How to remove fears from the subconscious: Step-by-step technique


Fear is a sense of self-preservation given by nature. However, natural fear can be out of control and become uncontrollable, that is, irrational. Consider in the subject, how to remove fears from the subconscious: a step-by-step method of liberation from unnecessary phobias.

The son of my friend was so much afraid to lose the workplace that in the end he was fired. Because he became nervous, unbalanced, constantly made mistakes and miscalculations.

The man was a victim of his own fear that ruined him. Psychologists studied in detail the nature of fears and can help a person get rid of the worst phobias. But you can try to get rid of fears yourself. I will tell you about it in the article.

How to remove fears from subconscious Step-by-step technique

Where do fears come from

Everybody is familiar with the feeling of fear: it automatically occurs in danger, for example, if you hear the terrible growl of the predatory beast or see the flames grow. This is a useful fear, it helps to avoid in vain death. At the sight of danger, the instinct of self-preservation is activated, the sign of which is fear.

Fear of the dental office is quite substantiated: a person has previously experienced painful sensations during the drilling of the Borders. Also justified the fear of the surgical operation, because a person understands that without pain, they do not pass.

Psychologists have identified several reasons who are precursors of the appearance of fears:

  • Insecurity in their forces;
  • Uncertainty in the competence of another person;
  • limited physical capabilities (disability);
  • inflated parents of parents in childhood;
  • experienced psychological trauma;
  • new living conditions (another city, other country);
  • unfamiliar area;
  • Hormonal disorders.

If a person is not confident in his abilities, he is constantly afraid to make mistakes and be ridiculous. Or is afraid to get a reprimand, look like a mad in the eyes of others. The uncertainty in their abilities does not appear on a scratch, usually, she is given by parents or teachers since childhood. If the child is constantly scolding for each emboss, a sense of inferiority is produced. The child grows, and with him the insecurity is growing in their abilities and opportunities, underestimating himself.

On a note! Women are susceptible to fear than men. Apparently, this is due to the fear for the offspring.

Insecurity within the competence of another person can also fill the soul with fear. For example, if you have to go with an inexperienced driver or trust your health in an inexperienced doctor.

Limited features (any form of disability) fills in fear for their lives, because a person is unable to take care of himself fully. It is very difficult to get rid of this fear.

The overestimated demands of the parents chose a mentally not one child. The fear of the punishment or discontent of the relatives of native people instills the torment and horror in the children's soul.

The little man is all compressed from anticipation of the recovery or the next complaint of mother or father. Someone gets used to and does not react, and for someone every word of the parents responds unbearable pain.

Subsequently, a person transfers the complex of his own inferiority to relationships with other people: it is afraid not to please teachers, chiefs, relatives of the spouse / spouse. Another extreme may appear - aggression towards dissatisfied people.

Note! Household fear is different from phobias that are a pathological deviation. Phobia (fear of height, some specific objects, closed space) should be treated at a psychotherapist.

The experienced psychotrams interfere with a person fully function in society. Alone with them to cope few people. In this case, the church helps (communication with believers, father) or consultation of an experienced psychologist or psychotherapist.

The change of place of residence causes fear only during the period of adaptation, subsequently this feeling is replaced by others. In hormonal disorders, you need to seek help from the endocrinologist. Medicines will help bring the hormonal balance in order, and fears will disappear.

how to remove the alarm and fear of the subconscious

Irrational fear

But there is irrational fear, that is, a person is afraid that there is no time at the moment. And it is not clear whether this contrived danger will exist at all. For example, a person is afraid to be rejected or lonely in old age.

The fear of being rejected by many spoiled life, because because of him, a man was afraid to get acquainted with the girls or ask for something important for himself.

Be afraid of what is not, unreasonable and dangerous. Fear can attract the situation that a person is afraid. Psychologists and esoterics are convinced of this, as well as the neurobiologists have studied brain opportunities.

There is another category of fear - fear of incomprehensible, otherworldly, mystical. For some reason, some people are confident that the externally configured to them hostile and will certainly bring harm.

Perhaps the roots of this feeling are in faith in demons and devil. However, the Christian teaching of all believers gives a powerful gun against the demonic goat - the gloor sign. Neither demons, nor Satan need to be afraid: Jesus Christ won long ago.

Psychotechnics to eliminate fears

Consider step-by-step techniques how to remove fears from the subconscious.

  • Large thinking

When fear begins to choke, and the heart overwhelms the sorrowful feelings, you need to turn off your problems and think about that someone on earth is at the moment much worse. Perhaps someone says goodbye to life or suffers from the incurable disease.

There are a lot of people in the world who are much worse than we. Therefore, our problem as compared to them looks just insignificant.

  • Make a plan of action

If fear does not want to retreat, take it. Imagine that the worst thing happened. What's next? Make an action plan for points. When you complete it, it will be much easier to the soul. And over time and the fear is going somewhere, because there is no longer afraid to be afraid.

  • Take out general cleaning

Physical activity does not allow dark thoughts to take possession of a person. Therefore, go out by general cleaning or start throwing off the garden (if any), or arrange a large wash. If everyone is removed at home, help someone. If you wish, you can find how to load yourself.

  • Find like-minded people

You can find on the Internet of the Interest Groups. Not only you suffer fears, this ailion struck almost every fourth resident of the Earth. Together is not afraid of afraid.

  • Outdoor calm

Psychologists have proven that the external form affects the inner state. Therefore, depict complete calm and calm in the "terrible" situation. Try to smile carefree carelessly, even even slightly stretched. Soon the external touches internal, and the fear is dissolved.

  • Live present

Most fears belong to the future of time that has not yet come. If you switch attention to the present time, there will be no places for fears. Because in the present time they simply do not exist.

how to remove fears from the subconscious

Step-by-step method of getting rid of fears

Consider an action plan for exemption from any kind of fears, whether it is a fear of height or fear to disappear before anyone.
  1. First you need to call fear by name, formulate, designate. Write on the sheet of paper all fears that remember. After the numbering of their phobias, their significance will become much smaller. If they can be numbered, it means that they can be monitored.
  2. The next step is to choose the worst and highlight them from all listed phobias.
  3. Now you need to describe each fear separately, with details. Do not forget to indicate and your emotional relationship to fear. For example, you are afraid to speak in front of the public, because we have experienced an unpleasant story in connection with this - shame. It is necessary to describe everything very detailed. As you describe your fear, you will begin to circumvent control over it (after all, it can be explored).
  4. Now describe the problem associated with the fear of an accident. Suppose you died and you are still all the same. Or you hit the hospital. It is necessary to understand that our fears take their origin in the instinct of self-preservation. Therefore, when you work in detail all the terrible situations, you will have nothing to be afraid.
  5. Realize that you are not a victim of fears: they are given in the name of saving life. If you review your attitude towards phobiam, you will behave much more confident and calmer.

Fears teach us more careful, prudent and attentive. These are our teachers. Write down on a sheet, which you have taught your phobias, and thank for useful information.

How to get rid of irrational fears

How to remove the alarm and fear from the subconscious? The roots of any irrational fear - in the wake-up fantasy. For example, a person who will have to fly on the plane, suddenly begins to constantly think about the plane crash. Thoughts about this are scrolled in the head, and some see even the paintings of the aircraft crash.

This pathological state with difficulty is self-control, as a person is literally captured by irrational fear. The plane still did not even take off, and the person is already projecting with his thoughts of a plane crash.

First of all, it is necessary to clearly realize that the plane crash cannot happen, because the aircraft does not fly anywhere. Therefore, afraid of what is not, just stupid. When this thought becomes dominant in the head, you can move to the next item to combat an irrational phobia: to realize that all thoughts are material.

What a man is afraid, then with him happens. Therefore, you need to stop afraid of the plane crash. If it does not help, then you need to take a magic wubbler from accidents.

Write down this shore-prayer on a not bound sheet of paper and take with you in flight. Before takeoff, you need to read the words of prayer three times. If desired, you can increase the number of prayer repetitions to achieve inner peace. You fly not alone: ​​the Lord himself is with you.

How to remove fears from the subconscious: Step-by-step technique 2873_4

Remember the important rule. No negative thought will come true if it is not to feed it with emotions and not take as a faithful fact or inevitability. This applies to irrational fears. But if a person sees a real danger in front of him, then this formula will not work: need to be saved.

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