Lucifer's fall: history, as it happened in the Bible


Lucifer (or as it is also called Dennica) - represents one of the most mysterious and controversial characters in the Christian religion. And although in translation from Latin speech, the name Lucifer denotes the "Light carrier", it is traditionally attributed to the forces of darkness, considering the fallen angel.

But how did the fall of Lucifer happen? What is known about him from the Bible? Let's deal with.

Fall of Lucifer

Lucifer - Who is he?

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Dennica (translated "Morning Star") - this is the second name of Lucifer, the Great Angel, the first created by God, which was once his pet. In the Christian faith it is believed that Lucifer had a huge wisdom, was a source of love and light.

The Creator was proud of them, finding him for the best of his creation, so he opened him all the secrets of the universe.

The Lord even put Lucifer at the head of angelic troops, entrusted to him to control the inhabitants of the Divine World. Dennie assisted his father in all his affairs in heaven. For a long time, he ranked top in the angel hierarchy, was in the zone of the confidence of God and was an example for his fellow.

Interesting! The Bible states that Lucifer in its level of development only a little inferior to the Creator himself.

History of falling Lucifer

John Damaskin in the "accurate presentation of the Orthodox faith" writes that God entrusted to the nominal lucifera to guard the whole earth. Angel was incredibly beautiful and had freedom of will.

But being on the top of the fame, Dennica at some point lost his head from Pride. He began to admire himself more and decided that he was already not enough to manage land - he wasveling to become higher than God. I wanted to command the whole universe.

Dennie began inciting other angels to oppose the Creator. And one third of the celersists went behind him, they are known in Christianity as fallen angels.

From this point on, the war of Lucifer and ArchReart Mikhail - a bright angelic character who headed the Creator's army. The proud angel paid for his recklessness - he lost his beauty and glory, got a terrible appearance and was abandoned from the kingdom of God to Earth (Revelation 12.7-9).

Interesting! In Christianity, Dennitsa is also called Satan or the Devil, and fallen angels are called demons.

Below is the "Fall of Lucifer" picture

Lucifer's fall: history, as it happened in the Bible 2900_2

Satan is customary to associate with any negative qualities, actions: with aggression, malice, hatred, murder, various human vices.

The Bible says that after his fall, Lucifer became Yaros hate all people on earth for the big spiritual potential laid in them. And even for the fact that they have become pets of God, they were created according to his image and likeness.

It was the devil, having assumed the appearance of a snake, forced the first woman to disrupt the promise, this Creator, that is, to make a primary sin.

Satan continues to create evil and now: He in every way makes man ignore God's will. Uses trick, deception, sowing sin seeds in the soul of people, making their hearts with cruel, closed for light and love. And the sin, as you know, makes us further from the Creator, doing badly, we yourself are our life, we will deal with suffering, illness and death.

Where in the Bible describes the fall of Lucifer?

In the book of the Prophet Isaiah in poems from 12 to 17, you can familiarize yourself with the full history of Dennitsa's fall. It is mentioned that he wanted to "renew his throne to the edge of the North, to become a similar Most High, to take the above stars."

In addition, about Dennica, his relationship with the Creator and the Great Pride, who defeated him, tells the book of the Prophet Ezekiel (poem from the 11th to 19, Chapter 28).

Lucifer Museum (Vatican)

Curiously, but in honor of the fallen angel created even a whole museum! His location is the mini-state of the Vatican, the cellar of the temple of the Holy Heart of the Martyr. The Lucifer Museum was consecrated in 1933 by the then Pope of the Roman Spear XI and now tourists are visited from all over the world.

Of course, those who are not afraid to ripped their nerves with terrible exhibits. For example, a sparkled prayerman, who, according to legends, Lucifer kept in his hands. Or a dress, once owned by Countess Sibylla, with traces of huge clawed paws.

Another very entertaining artifact is a treaty of Adolf Hitler and Satan. It is considered genuine, since the signature of the Nazi leader on the document was carefully investigated and confirmed by experts from Italy and Germany.

The contract with the devil was a contract, according to which Adolf will perform terrible things on Earth, and Satan for it will give it by world government.

The date of signing the contract is preserved - 30.04.1932. The term of the contract is thirteen years, after the expiration of the specified term, Hitler had to give his soul to the Lucifer. All would not, only exactly 13 years later, in 1945, the Führer really finishes life, committing suicide.

Lucifer Museum (Vatican)

In the Vatican Lucifer Museum, you can even find the dried body of a demonic creature found in Mexico in the ruins of the temple in 1997. The demon possessed the horns of the goat, long pointed hooves and claws, and on his neck there was a medallion with inscriptions on an incomprehensible language. Researchers until today could not translate them.

And the last find, which is necessary to mention - prophecy given by the fallen angel. It is written on ancient scrolls with seals of the 1566th year and was transferred to the museum mysterious visitor. The documents describe a large number of predictions, some of them do not coincide with the Bible, but the most shocking is that they begin to be executed.

The image of Satan in cinema and literature

Very often, the devil is found in the works of world literature, it appears as the protagonist of kinokartin. Below will look at the most popular films and books with its participation.

In cinema:

  • In the famous film of the cult director Roman Polanski "Ninth Gate", the main character is searching for books written by Satan himself. The whole effect of the picture is pierced by deep mysticism.
  • The film "The Devil" of 2010 does not leave doubts about who is the main character. According to the storyline, a group of people who know nothing, enter the elevator of a multi-storey house. Along the way, the elevator stops, the heroes are sharpened in it indefinitely and eventually realize that among them Satan is present among them.
  • You can also remember the "lawyer of the devil", the main character of which - the young lawyer works on the prince of Darkness.

In literature:

  • Fights Lucifer in the "Divine Comedy" of the famous medieval poet Dante Aligiery. The devil on the author's plan turns out to be placed on the ninth circle of hell - in the kingdom of ice cold.
  • And Dr. Johann Faust from the eponymous product Goethe and sells his immortal soul to Lucifer at all. The devil is to him in the form of Mephistofel, very similar to a person, but sometimes turns to a black dog.
  • And, of course, the famous masterpiece of the Russian writer Mikhail Bulgakov "Master and Margarita" comes to mind. Here, Satan appears in the image of Woland, who came to the capital of Russia and began to create various atrocities.

You can finally conclude that the History of Falling Lucifer is a significant event in the history of the Bible. Dennica was created by God, had almost unlimited possibilities, but fused and decided to plunge the Creator, for which he was turned into a demon, sending him to hell. His image continues to scare believers from around the world.

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