The most beautiful Tarot decks: unusual options


The art of tarot is very popular worldwide. Usually, gadetners choose for themselves a few deck of cards, one of which refers to the classic. However, the range of card products is extremely extensive, if desired, you can find something more interesting or non-traditional.

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It contains more than 20 popular layouts and the full certificate of tarot cards based on traditional Marseilsk Tarot cards from 1760.

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Let's consider the most beautiful Tarot decks today, and still learn about the most unusual congregations of cards.

Taro Valley Miragee

The most beautiful Tarot decks

Tarot Alistair Crowley (called otherwise Tarot Tota)

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Creation of the scandalous esoterica and the Occultist of Alister Crowley deservedly falls into this list. To use Tarot Tota, you need to be experienced tarot practices. In the deck we meet a rich symbolism, part of it is borrowed from a number of occult traditions, so this card meeting refers to the categories of dark decks.

For the first time, the Tota set saw the world in 1944 in the amount of 200 copies. Then the cards looked a little differently - they were not so bright and colorful as modern variations.

The deck was reissued in 1977 by the American company "U.S. Games Systems. In the future, Alistair Crowley cards will be issued by various world publishers.

Today, this meeting looks like a real work of art, it is very popular with mystics and fortune-law.

Taro Valley Miragee

Another option is truly a fantastic deck, the author of which is Barbara Moore, and the artist fulfilled the artist from California Stephanie Puu-Moon Low. The limited circulation of Tarot Valley of Miragee is first published in 2010, a book is issued to it containing samples of layouts and decoding Arkanov.

In this set, you will meet elven characters, you can plunge into the world of fantasy and spirits. In appearance of the deck heavily resembles Taro Angels.

Illustrations for cards are drawn with watercolor, they differ in ease, air, fascinate everyone who looks at them. Taro Valley Mirageen symbolizes a more subtle, intangible world - absolutely clean, perfect and harmonious.

Tarot Lenorman

Is a very unusual collection of maps, because it combined two categories of images: this classic Arcana tarot cards and images of Madame Lenormand (famous French seer that made predictions for most of Napoleon Bonaparte and his wife Josephine de Beauharnais).

Prophetess, likely symbolic portrayed herself to lasso Priestess created in the deck. Lenormand cards have attractive symbols, pictures to them by the artist Ernest Fitzpatrick (he used the images arcana of the "Book of Thoth").

Creation Marie Anne Lenormand find it very informative, it has great potential in the prediction of future events.

Golden Tarot of Klimt

This deck can see the subtlety of the Art Nouveau style of the first half of the 20th century. It was created by the artist A.A.Atanasovym that inspired the works of other painters Gustav Klimt. Maps are made using the latest graphics, whose famous paintings have absorbed the spirit of the beautiful city of Vienna.

Tarot Klimt is associated with mysticism, the unknown. Part of the character cards create an impression of absolute detachment from reality, is deeply immersed in himself. They are too tall, elegantly dressed, distinguished aristocratic pallor.

On subjects arcane one of the most beautiful decks disclosed all the imperfection of human nature, his restlessness, flashed cosmic light of the Golden Dawn. Klimt cards are designed to separate the real from the invented situations, they relieve a person from the mask, showing the world its true face.

Strong energy collection helps to get answers on important life issues, and only it looks simply amazing!

Golden Tarot Botticelli

Its creator - artist Atanas Atanassov, which inspired the work of Sandro Botticelli, the famous painter, who created the Renaissance. Most of the characters in The Golden Tarot - are bottichelevskih mythological heroes (with a predominance of female characters).

Golden Tarot Botticelli

In this connection, consider a deck over the female, she has an emotional power, perfectly describes the feelings, emotions person Gad. It is recommended for layouts when you need to make the analysis of the psychological state of the individual, for the diagnosis of the private sphere of life (existing relationship or the reasons of loneliness).

Figures cards unreality permeated the atmosphere, which is complemented by the presence of a thin gold tie on a dark background. Bright and expressive Arcana not only shed light on many issues, but will please the eye. Not surprisingly, they are considered among the most beautiful in the world of cards!

This work was created by the artist Antonella Castelli in the style of Modern and AR-Nouveau. It is very similar to the creations of the artist Alphonse Flies: the images of Arkanov are greatly brushed on his work, they were recreated by the sophisticated aestheticism of the first half of the 20th century.

In graceful, beautiful and spiritualized figures of characters, gentle pastel colors, we watch the images of the past and the future. Ancient symbols are present on the maps.

Tarot Gallery, like the previous deck, has a feminine essence, so it is recommended to be used in cases where you need to analyze personal relationships. It will also be suitable for receiving domestic answers.

It reveals the situation from different sides. Not even very pleasant things, the events of this gentle, feminine Tarot presents in the most soft, delicate form.

Once, having seen this magnificent collection of cards, you will be likely to fall in love with it at first glance. It will contribute to the pastel color scheme of cards, fascinating illustrations performed in the modern style. In general, it is not just a worker mantle tool, but also the real creation of art!

Tarot Alfons Mukhu

Indescribably beautiful and high-quality card set in the Alphonse Fly Stylistics. But the authors of the decks do not speak himself, but such artists like Barbara Nosenzo and Julia Massaglia. They embodied fragments of fragments of the most popular crafts of flies.

The stylistics of Arcanov meets the traditional Taro Ridera-Wait, although there are a number of differences between the images. But the whole symbolism of the classics is completely preserved.

Maps depict delightful, sensual "female flies", characterized by grace, mystery, cute appearance, charm. In general, real fatal beauties. In this deck, much more female images than male, and even on traditionally male maps we see women.

Seductive girls are depicted in a naked form, but they do not look like or demonstratively, and most naturally, naturally. Please the eyes, charging the romantic set. Also on the maps we can see the intricate oriental or Byzantine floral ornament.

Tarot Alfons Mukhu

We looked at the most beautiful shopping decks tarot, and now let's get acquainted with the most unusual options for card meetings.

The most unusual tariffs

They may seem to you, to put it mildly, strange, eccentric, original - as you like, most importantly, they will not leave anyone indifferent!

Tarot drawn men

Funny and absolutely non-serious deck. Cards in it depict funny drawings in the style of children's "Kalyak Malyak".

Tarot gays

Representatives of sexual minorities are actively fighting for their rights, today the topic of homosexuals no longer looks something out of a series of outgoing. Therefore, the name of the geek deck does not cut so much on the ears.

Tarot "Twin Pix"

Another non-standard version of the Card Assembly, created by the artist Benjamin Maki (probably a huge fan of the TV series "Twin Pix"). Surely, such a deck will have to do with the same desperate lovers of this soap opera. But everyone else is hardly wanting to clarify the future using so unusual arcanes.


Was you ever interested to know how the plot of each of the seventy-eight traditional tarot cards created by Rider and Wate will end? If so, then here's a real find - an unusually creative deck, where we get the continuation of any scene.

Images of Arcanes are designed in the related style of the original stylist Pamela Colman Smith (artist who has developed an illustration for Tarot Ridera-Wait).


Tarot New Vizhn.

Another atypical variation of the Card Assembly. Everyone has changed in places: the observer turned into the main character of what is happening, only the actual action turned on the whole 180 degrees! According to the result, we get the opportunity to enjoy each of the scenes with a completely different angle, seeing such details that did not even guess.

TAROT 108 by Skonziner

Arkanov illustrations are made in black and white graphic style. It is difficult to understand whether the division into the category of younger and older arcanes is present in this meeting or not.

The most modern deck of tarot (no other name)

She colorfully depicts the whole realization of the modern world - its most pressing and burning problems.

Tarot Oliver Hiberta

Everything would be nothing, but only the main characters of this deck are ... melting candles. Separately, I would like to note the unusual color gamut.

Tarot Isidora

Just incomparable and unique, its style is an artistic collage using bizarre vintage images. According to symbolism, this deck is similar to the classical maps of Rider-Wait. Ink illustrations, unusual style, easy toning - All this made this assembly one of the most non-standard, stand out on a general background.

Tarot Zombies

As already becomes clear from the name, the main characters of the cards are the living dead. Not everyone likes such an idea, but it will certainly appreciate the fans of horror films.

Tarot "Born in the USSR"

Who missed the mighty Soviet Union there? For those are offered a nostalgic option of a deck with images of typical scenes of the life of Soviet citizens.

Taro builders of communism

But if the previous version did not satisfy you, then read an even more unusual deck, closely related to the Soviet topics.

Taro Gastarbieteers

Here, the period of the Soviet Union, as we see, ended, the characters and the style of maps belong to the post-Soviet period.

Tarot Housewives

Who was not in the main characters of Arkanov? Of course, housewives! But this omission is already fixed, in confirmation of what we observe this deck.

Taro rabbits

In addition to housewives, rabbits found on maps in different colors (black, white and mixed) can become the characters.

How to choose tarot deck?

If you are a novice, you definitely stop your choice on the classic - choose, or the Kitra-Wait kit, or other traditional options (Alistair Crowley, Papus, Marseille).

For experienced tarologists, the choice expands - they can find and use modern tariff decks, which there is the greatest set. It is important to remember that specialized kits of cards are more suitable for divination on certain topics (love, finance, career and others) (the truthfulness of the prophecy increases).

It is not recommended to acquire comic options for a deck so as not to reduce the process of divination to entertainment. And do not forget to always have at least one version of the classic set with you.

Finally, browse the video in which the best Tarot decks are considered:

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