Azazel: Desert Desert and the famous scapegoat


The demon with yellow eyes Azazel is described in all three Abrahamic religions - Judaism, Christianity and Muslim. According to legend, it was an angel, who after the fall was dropped to the ground. His status is Assistant Lucifer, hellish banner.

Why is Azazelle - Desert Desert and How is the Scope Goat? This story has arisen a long time ago, long before the Nativity of Christ - in Judea. The azazel was called the spirit of the Jewish desert, who was sacrificed to the goat.

Subsequently, Azazel was turned into a demon, and it began to actively call magicians and magicians. That's what I want to tell you in the article.

Azazel demon

Appearance and meaning of Azazelle

The name demon received on behalf of the spirit of the Jewish desert, which was associated with the ritual of the atonement of sins and the sacrifice. On a certain day (on Yom Kipur), Jewish priests took one goat for the city gate, and the second was ritually burned on fire.

The expelled scapegoat was given to the Spirit of the Desert and died. It was a replacement victim. If the Creator took the sacrificial goat, then the people of Jews were given another year of life.

But there is a different version. Demon Azazel is an idol Azaze, who brought victims. Which of the versions is correct, it is not known.

This demon is found in the novel by Bulgakov "Master and Margarita" called Azazello.

Archaeologists found the Canaan legends in which the azazel is described by the Gigan worm that lives in the desert. Since the demons can take different kinds, then such a transformation is also likely.

There is an interpretation, according to which the azazel is the serpent, who seduced the Eve apple. But he is also considered a demonized patron of livestock. In some sources, it is referred to as an incubator, in others - the patron of thieves.

The demon looks unattractive. He is a giant growth, the head is decorated with horns, a goat beard is bangled on a human face. It also differs from other demons with the color of the eyes - they are yellow. Azazel always appears with a black goat on a leash, on the head of which the crown is banging.

There is a parallel with the declare adopted in Christianity:

  • horns;
  • hooves;
  • tail;
  • goatee.

The goat became a symbol of sins, sin. This story originates in the Judean tradition of his vacation of sins. Accordingly, the goat was demonized, because it is a symbol of sin.

Azazel senior school demons

Fall history

When Lucifer decided to take possession of the throne of God, despite his freedom given to him after the fall, he put Azazel at the head of the doptop giants. The giants in those days inhabited the land, but were dissatisfied with the device of the universe.

Before his fall, azazel was a seraphist - the highest rank of fiery angels. Torah's interpreters are confident that Azazel Lfweng from Heaven Archangel Rafail.

After the Bunlet Lucifer, almost a third of the angels were cut off with him from heaven. Azazel fell into a hole, lost in the sands of time. So that Azazel could not get out of there, Archangel Rafail covered the pit with a giant stone.

A demon prisoner is waiting for his liberation from the dungeon. But in vain, he craves to see the light. Azazel was cursed, so he can see the light only after purifying the celestial flame.

Ability to demon

The sorcerers and magicians know how to cooperate with unclean power and use the abilities of demons and demons. What can azazel? After its overthrow on Earth, Azazel began to train the male population to process iron and metals, taught to fight.

It was a cunning plan to cause as much suffering to people. Blood flowed by the river, the earth was impregnated with suffering and pain.

Women demon opened the secret of the charm of men with cosmetics and love potions. He taught them witchcraft than they are busy and today.

All probatory magic is a school of azazel. But besides the love spell, the demon taught the sorcerer to divide those who love with the help of black magic: strainers, cruel, treasure. To destroy human genus, the demon taught women to make abortions and provoke miscarriages with the help of potions of black magic.

In various sources, it is called the lord of minerals and metal, teacher of alchemists.

The demon taught people to lie and walked, do not obey their parents, change their spouses, to be apostates from faith. Decoration is also his school. About these abilities of the demon is written in detail in the Book of Enha.

In the Arab version, this demon is referred to as azrail and is an angel of death. He picks up the human souls to the next world. Modern Islamists are confident that this angel accompanies the souls of righteous and sinners in the otherworldly world.

In the Islamic interpretation, at the end of times, all the creation of the Most High will die, and the azazel will disappear last. Also in Islam it is described as having a variety of eyes.

Demon Azazel

Influence on people

How does the demon contact with people? It turns out through the dreams and the gate of the dream, that is, it uses the subconsciousness to contact. Azazel teaches witches and sorcerer magical art through the fire that buys him between the horns. It is believed that he heads Shabashi, which are held on certain days on the Mount of Darkness.

In ritual purposes, they turn to the demon, if you need to deceive someone, drove, circle around the finger. With his help:

  • Sens people;
  • bred spouses;
  • Complete scandals, intrigues.

But it must be remembered that the demon has assisted only under one condition - the soul sold. The soul of man after death will go to hell: Such is the price for the desired desire.

Since interest in demonic entities in recent decades has increased, anime was created with the participation of Azazel - the demons of the senior school.

How to call

In the occult range, there has been a challenge of various spirits and entities, including demonic. There is also a call of azazel. However, it is necessary to understand that this cunning demon who patronize the thieves and fraudsters can easily be deceived and inexperienced magician.

You can not believe the devils and demons. Trying to subjugate this hellish essence very dangerous. Tsar Solomon, who became famous for the administration of demons, received a magic ring from the archangels for spells.

In recent decades, the challenge of this demon is carried out only in the number of 13 magicians, a single ritual is not practicing. Before calling, magicians must fast for 13 days after the full moon, and before the new moon to hold a strictest post without water.

During the post, magicians are completely refused meat food, any entertainment and bodily appliances. The rite is carried out in the new moon.

Mages lead to a deserted place of a black goat, bring 13 black candles. On the wasteland draws a 13-beam star and one of the magicians becomes in each beam. The goat is tied in the center of the circle, the crown of the weeds growing on the wastewater is placed on his head.

After that, they read the spell on Latin 13 times:

Azazel: Desert Desert and the famous scapegoat 2908_4

If errors will not be allowed in the ritual, the daemon will put into the goat and acquire the body. After that, the demon will inspect each of the participants, and at this moment you need to quickly stick the head: you can not look into the eye. But the magicians are not just inclinion - they at this time make a desire.

The desire is fulfilled instantly, but it is necessary to pay a high price - to give the most expensive. There are not money and not decorations: this kind of demons is full. Therefore, to the ritual of the call of azazel is resorted in the most extreme cases.

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