Life after death: Facts, stories, real cases


Life after death: Facts, stories, real cases have always been greatly interested in humanity. After all, what is being beyond, invariably raises the desire to unravel this mystery, find the key from the locked door.

Fortunately, in addition to the myths and speculations, there is a sufficient number of stories of real patients who had a chance to visit the "one foot on that light." I suggest you familiarize yourself with several cases in today's material.

life after death

Life after death: eyewitness stories

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The stories given in this article were discovered by me at the Near-Death Experience Research Foundation resource, which means "Foundation for the study of the near-mercury experience.

This site is specifically designed for people who happened to survive clinical death. Now they want to tell about their experience in the whole world.

The language of this resource is English, but there is the possibility of its change in the "Languages" menu, where a large selection of different languages ​​is offered.

The NDERF website offers a huge number of stories of near-themeal experience (abbreviated asp). In the main mass, they are written in English for obvious reasons, but some part translated into Russian.

And the most interesting thing - if you also had a chance to survive clinical death, you would like to share your feelings - on the site you can do it.

Just fill in a special questionnaire, specify all the items and tell the world of your OSP history.

Life after death - confession of the dead man

And now let's go to the most interesting - get acquainted with some stories of people who survived the stop of the heart. They are given in abbreviated form, with more complete versions you will read the above resource.

History 1. It happened with Virginia

The woman was in a raised mood, because it was the first day of the summer vacation. She had a large number of plans: work as a teacher, his farm, baby and all this at 46 years old! But on that day, on June 2, her life will change radically.

Everything will begin with the appearance of a terrible thoracic pain. Virginia felt so bad that she had to pop up from work, the eldest son was diverting her home.

The woman naively suggested that she was just an acid reflux, so I decided to relax a little in the jacuzzi. There she began vomiting (one of the symptoms of a heart attack, but she still did not understand anything).

She was getting worse and worse, she rose to her room and then heard the voice. He ordered her urgent to go to the hospital. Virginia recognized this voice - 25 years ago, she already heard him. Then he warned her not to turn her, but she turned and got into an accident, almost having lost his life.

Now she decided to obey and set off to the emergency department. There doctors diagnosed with her heavy heart attack. Then the woman suddenly feels how she comes out of the body, everything slows around at the same time.

She again hears a voice that orders her calm down and not oppose what is happening. Virginia says she was as if within himself, saw everything that was happening from the solar plexus.

life after death

Once on the verge of life and death, the woman meets the Council and God. Before her eyes sweeps all the lives of life. It is aware of the complete unity of the person and the universe. Virginia moves through the universe, realizing that its center is God (or his consciousness), and all souls are closely connected with it. She could feel the same as God, know the same as he.

She looked like a pure white light and saw other souls - each of them had her tint. They also looked through their lives, some could not see what they did and went. Voice said Virginia is not doubting that she is the light of God.

Subsequently, the woman remembers what was in the hospital in the day, and when she returned back to his body, the night had come. It happened when it was transported from the ambulance and the wheel of the Wheel of the Wheel Higher hit some object.

The experience of the near-minded experience has left the strongest impressions for the American women returning "from that light".

History 2. Has occurred with Elena

The woman survived the OSP during the operation. The last memories of the intervention was inhalation of a mask with an unpleasant smell, through which anesthesia was served. Then the clear memories appeared when Elena came out of his body and was under the ceiling.

It looked like a cloud of pink color, but not round, but slightly wildly in the upper and lower part. The form of the cloud changed slightly, but it retained the same size.

The woman had a feeling of extraordinary lightness, bliss, which she could not compare with earthly sensations. She felt there as at home. She had a vague memories that once she had already experienced the same pleasure. Fear, pain and other unpleasant symptoms were completely absent.

But when Elena looked down, he saw her body there lying on the operating table. Two women of the doctor bent over him. However, the girl with indifference reacted to medical manipulations below.

It was much strongerly surprised by the opportunity to see through the walls: so she considered that the hospital was built from Breven (although on top of the walls were plastered). Looking in another direction, through the walls of Elena saw the chambers, it did not attract anything there. Then she appealed to the corridor, where a man was sitting, holding his head.

She had thoughts about their parents, that they probably are now worried. However, the woman did not feel neither sadness nor the thrust to them - nothing of what she experienced during life. And although she loved her parents a lot, but was covered by full indifference - her new state worried her new.

Suddenly she will hear a voice that says: "It's time to return!". He was so well delivered that for a moment she seemed to her, says the announcer. Elena rebelled, she desperately did not want back, because he felt so good there, did not experience any more torment.

But the voice just once again pronounced "It's time to return!". After that, her pink cloud as if the air flow pushed, returning back to the body (for solar plexus).

Then the woman came to himself in the hospital ward. She experienced a terrible cold for several hours, although the street was summer and thirty-degree heat. And she was covered with a pair of warm blankets, there were hot heels in their feet, but her teeth were knocked from the cold.

life after death

History 3. It happened with Jeffrey

This tragic story happened to the man named Jeffrey when he got into a car accident with his family. In it, he got terrible injuries, he had to amputate the left foot to the knee, he moved 18 operations. But the worst, according to him, is a loss of his beloved wife and a younger son.

Jeffrey needed as much as 7 years to move away from what happened and decide to tell the world about what he experienced. And after 14 years, he published a book where he described his OSP experience. Below is the story of Jeffrey from the NDERF website.

The man after an accident came out of his body and got into another world - the world of light. There, he saw his dead spouse in the same incident, she told him to return home to take care of the eldest son (he also survived after the accident).

During the subsequent numerous surgical interventions, Jeffrey often will often be between two worlds. He will receive serious revelations, will communicate with spiritual creatures and know the truth.

He will learn to understand the spiritual world, and will also discover the unconditional love for the Lord. His perception of other people will change greatly: he will completely refuse to condemn them, because it will begin to see them as they are in the eyes of God.

In addition, a man got the opportunity to feel others. Now he was completely convinced of the existence of God who loves us, who knows everything about every person. And she was assured that life clearly makes sense and is of great importance to our attitude towards other people.

History 4. It happened with Tom

In the house where the man lived, heating stopped working, he decided to fix it. He sent his wife with children to her mother-in-law so that they do not blame, and he himself began to repair. The process took more time than Tom counting, so he was very tired, it was already night, he wanted to sleep.

Since the temperature in the dwelling was very low, the man turned on the oven, leaving the door open. Additionally, he put a heater in the room. Then she went to bed and soon fell asleep.

In the next moment, he fell into place filled with bright white light. There he stood and felt a limitless love for himself surrounding it from all sides. He realized that he was next to God.

The Lord began talking to him, but not through words, and mentally. He told what he loves him and was proud of him. The man felt so huge love, peace and harmony that he wanted to stay in that place forever. And he understood that it could well do it if desired.

However, those who have arisen about the spouse and children, how hard they have to live without the head of the family forced him to think about it. Suddenly, Tom came to himself - he was on earth in his yard, lying on the snow. He saw how the smoke comes out of the entrance door. The man ran into the house, began to extinguish the fire.

It turned out that the heater, while he slept, melted the outlet than caused a fire in the house with the allocation of a large amount of smoke. Tom could be lit, and how it turned out to be outside - remains a mystery to himself.

He is convinced that he experienced not just a dream, because he never felt more awareness in his life. He is sure that when the time comes, it will turn out again in that beautiful place.

You can ask how to treat such stories - sincerely believe or exercise skepticism, but the fact remains a fact: in our world there are too many secrets that humanity is not yet able to explain.

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