Memorial Day Archangel Mikhail: Traditions, Signs and Superstition


Day of Archangel Mikhail is a church holiday in which the memory of the saint is honored. It is also called Mikhailov Day, and in the people - Mikhailovsky thaw or dirt. On this day, it is usually worthwhile, but not always sunny weather.

Day of Archangel Mikhail in 2020 falls on November 21. It is connected with him a lot of admission, superstitions and customs, which I will tell in detail in this article.

archangel Michael

How did the holiday appear?

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In the angel hierarchy there are 9 ranks, among which the Archangels are dominated. The staper "Arch" indicates that the divine creature is special strength and purpose, as well as closest to the Lord. Archangel Mikhail - the Prophet and Head of the Most High Troops, which was the first to rebelled against the evil forces, and won the victory over them.

Arresting Mikhail was awarded the title of defender of believers and the patron saint of the human race. The Bible is often mentioned about his good deeds and wonders. On the icons of the Archangel depicts with a harsh expression of the face, in the clothes of red.

Wings are visible for his back. In one hand, he holds the gift branch, in the other - the sword, and in his feet he has an overthrown Lucifer.

Mikhailov Day appeared in the church calendar in the IV century. The date of celebration of the Day of memory of the saint installed the Laodican Cathedral, and she was not chosen by chance. November is the 9th month of the year, namely, this figure corresponds to the number of angelic ranks.

Traditions and customs

The holiday of Archangel Michael is celebrated by noisy walking, which lasts a week. People cover tables, invite guests. Mandatory treats are flour and meat dishes, as well as beekeeping products.

To this day, all agricultural works are completed, which means you can relax. Also, on November 21, it was customary to sell the harvest or made from it food, and collect profits.

Archangel Mikhail Day

Rural inhabitants on the day of the memory of Archangel Mikhail asked the courtyard, which in the people is considered the younger brother of the house. This is done so that he guarded the yard and cattle from Lich. The shaft rite is as follows:

  • In the courtyard, the owner of the house reads prayer;
  • puts in hlevar treats;
  • Using to come, he carries a line in the yard, for which the yard cannot be found.

On Mikhailov, it is customary to visit friends and relatives, receive guests, and treat them a festive dinner. Since a strict post was soon to begin, the walking tables were leaving from a variety of dishes.

The church was also obligatory, where the festive service was held. To this day, believers comply with this tradition. Prayer facing Archangel Mikhail on this day is particularly powerful.

For the saint, the requests for salvation from sins and protection against evil people are raised. Everyone who turn to Mikhail will receive his patronage for the whole year.

Like other church holidays, Mikhailov Day has some prohibitions that retain relevance today. This bright day is prohibited:

  • Wash your head - it can lead to a deterioration in intellectual abilities and memory;
  • cut with a knife or chop the ax, because Mikhail punished with such cold weapons, and he can punish the one who disrupts this ban;
  • perform mercenary, mercantile actions, or do something for their benefits;
  • refuse to assist the needy person or pass by someone else's trouble;
  • Argued, quarrel, raise the voice, criticize, to buy - this time is served for reconciliation.

Day of Archangel Mikhaila

Signs and superstition

In Mikhailov, a lot will take a lot related to the weather and harvest. It is believed that winter frosts begin after this date, but some nuances will more accurately tell about later weather:
  • frost on grass or earth - to snowy winter;
  • Morning fog foreshadows thaw;
  • Early dawn - wait for frosts;
  • Dry, clear weather throughout the day - Winter will be very cold;
  • Snow with rain indicates that spring will be rainy and raw;
  • Wet snow - to a rich crop;
  • Clear night on the eve of the holiday - to a beautiful winter with moderate precipitation;
  • Rainy weather foreshadows dry warm spring;
  • The wind of the afternoon rose - the first half of December will be warm;
  • A good harvest foreshadows gloomy Mikhailov day with morning in the trees.

In addition to raising the weather, there are superstitions that will tell about important events in life. For example, if a person on a festive day hear a bell ringing, his trouble is waiting or a very bad incident. A child born on November 21 will gain happy fate.

What helps?

Mikhail's Archangel turns requests for protection against troubles and enemies, asked to allow unfair situations, in particular with the bosses. He patronized over the warriors, helps in battles and strengthens the morale.

On the day of memory, Mikhail can pray for health, healing from diseases, and protection against the impact of dark forces. Also, it should be referred to in case of natural disasters or in case of complex life situations.

To ask for help and patronage, you need to read the following prayer:

Prayer Archangel Mikhail

When a person is in a difficult position, and needs protection, it is recommended to contact Archangel Mikhail with such words:

Prayer Archangel Mikhail 2


  • Memorial Day Archangel Mikhail annually celebrate on November 21.
  • The saint patron stands on the protection of humanity and helps in any complex situations.
  • Many traditions are connected with this day and take part of which believers to comply with this day.

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