Christian Egregor: Features, Dignity, Danger


Religious egregors of the most common facilities (Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, etc.) belong to the strongest and influential. After all, they regularly focus the energy of hundreds and thousands of believers from around the world.

Christian Egregor is a bright example of a powerful religious essence. I propose in today's article to find out its main features: the advantages and disadvantages of working with it, the methods of connection and disconnection.

Christian Egregor

Christian egregor - what it is, its structure

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Any egregor (otherwise the pendulum) is an energy information structure that combines people by common goals and objectives, interests, religion, etc. At the same time, he absorbs the energy of all its adepts, subsequently distributing it between them (not in the same ratio).

The creation of a pendulum is completely impossible to create a pendulum, so Christian Egregor was also formed by a group of people. He developed for a long time, formed the environment for himself, taking as many new donors as possible in his networks (after all, the more the pendulum of adherents, the more powerful of his power).

The energy information structure of the Christian Church is divided into such elements:

  • Orthodox egregor;
  • Catholic;
  • Protestant;
  • And other branches of this religion.

The following egregrial structure is present in Christianity:

  1. Scripture - Bible . It proposes the main dogmas of religion, the history of the biblical righteous, their experience in communicating with God.
  2. Crucifixion We are talking about the main symbol of Christians - a huge cross with rays emanating from him, which serves as a firm for the pyramidal structure of the pendulum.
  3. Structures of the pyramidal form . In some cases, the pyramid consists of a large number of rhombuses connected in the middle with the help of a cross. From below, the rays that reach Christian churches are diverged.

Who submits the Christian Egregor?

It is not easy to give an unambiguous answer to such a question. Believers are convinced of the fact that everything related to religion and church life is responsible for God himself with his assistants - angels, archangels.

Of course, higher entities participate in the life of the egregor, but we must not forget that the pendulum is an energy information field created exclusively by people.

In subordination of whom is the egregor of Christianity? More than the highest egregor - earthly (planet Earth). It happens by analogy with all world religions known for today.

In this theory, we find the ideas of the famous writer, the philosopher, the occult 19th century Elena Petrovna Blavatskaya. Blavatskaya came to the conclusion about the presence of a single source of all religions of the world, that is, their full equity against each other's background.

Christian Egregor

The advantages of the pendulum

Nowadays, Christian Egregor stubbornly holds among the most popular energy structures. It belongs to millions of people from different parts of the globe, despite the gradual fading of his strength (due to the emergence of new information discrediting Christianity).

But since the pendulum is quite active and power, it has a colossal amount of believers. With this force, he can share with a newcomer, who decided to join him (however, in which assistance will be available - unknown).

But in some cases, believers of Christians even healed from serious diseases - a lot of such stories are known.

In addition, Christianity provides good protection against negative impacts from the outside (spanking, unchalled, love spells, curses, and the like). Orthodox believe that with the rite of baptism to each person, a personal Guardian Angel is attached, who protects it from the troubles and misfortunes, assists in life.

How to connect to Christian egregor?

In countries such as Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and some other Slavic states with the main religion of Orthodoxy, children by tradition are connected to the pendulum in childhood. It happens through the commitment of the sacrament of baptism.

Therefore, if you somehow missed this ceremony in infancy, but you wish to join the Christian energy-information structure - sign up for the baptism ritual. The method is the most simple, accessible to everyone.

Christian Egregor: Danger, Disadvantages

Despite the advantages listed above, it should be remembered that the connection to the church pendulum can be dangerous. What exactly? Christian egregor greatly affects human consciousness. And the stronger the believer connects with it - the greater the effect on the system of the system it is exposed. Absolutely by goodwill.

Christianity is a very aggressive and hard religion. His concept is based on the principles of dualism of everything in the universe: there is good and evil, light and darkness, spirituality and ignorance, etc.

According to the result, though, a person faces a split consciousness, he always has enemies (external and internal), with whom he is trying to fight.

The Christian pendulum programms his adherents, forcing them to behave in a certain way, inspiring the thoughts that beneficial to him, limiting personal freedom and will.

One characteristic moment - In Christianity, a technique of controlling believers with the help of a sense of fear, guilt and the ideas of the eternal "sinfulness" of man are used.

Like, did not have time to be born, as already became the "slave of God", forced to pay for the original reason to pay for the original again the sin, perfect by the first person by Adam.

If the pendulum gets control over his adept, he gradually deprives him of sound thinking, the ability to choose his way in life, to perceive what is happening adequately. Therefore, many of the zealous believers of Christians are actively trying to impose their religion to everyone around, and forcibly.

Christian Egregor

Working with the Christian Energy Building

To obtain support and protection against a pendulum, a number of conditions will be compliance, namely:
  1. Availability of faith - Sincere and unshakable. It helps connect to mental condensate. In the absence of faith, in principle, it makes no sense to try to interact with religious egregor - you will not get help, only in vain spend time and strength.
  2. Performing church rituals (Regular visit to the services, participation in ceremonies, such as confession or communion, sacrificing 1/10 of its income on the development of the temple, filing alms). True, justice it is worth noting that the rule of return of decade exists far from alone Christianity, but in other religions. It refers to the basic laws of the Universe.
  3. Baptism - As we already know, it is with his help, there is a connection to the Christian pendulum. In addition to the baptism, believers traditionally make rituals of sanctifying their homes, vehicles, business, food (for example, carry in church on the day of Sunday of Christ).
  4. Reading prayers. Through them, the adept religion gives part of its energy to Egregor. In the process of its return, it is materialized on a rough plan, becoming physical things or circumstances corresponding to the nature of the request.
  5. Compliance with posts, celebrating significant church days. They also contribute to the best contact with the energy information structure of Christianity. The main thing is not to overdo it, be sure to check for the presence of contraindications to the post.

How to disconnect from the system

People who disappointed in the Christian concept of the worldview wishing to leave this egregor can do it through Ritual delay . He implies liberation from Christian baptism, elimination of church bonds and obtaining complete freedom of choice.

It is immediately important to note that the deduction process will be difficult. The fact is that any power system does not want to lose their adepts, because they actually "feed" her with their life forces. Without them, she risks gazing and gradually go to no.

Therefore, the Christian pendulum will try to "put sticks in every way" who wants to get out of his exposure. And he prefers not to act with the most pleasant methods:

  • In the life of "objectionable", a black band with a series of different troubles may occur;
  • The emergence of nightmares, increased nervousness and other similar things is not excluded.

The goal of them is alone - to intimidate the "fugitive", forcing him to change their mind. But if you are firm in your intentions, then read on.

The simplest action that should be done initially is to refuse all the church attributes (Christian icons, cross), do not attend the church, do not read prayers, do not apply to the entities of this power system.

And although this method does not allow to completely exit the egregor, but it will make energy connections with it less durable. It is possible that you will be enough and such actions, especially if you do not seek to go to another religion.

If the second option occurs, more active actions will be required. If you wish, changing faith should turn to the clergy of your chosen religion: it is he will tell you what you need to do to connect to a new pendulum.

And he will hold special manipulations (their own confession) to eliminate the energy seals of Christianity.

For example, if the Slavic worldview is attracted, you will need to make a rite of deduction with the participation of the power of the pagan gods and the forces of nature. Then it is worth finding a lead (Slavic Priest), which will hold a ritual action.

Now you know the main advantages and disadvantages of working with Christian Egregor. Further choice remains for you, because religion is the personal matter of every person. In conclusion, browse the thematic video.

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