Types of tarot cards in pictures and their purpose: Popular decks


What are the types of tarot cards in pictures and their purpose? This question is relevant for people who wanted to go deep into the world of mysticism and fortunes, which are not suitable for the classic Tarot deck. If you are one of them, then I propose to understand in detail in the subject in today's material.

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Types of tarot deck and their features

There is a hypothesis that for the first time the art of prediction of the future events arose in the mythical Atlantis. The civilization of the Atlanta, as you know, went under water, but some knowledge of these people were able to preserve. In particular, if we talk about gadania, it migrated to ancient Egypt, where it was actively used by local priests.

Types of Tarot deck

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Then the knowledge gradually gets to the European continent. And at any time, interest in fortunate on the cards covered a large number of people, causing the thrill, attracting attention to himself.

Today there are different types of tarot cards, there are a total of about 1500 in total! They are divided into main categories:

  • Universal (classic);
  • narrow-plated (that is, it is better suited for questions on a specific subject, for example, a love sphere of life);
  • copyrighted;
  • Dark;
  • Light.

Consider more these groups further.

Tarot decks: what are the options

Classic decks, review

A large number of card meetings attributed to the classics are known. Who was the authors of the very first decking delicately. Classic tarot deck as usual consists of 78 Arcanes (though, sometimes there are a deck with 79 or 80 cards). It has different suites of card positions.

Experienced masters believe that the classic types of tarot cards arose in the 14th century. From the classics of practice, there are several of the most popular options from which newcomer can start their work.

Map options for specialists are known as schools. They perform separately taken gadetable systems that have both general traits and differences. Four classic schools are known:

  1. Ridera-Wait.
  2. Crowley.
  3. Marseille.
  4. Papes.


Most popular with beginner gadels. For the first time, the meeting of the Rider and Wait saw the world in the 20th century. The Creator of the Card Assembly Arthur Wate offered a number of features: changed the sequence of arcanes justice and power, and also offered another image and interpretation for arcana in love.

Taro Ridera-Wait

Alistair Crowley (something else is called Tarot Tota)

Created by mystic and occultist Crowley also in the 20th century. It is a dark deck, which, however, perfectly shows itself in work. But for beginners it is not advised, because the interpretation of Arkanov is quite complicated, special courses may be required.

Marseille Taro

The deck received its name in view of what the world saw the world in the same city. And although it does not violate the classical norms, but there are no decryptions for all Arkanov in Marseille Taro.

The idea of ​​the creator is that every mystic performed the card interpretation on its own. At the same time, in every detail, each touch lies a hint to understand the value of the position.


To use this deck you do not need to have special knowledge. Tarot Pauli will answer any questions about the subjects of interest. You can contact it regardless of the time of day, pulling the arcanes with any hand.

This meeting, in turn, includes such subspecies as Taro Era Aquarius, Labyrinth and Egypt.

Tarot cards: Types of decks Ulocked

As a rule, they are used when it is necessary to analyze an atypical situation or in order to find an answer to the narrow-thematic question. Among this category should be noted the following sets of cards:

  • Taro of lovers - applies when solving problems of love topics.
  • Lenorman - allows you to find answers to specifically formulated questions.
  • Manara (or erotic tarot) - has a female energy, it is used to analyze the love, sexual spheres of life, as well as in order to find psychological problems in them.
  • Tarot of the deck of love - a romantic set of cards, shed light on the subject of relationships between the floors.
  • The Golden Tarot Klimt - will show the situation as it is in fact, throwing all the masks from her participants.

Tarot Manara

As mentioned above, there are many variations of the author's sets. People who created them, displayed their own vision and interpretation of the classic deck on the illustrations of Arkanans.
  1. Ridera-Wait is a pure classic that it is recommended to start their teaching the art of divination to everyone. It has an incredibly powerful energy, opens the veil of the future.
  2. Golden dawn - created by mystic alistair Crowley. A rather difficult arcana for decoding, fantasy plots make this deck not the most suitable option for beginners.
  3. Osho Zen - the author of this collection of cards is Osho - a famous amateur of mysticism and an enlightened philosopher. Tarot Osho Zen contributes to the development of sensuality and awakening the sixth sense.
  4. The valleys of Miragee are designed by Stephanie Puu-Moon Low. In many ways, this fantastic set resembles a deck of the Golden Dawn, but there are also characteristic copyrights. The main characters of Arkanov are the creatures of the fairy-tale world elves and fairies.
  5. Black and white cats. As it is not difficult to guess, it depicts representatives of feline. No wonder they are considered closely connected with magic and mysticism. The authors of their creation call people to look at the old things with a new look, while reviewing the harmonious beliefs and views.

This is just some of the copyright cards of cards, in reality, they have much more. But to describe them all in the format of this article is simply unreal.

Dark and light decks

In addition, there is a conditional separation of all the devodes known for today on bright and dark. The difference between them consists in the energy component: to use dark decks, it is necessary to have a strong aura, and black magicians are usually used.

Let's make the Tarot deck overview from both categories.

Among popular Dark meetings These are allocated:

  • Tarot shadows. Images of Arkanov, to put it mildly, not rainbow, which, however, is not surprising, because they are borrowed from demonology. This set is not suitable for receiving responses according to the standard household plan situations: it is used to diagnose aura, for the presence of negative magical impacts on a person. More these cards are very insidious - they often introduce misleading.
  • Tarot Lucifer. Each card includes signs from Kabbalah, symbolic designations of dark gods, hellish entities, demons. Total in the collection of 105 frightening arcanes.
  • Tarot necronomicon. Another strong dark deck. The basis of the plot line of the drawings was the scene from the life of a dark magician named Alhazred (which there was no time to death and the occult work "Necronomicon").

Bright sets of cards are universal - they can use barologists, regardless of the level of personal power. Tarot Cards Overview The deck of light, most popular:

  • Taro Angels - painters from Italy Picho and Berti embodied in her different scenes from the Bible. With this set, the tarologist understands in which the inner, psychological state is a person. He also opens up the danger to the client.
  • The versatile key tarot - its authorship belongs to David Corsa. Even the most inexperienced beginners can enjoy.

For dark decks of cards, too naturalistic illustrations are characterized, often they turn into shock. As for the bright assemblies, their beauty is distinguished, they are quite comparable to works of art - they make eyes so please.

Taro Angels

Tarot fortune telling: Choosing a deck

An important decision, upcoming every practice. And it is necessary to take it, focusing on personal sensations: how much of you attracts such a different deck of cards, causes inside positive emotions.

At the same time, if we talk about the value of the Tarot deck itself, then a successful master is called meetings with a strict decryption system. This means that the interpretation does not produce "Nama", but using accurate characters, signs that are depicted on arcans. And in "suitable" meetings, they necessarily have.

In such a set of tarot, each arcan must match:

  • one of the elements;
  • defined planet;
  • zodiac sign.

So, if we consider the classic Rider-Wayt's classical collection, then you will find that in it the younger arcanes correspond to one of the four first elements (water, air, fire and earth).

Also, recommendations for choosing a deck will vary for beginners and for experienced practitioners.


If you just started discovering the world of fortune telling on Tarot cards, first give preference to classic decks or their versions. Then you will quickly remember the value of different arcanes and symbols, their combinations with each other.

While you will haul with highly specialized sets and give up the use of dark decks or those sets where the positions are greater than 78. Otherwise risk getting confused and make incorrect decoding. While gaining experience.

Experienced tarologists

By them, choosing a new deck for themselves, you need to take into account the sphere of your specialization. It is believed that for fortune telling on narrow topics (for money, for love, on health and so on), special sets are best approached - then the accuracy of predictions increases.

But always have a minimum one classic deck. Pay attention to the options of vintage deck: the symbolic meaning of the cards is better revealed, new values ​​of old symbols appear, which also improves the result of divination.

Experienced practitioners should not be associated with non-serious collections of Arkanov (like Taro Dwarfs, Anime, Tarot of flowers and others). The fact is that key symbolism is often lost in them, plus they are very different from classic versions.

Whatever, above all, it is worth studying all of the existing (or at least the most popular tarot decks) to understand what it is in your case.

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