How to change the appearance of the power of thought - materialization


Our thoughts are very powerful, and it's not just a rant. Many scientists confirm the effect of human thought on his health.

How, for example, is still in the 20th century did Emile Coue, who developed the theory of self-hypnosis. A modern scientist Bruce Lipton and all claims that the power of thought have a real impact on the genetics of the body!

It is not surprising that many people are concerned with the question: "How to change the appearance of the power of thought?". Let's find out the answer to it in this article.

How to change the appearance of the power of thought

As a way of thinking affect the appearance?

You may have heard the saying, "You - what do you think about anything." The fact that it reflects the real state of things in the world can not be doubted. Even the official scientific psychology and welcomes the positive suggestion for people who suffer from self-doubt, complexes, fears and phobias.

After all, for example, the most popular trend of modern psychology - cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) teaches that the cause of the problem lies precisely in the wrong, negative thinking person.

A therapist during the work with the patient changes his negative thinking to positive installation, due to which a positive result is achieved. Often, even without the use of medication.

In general, it is clear that our thoughts create not only our mood, but will affect the life!

If we are constantly thinking bad about yourself: consider ourselves enough beautiful / smart / successful / wealthy - it is precisely those undesirable qualities and events attract into your life. And then it will not help any "miracle" cream or procedure if you internally against good changes.

The people around, by the way, always treat us the way we relate to ourselves (and it is not only about the internal state, but also the appearance).

After all, surely you have seen examples of girls who would be difficult to call the beauties even with a huge stretch. But they behaved so sure, never for a moment doubted their own attractiveness than always deserved success with a strong half.

Pleased with himself, happy people are always more sympathetic in the eyes of others, and that's a fact. Exactly like that pessimism, frustrating, negative mood, cause only one single desire - to escape from the whiner far away and never deal with him.

How to change the appearance of the power of thought: 7 bad thoughts in my head

Now I suggest to consider the 7 most toxic thoughts that spoil your appearance and mood every day. If you have noticed at least one of them - begin to urgently get rid of it until it has become a negative installation, which is firmly rooted in consciousness.

Thought 1. "I feel so tired"

In order to avoid this problem, it is strongly recommended to comply with the correct mode of the day and night (to go to bed to 23:00, and get up with the sunrise), practice sufficient physical activity and protect yourself from stress exposure.

Thought 2. "I'm ugly"

In the lion's share of cases such thoughts appear, of course, in women's heads. In addition to simply, the "defation" of the fact of its own "urgentness" is often added to the transfer of flaws of appearance, which, in the opinion of the girl, and make it a "ugly climb."

dissatisfaction with himself

How to solve the problem? It is necessary to change the attitude towards yourself, move the focus with its shortcomings. For example, think not about curves, but about beautiful chubby lips, an aspen waist. In addition, no one is non-ideal - exterior exterior is even at the top models. But they do not interfere with them to live a happy and successful life.

Thought 3. "Soon I am"

The stronger you will concentrate on the outgoing youth, the more explicit reflection of aging will find in their appearance. So do not notice how to start walking with a sloped back and shouting.

It is very important with such a problem to learn constantly being in the present moment, not worry about the future. And also - to keep youth in the shower. Then, in 60 years, the eyes will sparkle, and movements will become easy and relaxed.

Ideally, you need to find examples of people who live for a feature of certain age and enjoy life. Also many young people can give.

Thought 4. "Other people have a better life (looks more beautiful, etc.)"

No wonder the famous English saying says that "the grass always seems greener on the other side of the fence." But envy is an unusually destructive feeling, it spoils the external and inner state of a person, making it frowning, evil and eternally dissatisfied with the character.

How to solve this problem? Repeat the emphasis on other people's achievements on their own success, even if they are completely insignificant. Rejoice in what you have today. Perhaps someone would be glad to have at least half of what you already possess.

In addition, seeing only the outside of the life of someone else's person, you never see the inner - the one that remains behind the scenes. And who knows how many problems and hidden "pitfalls" is there.

Thought 5. "What will think about me"

Because of it, you begin to limit yourself - hesitate to express your opinion, to speak to other people when they violate your personal boundaries, that is, constantly "pressed" themselves. As a result, the image of a doubtful person is created.

Stop complexing, accept all your features, whatever they are and learn to love themselves. After all, all people are unique and that's great!

Thought 6. "I do not have time"

Thinking in this way, making the emphasis on their concerns, you are constantly in a strained state, fuss, you can not relax. Solve the problem simply - learn how to quickly distribute time, then you will not have to run forever on the sides with the scattered eyes and is late everywhere.

Thought 7. "Negative mental monologue"

The first participant is you, and the second can be anyone: a neighbor of a stairwell, head, husband, girlfriend. The meaning of a negative monologue is that you mentally "talking" with this person, something "prove" to him, invent new arguments and make another bunch of unnecessary things.

According to the result, go with acidic mine and pursed lips.

How to solve the problem? Learning to openly declare that you are not satisfied with communication, it is clearly denoted by your personal boundaries, not allowing someone to translate them.

And if it is not possible to find a compromise with some particularly toxic people - without a branch of conscience, exclude them from your circle of communication. And to live immediately will be much easier.

How to change the appearance of the power of thought - materialization

Is it possible to influence your appearance? Certainly yes! Many people were able to test the strength of thought to change appearance on personal experience. Let us now look at this secret weapon.

Changing the appearance of thoughts

What are the features of working with thinking?

  1. It is important to have a solid, unconditional faith in the effectiveness of the strength of thought. Eliminate any doubts from your head, because they will harm you badly.
  2. Be sequentially - if you came for work, then perform it daily, without throwing into a long box.
  3. It is advisable to no one to talk about what they do. Well, at least before getting the desired result. At best, you can marry, and in the worst - consider the crazy. Do you want to spoil your nerves with superfluous clarifications of relationships?
  4. Put in front of you real objectives, adequate and achievable. Probably there is no need to explain that you will not be able to increase your height by 20 centimeters or change the color of the skin with dark meat on white.
What changes are real?
  • changes in hair shade;
  • improving eyebrows, cilia;
  • Strengthening hair and nails;
  • Change shape;
  • increase breast (moderate);
  • Reducing mimic wrinkles.

Changing the appearance of the power of thought - technique

Let's talk now about the methods of changing the appearance with thinking.

  • Learn to control the body. This stage is considered the most important, all the work begins with it. Your task is to believe that the body is under the influence of thinking and learn to take it under his conscious control.

To perform the task, arrange more comfortably in the place where you will not disturb, cover the eyelids. Transfer all attention to your body. Feel separately different parts of it: a little finger on one hand, a mustache, his nose, lips.

Learn to cause heat sensation in different places, moving it then into other parts of the body. Clean the technique of half an hour daily.

  • Visualization. Create your desired external image in your head with maximum details. Or, if you find it difficult to do it mentally - do in reality. For example, you dream of thick eyebrows. Take your photo, change the eyebrows in the photo editor, then print a photo. Every day, look at it, presenting how your eyebrows become the same thick and elegant as in the picture.
  • Use self-sucking. It will be necessary to retire again, sit in a comfortable position, relax, you can cover the eyelids. Pre-make a phrase where you want already in the present time. For example: "My body is slim and elastic. I feel cheerfully and energetically. I wear sizes (specify the desired size). I'm happy". Repeat several times.
  • Thank you. Whom? Universe, God, how you like more. For what? For the fact that you have received the expected result (imagine that everything has already happened). Sincerely, express your gratitude from the heart.
  • See yourself in the future. Imagine again that your desire has become real. Think about how you now look? And how do you feel internally? Do you do anything before or found new activities? Imagine that you decide to visit yourself in the future, talk with yourself. And finally, promise that everything will be right.

Remember that the main criterion of successful changes (no matter outward or internal) is the presence of unshakable faith in the desired result.

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