Signs of obsession with demons in humans: how to help


How to recognize the obsession with demons and distinguish it from mental disorder? From the movies, colorfully demonstrating the temperamental behavior of the devil, we know about the main symptoms and the peculiarities of human behavior.

But is it true, and what are the true signs of obsession with unclean power? One elderly woman lived in our stairwell, which everyone considered the launched: her behavior was so aggressive.

But subsequently it turned out that she progresses one of the mental illness. Now it passes rehabilitation after the course of treatment. In the article, I will tell you how to distinguish the blast, and what to do in this case.

Signs of obsession

Baby next to us

To realize the true state of affairs, you need to get rid of the artistic image of the obsession, which we imposed the film industry. All these colorful patterns of conversations are not by their voice and the growl of the beast is a rare case. Basically, obsession is manifested by completely different signs.

Nevertheless, obsession exists, and this is not fiction of film directories. This phenomenon dealt on a regular basis of the Fathers of the Church, in some temples there are special services for the expulsion of devil and demons.

Signs of obsession with demons in humans: how to help 2909_2

It is enough to go to any magic forum to find there are dozens of obsessed demons of people who do not shout out their vote and are not fighting in a foam with foam at the mouth. These are quite decent people, but with a special worldview.

Obsession by man signs

The main feature is intolerance to the church

An obsessed person will be Eastovo to hate everything that is directly or indirectly associated with church attributes.

Normal man of another faith is not hoolit and does not pushing the church: he is not before it. But obsessed will use any opportunity to express their "expert opinion" regarding Christianity.

It can be an educated and clever person who is interested in many areas of life. It can be tolerant in relation to any religion and sects. But it is only worth the conversation about the Church, as an indiscriminate anger begins to pour out of his mouth.

He can not own himself, because Lyutu sitting in him hates his opponent Christ. Thus, the demon gives himself through Hula to the Lord of the Almighty.

Such people are uncomfortable in the church, they can not calmly talk to the clergy, they are annoyed by the objects of the Christian cult. But in the mosque or the Buddhist temple they will feel fine.

signs of obsession by demons in humans

Manifestation of demon in man

The unclean force manifests itself in man through perverted desires. For example, sexual interest in marriage is a normal human desire, because he results in the birth of children.

But the desire to sin out of marriage, a frequent change of sexual partners is already fornication, Besysky obsession.

Flying a glass of good wine when a meeting with friends or a holiday is a normal human desire. The Creator gave people a grape vine and taught to make wine, but not for excessive inspection. To drink to the loss of consciousness, enter the fug - this is a perverted desire for demonic intake.

On a note! Any passion that owns human thoughts may be a sign of obsession.

Delicious useful food attracts people, and there is no sin. But there is such a damage as "Besky Zhor", when a person cannot dwell from eating food. And it does it in such an unsightly form that it is impossible to look at it without shudder.

Bodily defaults

Signs of obsession with demons in humans can manifest themselves with various bodily illness. But when examining the doctor, the cause for disabilities is not detected. The demon can take and a different form: inspires a person to give up a medical examination.

Symptoms of bodily illness:

  • fast fatiguability;
  • unreasonable weakness;
  • convulsions of limbs and bodies;
  • shiver in hand;
  • excessive dry skin;
  • hack and strong sweating;
  • excess body weight or thin;
  • drying of body parts;
  • seizures;
  • sleepwalking.

However, good half of the listed features may refer to the manifestation of somatic diseases and is diagnosed in many people. Therefore, be careful in identifying the undershits: the law will not approve of your enthusiasm.

The difference of obsession from mental disorder

The universe demon makes a person aggressive, but not always. It becomes unmanageable in case of contact with the subjects of a religious Christian cult.

He is unpleasant the smell of Ladan, scares the crucifix and cancer with the relics of saints. It can be said that the aggressiveness of the launched has a certain focus - the cult.

Often, people with mental disabilities lead to priests, which are considered obsessed. But the experienced clergyman can always distinguish the subsidence from mental disorder. For example, if you give a random two glasses with water, in one of which will be holy, - it will choose a glass with ordinary water.

Signs of obsession with demons in humans: how to help 2909_5

There are such types of mental disorders when a person in all means seeks to attract attention. To pretend the larger - the fastest way to achieve the desired. But the servants of the Church cannot be held.

There is also a mental illness that is associated with the fear of religious shrines - Ierophobia, Agophobia. But this fear should be applied not only to Christian religious objects.

In any case, you need to show calm and caution in the formulation of "diagnosis": only priests have the right.

Obsession demon

Device protection demon

When Jesus drove the legion of demons from a man in a flock of pigs, he said that they could return. Why it happens? Because a person himself imposes unclean power: wrong thoughts, incorrect behavior and actions. There is no violence in the spiritual world, and the guardian angel cannot interfere with a person to come to contact with evil spirits if he made such a choice.

Remember: Bes enters together with sin and through sin.

What does the road opens the road and gives the right to match the person? The most powerful demons and demons enter the person along with:

  • cynicism;
  • murder;
  • sexuality;
  • occupations occult practitioners;
  • Interest in Satanism.

If there is no repentance for the wrong behavior in the heart of man, then he opens the door to his life. Even if a person has committed a serious misconduct, it can be forgiven and pardon, but under the condition of sincere repentance and repentance. If this is not observed, he becomes a slave of the demon and his authorities obeys.

The Institute of Demon interferes:

  • Regular visits to liturgy;
  • daily reading of the prayer rule;
  • Repentance, communion.

The listed actions create a protective dome, through which the unclean force will not be able to penetrate. The only weapon against the unclean is hot prayer and faith.

In Orthodox chronicles (Patricks), you can find the wrestling of monks with the unclean power, which tried to master their feelings and heart. But with monks, the deeons of higher order, who own the skitting of the subtlest seduction: send doubts, thoughts about the blobe, inspire only the Old Testament instead of the new.

Rev. Isaac was one of the first Pechersk recluses, which was subjected to Besysky Navigation. When it was a demon in the form of two beautiful young men with shining faces, Isaquis from surprise forgot to impose a cross sign on himself and bowed to heaven.

At that time, the cells were filled with demons who began to play a dance and forced the monk to dance to exhaustion: he was paralyzed. The monk barely went out to fellow: he spent more than two years in a coma. After recovery, Isaac was no longer a recovery and became an oborudy.

The history of the Pechersk recoor is echoing with the life of the Egyptian hermit of St. Anthony, which she fought 17 years old with demonic infurities in the wilderness.

These truthful stories suggest that if you do not confront the unclean strength of a strong faith, it can easily destroy a person who even dedicated her life to the ministry to the Lord. And if the bells of the beams are ruined by carnal lusts, the monks can take for living pride and other indishes.

Chin Faucet

In the Catholic Church there is a rite of exorcism - the expulsion of the demon from a person. At the moment it is not held. In Orthodoxy, apply a certificate from infantless to a special permission of the ruling bike.

Currently, the father holds the father of Herman (garlic) in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, where people from all over Russia come.

The certificate is carried out for all wishing for free, but before the arrival of Herman, it is necessary to make sure that there is no mental abnormality in a person. Is it worth trusting a psychiatrist, because he is not a priest and can "not notice" an obsession?

It is not necessary to worry about it: most psychiatrists believers and not "miss" the obsession of man and its signs. If relatives are tired of "miracles", regularly suitable for their clinber, measures should be taken immediately:

  • First psychiatrist;
  • Then the priest.

Currently, psychiatry works in tandem with the church, so there should be no errors. Churchmenters also pass relevant medical courses and can distinguish the epilepsy from the fideline of the launched.

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