Uriel: When they pray to this heaven, what helps


Uriel - speaks one of the Archangels, the Higher Angelic Beings of the Heavenly Office. The latter is very extensive and for each of its member is entrusted with certain functions that others have no.

What does Archangel Uryal answer, what is said about him in the Bible, as they are depicted on images? If you are interested in such questions, then be sure to read the material below. It will become everything from him.

Archangel Uryal

Uriel Angel - Who is he?

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Uryal (or in a different Uriel) refers to the seven of the highest angelic entities, approached by the Creator. Translated from the ancient Jewish language, his name means "Loggy God" or "Light of God".

Uriel is responsible for the enlightenment of people . He gives sudden insights, actively pushes atheists to the spiritual life of atheists, ignorant - all those who are used to thinking about themselves only as a physical body, does not believe that he has an immortal soul.

Angel controls the behavior of sinners: he brings them thoughts about repentance, awakens conscience in them. Also, Uriel will come to the rescue of the person who got lost on a life road, is in confusion, without understanding where to move on (everyone sometimes has such states).

In the sacred Christian texts, it is said that it was Archangel Urielu, the Lord entrusted the guard of Paradise after the sin of the first people - Adam and Eve and their exile from the Eden Garden. More Uriel is a patron saint of scientists, all those who are somehow related to the transfer of knowledge.

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Also according to legends, an angel enlightener will play a big role specifically for Russia.

There is a prophecy, according to which the red (or fiery) army will be formed from spiritual people who want to revive Russian lands. Warriors will wear a banner with images of red crosses. But it is not necessary to associate the Red Army from the USSR, because it's not about him.

It is believed that the day will come when Orthodox people will rise to the call of Uriel to make the most important mission for the whole world. Interestingly, the famous Bulgarian clairvoyant Wang has also very optimistically responded about Russia, Russian people. The woman foresaw that it was behind Russian people who feels the salvation of the world.

On a note! Archangel Uriel enjoys great respect for people since the times of Middle Ages. So alchemists considered him as their patron, he prayed to the prince Yaroslav Wise, and Rurikovichi believed that this heavenly warrior keeps their princely.

Archangel Uryal

Biblical information

Let's now turn to the sacred scriptures - what are you known about the divine enlightener of the lost souls? Immediately we note that in the Bible itself, it does not say a word, but the apocryphic texts mention repeatedly about Urieral.

For example, we find extensive information about it in 3 books. According to her, Uriel was sent by the Lord to the ezer to clarify him all the subtleties of the device of the world, spiritual life. And in the same apocrifa, we find information about the function of the archangel of protecting the gates in Eden after violating the first people of the request of God.

Superficially, but mentioned the name of this entity in the books of Enha. There, besides already known information on the educational responsibilities of angel, it is associated with natural manifestations - lightning, thunder, earthquakes, and with justice.

And from the "Revelations of Amadeu Portugal", written in the 15th century by the monk-Catholic, learn about the existence of Uriel's religious cult.

True, he was far from the only thing - there were also cults and other divine assistants (Archangelov Rafail, Mikhail, Gabriel and others). But for some reason, representatives of Catholicism were especially respectful to this angel.

Archangel Uriel Icon - what is depicting

In Christianity there are a large number of Iriel's icon painted faces. It can be depicted either as an affordable spirit, or (which is more often) - like a young guy or a man of an attractive appearance. His characteristic attribute on icons is a sword that Angel holds in his right hand. And from the left hand, the languages ​​of the divine flame emanate.

In addition to images, it is often possible to meet the wall painting with the face of the Archangel. So we find it in the temple of the Ascension of the Lord, in the Church of Pope Roman (Moscow), in Pavlovsky Posad and the Seraphim Church of Sarov (Anapa). Thus, once again confirmed the great importance of this holy for adherents of Christianity.

Interesting! Lick Uriel, together with the face of another Archangel - Mikhail, we find the "Mission and Justice" canvase, written by Prudon. The original painting is stored in the Louvro Museum.

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Archangel Uriel: What helps people?

We dealt with the fact that Uriel Archangel is responsible for what is responsible, now let's talk about situations in which the enlightener will be able to help believers. They are related to its responsibility area - primarily science. The Divine Bulletin is considered a patron:
  • researchers;
  • teachers;
  • teachers of universities;
  • Pupils of schools and universities.

All of them can pray urium for easy assimilation of hard material, prosperous examination and in other similar situations. But the most important condition is to possess the pure heart and the same intentions, not wanting evil to anyone.

In addition, an angel is associated with creativity, inspiration. Representatives of the relevant professions are raised by the prayers when they face a creative crisis, a long time is not visited by Muz for a long time. Him Uriel sends the necessary focus, gives new ideas.

He is especially associated with literature, so poets and writers can safely contact the uncertainty for help. The prayer angel will be useful and if you have to compose an important text - whether it is a school essay, a courseward or thesis, speech for a public speech.

Of course, Uriel will not wipe the prayer-friendly Russians, because he is a patron and defender of this state. It is best to solve issues related to religion and help peace, charity.

As encrypted in the very name of the Archangel, His task is to carry the divine light, send people to the right life b Therefore, he often pray, if a person is in a difficult situation, does not know how to do it. And you can ask not only for yourself, but also for loved ones.

The appeal to the archangel is shown and in the case of serious psychological disorders - depression, suicidal inclinations, longing, the oppressive feeling of loneliness. Uriel fills the soul of the suffering and harmony, resurrect joy in it.

Pray to him and then when you want to protect yourself from a false, to recognize a lie on time. He will show the situation in the true light, will help get out of it with the smallest losses. And he will also teach to cope with the life crises, will open his heart, filling it with love for God and people.

Prayer Archangel Urielu on Thursday

It is known a lot of canonical texts to the saint described. One of them is traditionally read on the fourth day of the week, his text you will find in the video at the end of the article. Thanks to the prayer, the believer will feel the tide of energy, emotional well-being will improve, forces will appear on the execution of all plans.

Prayers are raised to Uriel, to protect against the forces of darkness, when a person cannot independently resist demonic entities. After all, demons and demons since ancient times are trying to tempt people, sending sinful thoughts into their mind, pushing to non-residential affairs, developing vices.

Praying the archangel, your thoughts are illuminated by light, cleanse from negative. There are cases when the prayers of Urily helped obsessed, who saw or heard the voices of unclean strength.

Archangel Wariel and Rake

Reiki is a method of energy healing by taking to patient patient places with palms. Popular practice in the modern world.

Rake Masters turn to Angels, Archangels, come with them to contacts.

The purpose of this is to be cleaned spiritually, go to a new, higher level of consciousness. So, in the rails, Archangel Urielu is given a special role - it is believed that he heals the souls, contributes to a peaceful and harmonious solution of any, even very difficult situations.

In the field of control of Uriel, there are angels of the world having a gold color. They are very large in size, have short strength and warm, pleasant energy.

When Reiki Practices ask Archangel and his angels to help?

  • If they want to find peace in the shower, calm the alarming mind, get rid of negative feelings - fear, anger;
  • for gaining hope;
  • To successfully solve any problem (both personal and social plan);
  • to find like-minded people, spiritually developed people, teachers;
  • To activate creative talent;
  • To come peace all over the world, constant conflicts and wars stopped;
  • The teachers, teachers and judges are especially often addressed, as well as those who have to be submitted to the court. The latter are asked for a justice verdict;
  • Pray for moral support, all those who are engaged in charity - Sisters of Mercy, employees of shelters.

Finally, browse the thematic video, it's offered to the Prayer of Archangel Urielu:

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