Negative installation in the subconscious: examples, list


Why do one people manage to achieve a lot in life, while others float and complain about fate? Psychologists found out that they are hampered by negative installations in the subconscious. What is it, and where do they come from?

My sister's friend did not work in life - some continuous failures and disappointment. But when she began to work on their installations in the subconscious, her life began to change. Today I will tell you how the wrong installations act, how to replace them with the correct and completely change your life.

Negative installations in the subconscious

Where do negative installations come from

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Negative installations have every person. This is a set of belief that spoils life does not make it possible to develop and seek life well-being.

These are peculiar mental clichés that control our thoughts and actions. For example, the cliché "Money spoil people" establishes the mental block, due to which money cannot come into life a person. They spoil people, it means dangerous.

Negative installations appear:

  • due to irrational fear of failure;
  • gloomy thoughts;
  • low energy tone.

What is the source of the formation of such mental clichés? Many of them were formed under the influence of the environment, family, folk traditions. Basically, the person and his beliefs are an environment. While he will not take his re-education. Consider examples of negative installations in the subconscious.

What we hear from parents:

  • Mojushko my;
  • Your hands are curves;
  • Always spoil everything;
  • Other similar statements.

Parents are not even aware that they spoil their child to their child and load his brain with a powerful negative program. One fellow gradual grandmother went and caused that the granddaughter was already 18, and nobody cried it.

It ended the fact that a beautiful girl did not marry and alone remained. Thanks to the grandmother. Wish the grandmother evil granddaughter? No. But the hell is packed by good intentions, so the girl could not arrange his personal life.

Negative installations in subconscious examples Lists

What will Society inspires to us:

  • Boys do not cry;
  • All women need only money;
  • All men are women and will not miss a single skirt;
  • Without ties and bribes, nothing to achieve anything in this life;
  • And other similar.

Under the influence of these installations, a human worldview is formed, and he begins to measure his actions with such clichés. Women look at men, as on potential traitors, men see in women whores and trains. And this is at best.

At worst, some men sincerely believe that any woman can just buy: her attention, favor, and even obedience.

Many people believe in fate, in the immutability of the pregnant and unchange of this. They believe in rock. This is a dangerous negative installation that deprives a person incentive to fight for the best future.

Even Jesus taught "knock, and will dismiss you." But many people are much easier to swim downstream and shift responsibility for their actions on invisible fate or unclean forces.

Young people, hearing about connections and bribes, do not even try to seek something on their own. Why spend power, if everything is afraid?

What we are taught by sayings and proverbs:

  • Who laughs a lot, he will cry a lot;
  • in the money evil;
  • better tit in hands;
  • And other similar.

Hiding folk wisdom, a person fears sincerely laugh and enjoy life: safer to walk with a serious face. Many cry - a pretty good argument to destroy a joyful smile on the mouth.

What we teaches the historical experience of many generations of people:

  • A man should bring to the Mammoth cave, and a woman is watching fire in the focus;
  • All entrepreneurs fraudsters, and simple hard workers - honest and conscientious people;
  • The child needs to raise the belt to become a man.

In recent decades, many vintage installations have defeated, but give their positions with great reluctance and even resistance. It cannot be said that all negative attitudes are false and wrong.

They have the proportion of truth, otherwise they would not fit in society. But it's time to revise priorities: in the yard of the 21st century. Previously, our ancestors moved to horses and donkeys - now we go on cars and fly on airplanes. Much has changed in our lives, but for some reason the mental settings remained the same.

how to remove negative installations from the subconscious

Way of thinking

Psychologists define two types of thinking:
  • fixed;
  • Flexible.

People with a fixed type of thinking - Fatalists. They believe in fate, rock, "God's punishment." They are convinced that nothing depends on them, so you just need to swim downstream and favorably take "gifts and punks" from predetermined fate.

People with a flexible type of thought process know that everything in this life depends on them themselves. They know that "Nading God, yes, it's not a root." These people are not so tragically perceived by life failures, because they will always be able to correct the mistakes and change the circumstances.

They work on themselves and successfully achieve their goals. In his life, people with flexible thinking are not guided by negative attitudes.

Examples of negative installations

Consider examples of how negative installations prevent the career success and get a decent salary, to establish a personal life and become a happy person.

  • For work you need to stay until the last!

The fear of losing the job, to release the blue of the hands and not catch the caravel, scares people. They hold for a penny salaries so as not to stay with anything. Fear manages consciousness and negative installations. Some employers are mercilessly exploit workers, under the fear of dismissal for free to recycle.

Some people after forty years are convinced that the change of work and profession is the lot of youth. It only remains to refine to retirement on the unloved job, so as not to remain with anything. These people are afraid of opening your business, because "Money spoils people," and honest businessmen do not happen in their opinion.

  • No matter how worse

Many people are panicly afraid of change, because they may worsen life instead of improvement. In the consciousness and subconscious, installations are firmly established:

  • needed where was born;
  • need to work in the specialty;
  • After thirty, it's too late.

So it turns out that the person is chained to one place and it is simply not solved to make even half a step or right. Yes, and for 30 years passed - well, what business can we talk about or change? Yes, and you need to work in our specialty, it was not for nothing that I studied for 5 years in the university.

  • All men want one

Negative attitudes relative to the opposite sex interfere with building healthy relationships. For some reason, in our society there is a belief that all men need only sex, and women are only money.

When a person looks at another person through the prism of such clichés, sincere relationships to build is very difficult: suspects.

Women do not decide to divorce with a drunk-husband, because the neighbors will look at the breeding. And in general: even bad, but your own, and men's hands always come in the house. The second half is beneficial to the fact that it is possible to shift responsibility for it.

  • Payback for happiness

This conviction is only among the citizens of our beautiful country. Where did this installation come from, no one can say. But believe. They believe that for a happy life someone necessarily implies.

Whether fate, or Satan, whether God's himself. Therefore, people fear to be happy, enjoy life without looking back. If the girls were having fun laughed, then the ancient old woman came from somewhere, and threatened with his finger: "To roar from Belugami." Therefore, it is impossible to be happy, it is dangerous.

Negative installations

Methods to combat harmful installations

How to defeat it evil? How to remove negative installations from the subconscious? Despite the robust positions that have taken negative cliché in our subconscious, they are eliminated.

Action plan:

  • identify a harmful installation;
  • recognize her uselessness;
  • Formulate a new one instead - positive.

Every time the negative thought begins to spoil the mood, scare or force to swim downstream, you need to "catch it with polishing at the crime scene." It is impossible to succumb to negative emotions that this thought activates to their support. Tell me a decisive "Stop!" It is necessary to turn into analytics and begin to consider this thought or emotion on all sides:

  • what the idea she carries;
  • Where this idea came from;
  • What or who is the source of this idea.

You must strictly ask yourself a question - what will this idea result in what benefits will you bring? Very often, our negative beliefs feed on irrational fear: we are afraid of what is not and, most likely, will not. With irrational fears, you need to lead an active and merciless struggle, as they have deprived of happiness and joy.

If you have heard a negative opinion of a person, allegedly did not achieve anything and only in vain spent time, then what does his personal experience have to do with you? He was prevented to achieve success negative installations. If you believe the negative experience of others, as a result it will fight you.

So that self-confidence in their own power leaves you during the time, you need to work hard on yourself and defeat the inner enemy.

The hidden enemy is our own subconscious, which harms us from the best motives - to preserve the form in which a person is at the moment. This program of the whole matter is to preserve its form unchanged. Therefore, the subconscious begins to oppose any changes using negative installations.

To deceive the subconscious, you just need to use in your statements no future time (it is afraid of the subconscious), and the present.


  • I successfully cope with the task.
  • With age, my health is improving.
  • I do not want to smoke cigarettes.
  • I have a slim figure, a thin waist, etc.

That is, you do not need to scare your own subconsciousness to change something, you need to convince him that the necessary things already have and do not need to make any effort to achieve them.

Have you been able to start a new life from Monday unsuccessfully? Many people passed through this failure experiment only because of the boycott of its own subconscious.

On Monday, either a person sick, or there were unforeseen events, or simply did not hear the alarm clock - slept like a baby. So the subconsciousness protects the human body from overvoltage and extra effort: what if he dies due to change?

So do not start a new life from Monday and do not frighten the subconsciousness with new-fashioned diet diet - weight will only increase. Just learn to think positively and correctly: in the present time.


We found out that negative installations interfere with a person to become happy and live life as he wants. A person dreams of living in prosperity, and he is invisible - not in money happiness, evil money. A man dreams of becoming a successful entrepreneur, and he is told - all the businessmen are unclean in hand, the business is honestly impossible.

The girl dreams of a strong happy family, and she is told - all the male women. The girl is having fun laugh, and she is told - you will cry. Is it time to arrange a boycott who have learned and cliche invited their importance?

In our time, the developed science of psychology and discoveries of quantum physicists it is time to already believe due to their own thought, and not in advance of this fate and rock. But in order to create life with the power of thought, you need to defeat the inner enemy - the subconscious.

This is a conditional enemy, he wishes to us the "best" - to stay alone, equilibrium and sail downstream. But the subconscious can be deceived - just convince him that the state you need already exists and do not apply effort to achieve it. Well will be all - to you and subconscious.

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