Where the soul of the cat leaves after death and what is the Rainbow Bridge


Where does the soul of the cat leave after death? This often conceived the owners of their four-legged pets, mourning their departure from life. Is that the same rainbow, where do the souls of our fluffy pets come? For example, in India they believe in the reincarnation of the soul, and that the soul of a person can come into an animal or even a rock.

My sister recently said goodbye to her beloved cat, which lived with her for 15 years. She told that he saw a dream in which she managed to telepatically talk to his favorite.

Sister after this sleep completely calmed down, because her snowflake is good and cozy there. What do they say about the afterlife of pets of religion and scientists? I will tell you about it in the article.

where the soul of the cat leaves after death

Theory of reincarnation

There is an opinion that cats have 9 lives. This means that fluffy creation will be embodied in a new body until all of its 9 lives live. Further, the soul of the cat gets the opportunity to reincarnize into the human body. Of course, in practice, this theory cannot be verified, you have to believe in the word.

Supporters of the theory of reincarnation of the souls believe that the human soul can move after death into the animal body to be closer to its expensive people left on Earth.

In this, in particular, the Indians believe. Therefore, according to Vedic teaching, it is impossible to use animal meat into food. It is on the theory of reincarnation that true vegetarianism is based, and not on the principles of healthy nutrition.

Orthodox look

What does the Orthodox Church think about this? The Christian Church does not recognize the reincarnation of the souls and does not believe in reincarnation. But the presence of the soul does not deny the cat. However, in the opinion of the fathers of the Church, it is impossible to extract the death of his pet too strictly and put it in one row with people.

In the Holy Scripture it is said that there will be a "New Earth and New Sky", and in that new world, the lamb will fall next to the wolf. That is, animals will not disappear anywhere - their place in paradise with man.

In the Catholic Church there is a holy Gertrude, which is an intercession and patroness of cats. In the Orthodox Church, they approve of prayers to the Lord and the Holy in their pets if they need additional protection.

On a note! In the Holy Scripture, nothing is said, where the soul of a cat after death leaves. The gospel is given to people to correct sins, and the souls of animals are sinless.

There is a belief that the Lord allocated a cat from all animals for saving a noev ark from the sump. This bold animal was packed by a distraught mouse that tried to sprinkle a hole in the ship to break out.

Cat soul after death

Eastern religions

In Islam Special attitude towards cats, because they paid the Prophet Mohammed himself. This holy man did not go to sleep with cats in one bed and even drink from one cup. Therefore, Muslim religion instills a good attitude towards animals since childhood.

Take care of all living beings and assist them - it calls for Islam.

Regarding the stay of cats in paradise, Islam is a different opinion. Muslims believe that all animals are sinless and they are nothing to repent. Paradise is created for a person, his corrected soul. Animals after death betray the earth, their bodily shells dissolve and become part of the common space. Cat's souls, according to Islam, no.

Judaism It believes that animals have the same soul as in humans. They can get to paradise after death, if they deserve it with their actions on earth. Judaism also considers several types of animal shower - lower and higher. The lower souls are reincarnated in animals, and the highest can earn a person.

In Buddhism The concept of the soul is absent. They believe that there is a global flow of consciousness that takes different bodily shapes.

For cats, as well as for a person, hell and paradise is a kind of psychological state. This condition depends on the person or animal himself, as they organize their thinking and their lives in the physical shell. That is, animals also have karma.

Opinion of psychics

What do people think with extrasensory abilities about where the soul of the cat after death? Occultists believe that the souls of animals and people are found in the otherworldly world.

Often animals help their favorite owners get used in the new world. And if the animal can not cope with the longing of his owners, then he is allowed to reincarnize to the ground. In this case, the cat again falls to his former house, but as a new pet.

American Occultist Max Handel believes that the archangels are controlled by each species of animals. Cat has its own control spirit, dogs have their own. He explains so. There is a certain cloud that contains all the souls (seeds) of animals.

When the time of incarnation of the soul into the body comes, the seed-soul is distinguished from this cloud and goes into the body of a newborn baby.

The control spirit helps animals to get used in the new world for them, it is the leadership of this spirit that the flights of birds and the migration of fish for spawning are explained. The bee dance, the ability to have nests and care for the cubs is all control over.

The unity of management is noticeable even on the behavior of animals of one species: they make the same actions, not knowing about each other. Writing in genes is one thing, but the behavior in everyday life is hardly managed.

Clairvoyant describe the death of the animal as a transition from one dimension to another. After leaving to another world, our pets often visit their owners and even make themselves felt by various signs:

  • Breaking breeze;
  • flashing light bulb;
  • familiar smell;
  • etc.

If a person persists to change the surrounding atmosphere, it can notice these signals. But this is possible only the first time after care, subsequently the soul of the pet merges with the group and will leave the Earth forever.

Where goes the soul of a cat after death

Opinion Rosenkrayerov

The Order of Rosenkreyers is a medieval theological and mystical organization in which scientists and philosophers were located. They believed that the animal soul differs from the human absence of individuality. All animals behave equally. The idea of ​​the whole of animals can be obtained by examining the habits of a single representative.

But man and his soul - a much more complex spiritual substance. For example, on the chairs of an African tribe, it is impossible to judge the northern people, and vice versa. That is, human souls are all different even within one race or nationality. People of one nationality in similar situations can flow differently, which cannot be said about animals.

In animals - collective control, collective spirit. A person is a whole world, the universe, it is individual and unique. You can record a biography of a person, but there are no biographies in animals.

Opinion veterinarians

What do veterinarians think about where the cat's soul leaves after death? They believe that animals also have a soul, like people. The ancient Greek philosophers Hippocrat and Pythagoras adhered to the same opinion. Hippocrat was confident that there is a single world soul, just the bodies of all different.

Modern science does not give a clear definition of the concept of the soul, but recognizes human and animal mental activities. In Greek, the soul is pronounced "Psyche". That is, the presence of the psyche says that there is a soul - mental activity.

where the soul of the cat falls after death

Where is Rainbow

You can often hear that the cat went for a rainbow or a rainbow. What does it mean? Rainbow from ancient times seemed to be a bridge between the world of living and the dead. Therefore, when they say that the cat left for the rainbow, they mean his death.

People believe that in that space, their favorite animals are plenty of food and water, they are cozy and warm. There they are frolic on green lawns and are waiting for meetings with their owners. Old or crippled animals turn into young and mischievous, but they will still be recognized.

This faith instills hope for a meeting with his favorite pet, to never part with him anymore.


The soul of a cat after death is in a special space, in which the souls of all animals are. However, unequivocal opinions about this does not exist. Each religion has its own idea of ​​the posthumous existence of animal shower, they are often contradictory.

Someone believes that animals have no soul, someone gives them a common world soul. Among theologians, disputes about the posthumous existence of animals are not ceased, they never came to a common opinion.

Science says nothing about the soul, since the subject of its research is matter. Find out the truth is not possible. But people believe that the soul of a beloved pet is not soluble into non-existence, but lives in a special space. And the soul of a cat or dogs in this space is a rainbow.

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