How to attract a guy girl: eight recommendations


If you want to answer the question: "How to attract a girl how to achieve its location and interest?", Then the next material is for you. From him you will learn what to pay increased attention, and why do not exactly need to do.

How does a guy like a girl?

Immediately, we note that it is not about the mimolete dating on the street, in a transport or nightclub. Of course, they also have a place to be, but this is a topic for a separate article.

Now we will talk about this option, how to attract the attention of the girl you know and who knows you (you are in the general company of friends, are colleagues in work or neighbors). Tips will also be suitable for those representatives of the strong sex, who are trying to find happiness on the Internet - in particular, on dating sites.

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How to attract a girl

How to attract a girl: 8 recommendations

So, we will not delay and immediately let's turn to business - or rather, to useful life of successful tipping a pretty person.

Recommendation 1. Appearance

Yes, this advice is banal and brought to pain, but it is worth it from him. At a minimum, because girls are much more interested in well-groomed and neat dressed men. And, it means, one of the secrets of male success lies precisely in high-quality care for himself.

Before, today there is a huge amount of funds and appropriate literature: skin care products, hair, perfumes ... You can not forget about the importance of proper nutrition and sufficient activity, because physical exertion is incredibly important for the male half of the population. To turn into a miniature hall, of course, it is not necessary, but to monitor weight and the condition of the muscles unambiguously does not hurt.

A separate item is a properly selected haircut and the appropriate wardrobe. If a hairdresser will help with the first, then with the second it is quite possible to cope on your own. It is enough to master basic information about styles, a successful combination of different items of clothing with each other, learn how to competently pick up accessories. But if you are not sure about your abilities - not trouble, you can always consult a consultation to the stylist.

Recommendation 2. Self-development

The second, but no less important than the first paragraph. The worst thing is that a man can do is to put a cross and ride a loser thinking. Then it is not surprising that he will be extremely difficult to cause a woman's interest.

After all, constant self-improvement and personal development are those things that provide future success. And girls from nature seek to choose the most decent representative of the strong sex, followed by a woman and relax, and not pull everything on themselves, solving a bunch of different problems.

In addition, what can you talk to a guy, the only interests of which are computer "shooters" or watching the TV? And what future is it waiting for him if he spends nothing in vain, afraid to get out of the comfort zone and start seeking really significant goals?

A man is vital in life to cope with obstacles, win, make new discoveries, conquer new vertices. Therefore, put ambitious goals in front of them, to achieve them, improve your professional and personal skills, expand the horizons, get a new experience. According to the result, you definitely won't stay without female attention!

Recommendation 3. Confidence in yourself

It is very valued by girls in guys and men. Because next to confident MCH reliably and calmly, he is so harmonious and confused that he charges with his energy all who is next to him. And if suddenly there will be something out of a series of outgoing - always confidently find a solution to the problem.

How to attract a girl

Unfortunately, self-confidence is practically not amenable to fake - people quickly feel false. Let's briefly run on the main signs of confident people:

  • behave calmly, simply, do not seek something to prove others;
  • absolutely not worried about someone else's opinion - they have their own and it is quite enough;
  • know how to correctly position themselves in society;
  • They possess the correct posture: their movements are measured, smooth, not very fast or sharp, the back is straight, and the head is highly raised. There is no squeeze in the body, on the contrary, there is also felt and ease;
  • They do not scare visual contact, so they always look straight into the eyes of the interlocutor / interlocutor;
  • Talking in an uncommon pace, clearly setting out their thoughts, they say not too quiet, but do not shout;
  • Radiate positive - I want to be next to them and do not want to leave.

Recommendation 4. Good interlocutor

In any acquaintance - be it a business, friendly or love everything always begins with communication. Accordingly, if you want to arrange a girl to yourself, "you need to communicate with her so that she felt comfortable.

Speak on topics that it interests it, you will be able to listen and hear what you tell you, let's rational advice, but only if you are asked about.

What to do exactly should not be - stubbornly prove its rightness, try to convince the girl, consider her ideas and goggles wrong, in the forehead stating this. Even if you are 100% sure that right, it is better to hold your opinion with you. Otherwise, the interlocutor will most likely complete communication forever (especially if you are still familiar with you and you have no relationship yet).

It is not possible to follow not only in his own words, but also for the intonation with which you say them. After all, the same phrase can be perceived completely differently if it is pronounced gently, good or, on the contrary, roughly, aggressively.

Advice! If there are problems with pronunciation, try to read aloud half an hour every day. The result will pleasantly surprise you.

Recommendation 5. Successful humor

Not in vain it is believed that the ability to witness witnesses the high level of human intelligence. And women, as you know, come delight and from the first, and from the second. Few people want to feel on a date as interrogation or job interview. And the appropriate humor greatly discharges the atmosphere by adding ease and ease, plus, improves the mood. Any internal voltage immediately disappears, communication becomes more comfortable and pleasant.

The main thing is not to overdo it with humor and control your jokes: they should not hurt the interlocutor in any way, to cause unpleasant associations from her. Do not, for example, joke on the appearance of the girl, the features of its behavior, if you are not familiar enough. Otherwise, she can perceive such humor as an insult and offended.

How to attract a girl

Recommendation 6. Demanding

She acts synonymous with masculinity. But the representative of the beautiful gender love courageous guys, isn't it? In addition, Slavic women prefer that the leader was the man: I made the first step in the acquaintance, I made active actions to conquer the object of my sympathy.

Yes, and even - decisiveness signals confidence, high self-esteem. And about how important it is, we have already spoken earlier. In general, it is not worth "waiting for the sea of ​​weather", but you need to act, not afraid to show a girl that she is not indifferent to you.

Recommendation 7. Intrigue and unpredictability

The best thing is from what can be started - with unforgettable emotions that are guaranteed to keep in the memory of the girl, if not for life, then at least for a very long time.

Therefore, add to your communication with a stranger notcing spontaneity and adventurism. For example, suddenly suggest her to go on a little journey. Organize a non-standard date. Make an unusual gift.

In general, show your fantasy to the full coil (in the measures permissible, of course). Think than you can surprise the girl, causing exceptionally good emotions from it. And for this you need to be aware of it and know what it is afraid. After all, it is unlikely that she will like to ride a motorcycle if it has a phobia of high speed since childhood. Or jump with a parachute with panic fear of height.

Recommendation 8. Do not dwell on the result!

This is the most common mistake of many people. Moreover, not only when it comes to personal relationships, but also in matters related to work, self-development, friendly or business communication. People do something, and then go and constantly think about the final result - "unwind - will not be uptown." It is not surprising that most often does not fade.

Because our excessive desire to have something just repels this thing from us. Perhaps you have already heard such a saying:

"Happiness is like a butterfly - the more I caress, the more it eludes. But if you postpone your attention to other things, it will come and quietly sit down on your shoulder. "

So, if you, communicating with the girl, will every minute to think about whether you like it or not, whether she will agree to come again on a date, whether you will be collaborated in the future - there will be a special sense. And even more so much upset if you get refusal later.

Therefore, it is much more correct and more efficient - to let go of your expectations, just enjoy communication, recognizing the new person. Do not worry about what you thought about you and could you "hook". And what will happen next - known to God. Let's not try to take on his competencies, trying to control everything and everyone around, even that pleasant stranger.

I hope that the advice given in the article was useful and will help you in successful communication with representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. Finally, browse the thematic video:

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