come to himself, the singer told the medical staff about experiencing a suicide experience: Pam left her body, rose to the ceiling, from where I watched freely how the operation passes. In particular, the woman heard the words of the surgeon: "Her arteries are too small."

Doctors confirmed the truthfulness of the Words of Reynolds, coming in a real shock from the information received.

History 2. It happened with the Netherlands man in a state of coma

The place where everything happened is the Cardiology Department of the Rijnstate Hospital (Arnhem, the Netherlands). At night, at ambulance, a man was brought there in a state of coma. He was 44 years old. Passersby found him in a hopeless condition, he lay in the meadow. In the hospital, patient makes artificial respiration and heart massage.

The nurse who worked the night was preparing a man to intubation. She found him the presence of dental prostheses, the girl took off one of them and poisoned into a medical tamba. And then it took up other patients.

After 1.5 hours, the heart rhythm and the arterial pressure of the men came to normal, but he continued to be in a comatose state. He was transferred to the separation of intensive observation.

After 7 days, the nurse again meets the patient: he has already come into consciousness. When she gave him a medicine, a man unexpectedly turned to her, saying that the girl knows where his dentures are located.

The nurse was very surprised, but the patient continued - it turned out that he survived the near-mercury experience, during which he flew over his body, seeing everything that happened to him. Therefore, he knew that the hospital worker had reached his plug-in jaw, putting it in a medical trolley box.

Where did the person who was in a state of coma, being unconscious, could get such information? He exactly described the nurse all the details of resuscitation, for example, the appearance of medical workers and what they did with him.

This story has gained world fame due to what happened just when Dr. Pim Van Lommel conducted his study of the near-themeal experiences of patients in the Rijnstate hospital. The results of the scientific experiment were published in the medical publication "LANCET" in 2001.

Life after death

History 3. It happened with a woman during surgery

Of course, the experience of Pam Reynolds is far from the only one! We continue to study life after death - the facts of existence. A similar story happened to the patient of the famous professor during surgery.

The woman had a heart, death was diagnosed. Fortunately, after some time, the patient came to life, her heart activity recovered. The operation was successfully completed, and when the professor came to visit the patient in resuscitation, she told him a very unusual story.

The woman told that when her heart stopped, she separated from the physical body, having seen himself lying on the surgical table. She flashed the idea that it was an end, and she did not even have time to say goodbye to her mother and her daughter.

At the same moment, she moved to his dwelling: there just came to visit the neighbor, who gave her daughter the peas color dress.

After that, women in the apartment arranged tea drinking, during him one cup fell to the floor and crashed. Neighbor said "for happiness."

Descriptions of the patient were so realistic that the doctor decided to check the information. A little later, he is talking to the relatives of the patient who will confirm an amazing story with all its details (and a broken cup, and a dress in polka dot, and the arrival of a neighbor).

Is there any life after death: scientific evidence

We will continue to look for life after death - proof of scientists. Now let's look at the stories of people who remembered their past lives (clearly demonstrating the abilities that they did not possess in the present embodiment).

History 1. Cases from Bryan Weissa Practice

Brian Weiss is an American psychiatrist, a hypnotherapist, its main specialty - regression into past lives, learning life after death. Brian spent a large amount of dive into the past, but some of the stories seen them were particularly impressive. As, for example, the next.

It happened with China, a surgeon for specialization, which he treated the members of the PRC government. She arrived at the regression session to Brian in Miami (USA), and it was the first visit to the American state. Chinese woman did not know English at all - not a single word. Therefore, she had to take a personal translator with him.

Dr. Wece introduced a client in regression, she told him that in that life was a resident of Northern California. Memories of the past caused bright emotions from her, despite the fact that the events that she said was about 120 years ago.

Woman saw the scene as she swore with her spouse. And at this moment, she suddenly begins to speak absolutely freely in English (and after all, she did not know him at all), using epithets, adjectives, in general, involved the vocabulary as much as possible.

Her translator came to the real shock, he began to translate the Chinese in English speech. Dr. Wece stopped him, he himself came to a strong shock. After all, a woman before the start of the regression session could not even say hello in English!

The resulting example of xenoglosia is a bright example - that is, the ability to talk and understand a foreign speech that a person has not studied.

Past Lives

Brian considers Xenoglossia by one of the most convincing arguments confirming the existence of past lives (that is, the theory of reincarnation). After all, any logical explanations are exile here.

Another case from Weiss practice occurred in New York. Two little twin boys age for 3 years spent fluently among themselves in a very strange language. He was not like invented by children, but he was not familiar to the parents of kids.

Then the Father of the twins - the doctor by profession, shows the boys to linguists at the New York Columbia University.

Experts found out that the kids were used to communicate ancient andarade. The resulting officially documented by experts. Although none of them could explain where the children could know an ancient speech, not used in the modern world.

Dr. Wece once again approved in the truthfulness of the theory of reincarnations of the soul. In addition, such cases in his work met very often, regulatoryly proving that we have repeatedly came to Earth, and we will come here again and again.

History 2. Cases of Michael Newton

We continue to consider the question: "Is there any life after death - evidence?". Let's talk about the famous American Philosophy doctor, a hypnotherapist, who developed the technique of "age regression", immersing patients into their past lives, as well as to the state of "lives".

Peru Michael belongs to world bestsellers "Traveling souls", "Purpose of the Soul", "Life between Lives" and others. Newton has often treated people who have lost their loved ones, especially the parents of the dead children. They were looking for a doctor of consolation.

Michael always led the information received during the regression in the past. He was able to find out that the souls chose the conditions for their future life in advance, in particular, the duration of staying on Earth.

Newton also discovered an interesting nuance: it turned out that it was often when young women lost their children, the soul of the dead was embodied in the body of their next kid.

According to Dr. Newton, the most important thing in his work is an understanding of the fact that the souls always know that they will happen to them, but consciously make a decision to survive the necessary experience. In addition, pushing out from the theory of reincarnation, we never lose their loved ones forever (because we will definitely meet with them in new embodiments).

In my opinion, these are very objective evidence of the existence of life after death and another confirmation that we live more than once.

History 3. Case from the practice of Surgeon-Oncologist Bernie Siegel

Due to the specifics of its activities, Bernie, it has to communicate with parents who lost children. And they told the doctor a lot of stories when the souls of the kids attended them.

For example, one woman was driving on her car on the highway. Suddenly, before her eyes, an image of the son of the deceased 5 years ago, who ordered to go slower. She did, as he asked. And when I drove until the next turn, I discovered a large-scale accident with horror there with about 10 cars.

If she had not listened, he would also become a member of an accident and could perish.

After studying such stories, it seems to me that it is possible to make an unequivocal conclusion about whether there is life after death. But, of course, each person has the right to his opinion on this matter.

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