Dark Tarot Decodes: What is their feature and purpose


Tarot cards give answers to many questions, but not everyone can look into the soul of a person, or see the opposite side of the events - for this you need dark decks. With their help, practices can learn another reality, which will allow you to understand what is happening around, and to identify the true motives of people.

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Tarot dark decks differ from the bright presence of such characters as demons, perfume and dark angels. In addition, they are distinguished by interpretation. In this article, I will talk about popular black decks, their differences and fields of use.

Dark tarot

Features of dark dealers

Tarot black decks have a wide variety. They are distinguished by content, energy and purpose. It is believed that such cards can not use all practices, because Much depends on their abilities and energy power.

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Unlike bright, dark tarot can work against their owner, for example, pulling its energy. As a result, a person will feel exhausted, he will begin to pursue difficulties and failures.

Dark cards are used for complex, serious layouts. They help solve complex situations and conflicts, reveal the negative, look into the dark corners of the human soul and much more.

Not rare such tarot are used in rites, for example, to call spirit or communicating with a dark essence. Professionals do not recommend using them for rapid or simple layouts.

Working with black decks makes it possible to achieve a greater result, provided that the magician is quite strong, and is able to cope with the powerful energy of the cards by sending it to itself.

To understand that the deck is suitable for you - it's enough to hold her in your hands and set a few questions. Listen to your feelings. If you feel resonance, heat in hand or tide of energy, it means that the maps trust you.

Images depicted on dark tarot, fascinating and sometimes frightening. The meaning invested in them differs from classic cards. Images combine light and darkness, beauty and ugliness, faith and despair. They can be interpreted in a straight and overwhelmed form, while the value will be directed in the dark side of the universe.

Dark decks tarot

Each deck of dark tarot has its own characteristics, therefore, for the execution of successful and productive layouts, the practices must correctly choose the cards. First of all, they must come in energy, so before buying it is necessary to listen to the deck and their feelings.

The second important criterion is the features of the decryption. For the most purpose, the dark tarot are interpreted in the same way as light, therefore even a magician with small experiences to cope with them. But there are also decks that are suitable for extremely strong sorcerers with many years of practice.

Among the huge number of dark tarot, the following decks deserve special attention:

  1. Tarot shadows. The deck appeared in 2003, and quickly gained popularity, because He possessed a very strong energy power. Tarot shadows are suitable for experienced masters who have previously worked with dark cards. Also find a common language with them will be able to black practices with a congenital gift. Energy of a person must exceed the power of cards, only in this case it will manage them, and not the opposite. The deck is well suited for studying the soul and its secret corners, or identifying negative impact on a person.
  2. Demonian tarot. It will be difficult to work with this deck in inexperienced peaks, they will not come to contact. In addition, the interpretation of cards has its own nuances, at least mainly similar to traditional tarot. This deck is recommended to be used in rare cases - for especially serious layouts. With it, you can reveal a negative on a person or in space. Before you buy demonic tarot, you should take them in your hands and listen to your feelings.
  3. Tarot "Black Grimoire". They are also called necronomicon. The deck is one of the most mysterious and poorly studied. It is distressed and plump, so even an experienced master will not always be able to cope with it. These tarot are able to subjugate the owner, but if they trust him, they will clarify the worst features of his character and soul. Often using necronomicon is impossible, because Maps may begin to act against their owner.
  4. Gothic Taro Wargo. This is a universal deck with which the practitioner can work even with a small experience. It is not necessary to be afraid of anything, and be confident in your abilities. Cards are suitable for layouts on personal relationships, as well as to identify spiritual suffering.
  5. Tota. The deck contains many esoteric signs, including Egyptian hieroglyphs. It is easiest to work with her will be people with a well-developed fantasy to carry out an analogy between characters. Energy Tarot Tota is very peculiar, so you should buy them only those who feel resonance. Cards are suitable for any layouts.
  6. Tarot Giger Bafeomet. The most gloomy and strong deck, which consists exclusively from senior arcanes. Only chosen practices can work with them, which can cope with their powerful energy. An impressionable people with a sensitive psyche is better not to touch them. If it is incorrect to handle these tarot, they will work against their owner, pumping out energy out of it. The deck is used for special layouts.
  7. Voodoo New Orleans. The deck is based on the beliefs and customs of Voodoo. She personifies death and life. Tarot is difficult to come to contact, so only a powerful magician can master them. The interpretation of these cards is different from classic decks. They are not suitable for daily layouts. They are recommended to be used to identify negative, as well as solutions of love issues.
  8. Tarot Lucifer. This deck is impossible to assign a label of good or bad - it is just special. To understand that the cards are suitable for you, it is enough to ask a couple of questions. If they provide information, it means that you are strong enough to cope with them.
  9. Tarot legends. Maps with special attractiveness and attractiveness. They willingly go to contact, but can practic work with them - depends only on it. Tarot legends will suit a calm, reasonable person who knows how to listen. If, taking a deck, you hear their whisper, it means that the contact is installed.
  10. Hard thing. At first glance, the deck may seem a frivolous and frivolous, but touched it up to it, you will feel all its power and aggressiveness. Only an experienced, a strong magician will be able to use the energy of these tarot for itself. They are recommended for practitioners under the age of 30.


  • Dark tarot decks differ from bright not only appearance, but also energy, purpose and interpretation.
  • To use black cards, you need to have powerful energy and big knowledge luggage.
  • The practice of the practice of the practitioner should approach responsibly, otherwise it will work against him.

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