Archangel Mikhail: What is the meaning of his icon, what helps


Icon ArchReart Mikhail - enjoys great love and reverence in the Christian world. It has a lot of power, for which believers from all over the world come to its numerous lists.

Which means, what helps people of Archangel Mikhail Icon, how to contact her - learn about everything after reading this article.

Icon Archangel Mikhaila

Archangel Mikhail icon: meaning

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Mikhail in Christianity earned the title of the Supreme Angel, which is included in the close environment of the Lord God. He is archrest, that is, the leader of the Holy Troops of the Heavenly, tirelessly opposing Satan and all his fallen angels.

For the head of the angelic forces, people were known since the Old Testament times. His name in translation from the Hebrew language means "who is like God, who is equal to God." It was Saint Mikhail that he led the angels to fight with the rebel against the creator of Lucifer, won it and sent him to hell.

The image of Archangel Michael was honored by people as a defender of people associated with military activities, - soldiers, border guards, all who faithfully protects his native land from enemies.

Vyshny Angel became famous in the centuries not only because of his courage and dedication, but also by what is spiritual purity. It will come to the aid of only righteous, pious people who believe in God and do not violate the basic laws of the universe.

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And they, praying to the heavenly governor, receive invisible protection from any evil, after all, the main task of the Archangels is to prevent the strength of darkness in the struggle for the human souls.

Holy Archangel Mikhail Icon is a great image, whose importance and symbolism exceeds many other shrines of Christianity. By the will of the Creator, the angel made many miracles, the mention of which was preserved in the Bible, in the Old Testament.

So Mikhail was a defender of the Jews, helped them to cope with the attackers on them by enemies. He led the Israelites when they left Egypt. Before the enemy seizure of Jericho, it was this divine essence that Josus was a warning.

Also, ArchReart killed 185,000 Assyrian warriors at the head of which was the wicked ruler of Antiokhov orodore.

And he has not allowed the fire to destroy the body of three righteous (Anania, Azaria, Misail), when those wanted to burn alive for unwillingness to pray in front of pagan idols. And many other famous miracles have been committed by the Supreme Angel.

Icon Archangel Mikhail Photo You can see below

Icon Archangel Mikhaila

Appearance Lika

There are two main composite options of the image of Mikhail: the waist image and the recreation of the angel figure in full growth. Regardless of the type, the heavenly military leader always looks equally.

In his right hand there is a fiery glowing sword or a spear with a cross at the end. Symbolic weapons means the willingness to fight with an unclean force (personifies Satan), to protect people from her.

Archangel is biting a scarlet color (can be fastened with the left or right side). Cloak is often developing back, which adds to Mikhail even greater militancy. Although more peaceful options for images are found.

Arresting on the icon necessarily has a mail and a shield that symbolize force, powerfulness and readiness to the momentary fulfillment of military debt.

But this is not the whole value: the angel closed in armor is designed to resurrect the event in the memory of the believers described in the Bible when he came to the rescue of Joshua.

Icon Archangel Mikhail: What helps people

Lick Michael symbolizes the help of over, gives hope and salvation, directs a person on the right path, cleans the soul from sins, fills the grace of God. It has long been famous for the miraculous in Christianity.

In what situations are the prayers of the Holy Angel?

  • in the presence of various diseases (bodily, mental, psychological);
  • When the individual is confused, can not understand what to do in life;
  • In order to protect yourself and its family from ill-wishers, someone else's negative;
  • To find an output in difficult circumstances;
  • when build or restore temples;
  • so that you are not deceived, did not bring to you slander;
  • To be able to resist the devilish temptations;
  • Prayer Mikhail about the military and navigators is especially useful: ArchReart adds men and patience to men, helps them performed by their debt.

The main condition for obtaining the support of the saint is to have a sincere faith, without a doubt and willingness himself not to inactivate. After all, it is not for nothing that there is a famous saying "On God Nading, yes, you yourself are not a root."

Also, you must have pure thoughts, in no case wake up anyone evil, to lead a righteous life.

Many believers memorize the texts of canonical prayers, but permissible to pray to the saint and their own words. Not much more important than the ideal words, but internal promise.

Icon Mikhail Arkhangel

Icon Mikhail Archangel: what protects

Angelic image has a huge protective potential. It differs from many other icons by protecting a person not only from external enemies or negative circumstances, but helps to fight internal - invisible, but from this no less dangerous.

Unfortunately, most people on Earth are very far from the title of saints and often sin with unseemless affairs or thoughts. They are largely formed our life, our future. Therefore, sometimes you need to be afraid of non-foreign people, but yourself.

Arrest icon will protect the soul from self-destruction, it will help to better control his thoughts. As a result, a person realizes what he behaves wrong and will be able to correct.


The year there are two dates of reverending the memory of St. Archangel Mikhail:

  1. September 6 (or 19 of the same month);
  2. 8 (either 21) November - called the Day of the "Cathedral" (that is, the aggregates of all Archangels, at the head of which is Mikhail).

On holidays, Christians pray to the Heavenly Voivod, they read the acathists, the paths, if desired, go to the temple of God to put the candle from the icon of the saint.

How to place an icon in the dwelling

The image of Archangel Michael is a very common icon, it is possible to detect it in many homes of believers. Especially often - in the dwellings of representatives of the military profession, because the saint is their patron. There are facets of various sizes and type on sale. Choose the one that will cause the greatest internal sympathy.

The question is rather relevant: "Where to hang the icon of the Holy Comarters in the house?". And the answer to it is such - the image can be placed in any corner of the house at will, because it will not play an important role.

For example, this option is the placement of the face on the home iconostasis with the lamp. Usually, a small shelf is purchased for a red corner, on which icons are arranged. Next to the images, place the lamp, the special oil is poured into it (it must be purchased in the temple, should not have additives in the composition).

The icon of ArchReart Mikhail - is a support and support for righteous people, contributes to finding a person himself on life trail itself. And she brings the believers to the main treasure - spiritual purity and eternal life.

In the video below you will be able to familiarize yourself with the text of one of the prayers to the Angelic Messenger:

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