Maria Magdaline: Summary, what pray


Equal-to-apostolic Maria Magdalene is an example of a comprehensive love of God to his children. This woman suffered obsessed and led an unhappy lifestyle, but was forgiven and pardoned. After the crucifixion of Christ, she came to the coffin together with the myrrhos wives and witnessed the wonderful resurrection of the Savior. It was her who honored the Lord his attention after the resurrection, it was she who first brought everyone a joyful news: "Christ is risen!"

Prayer to St. Mary helped my cousin to get rid of the fading to gambling, which he spent all his money. Faith and diligence helped many people fix their vices and stand on the path of truth.


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Brief life of Mary Magdalene. This woman was born in a small Jewish town of Migdal El, which is located near Galilee.

Now this place is called MEDOTEL. In the gospel about this woman written little. It is known that she was obsessed with evil spirits, which expelled Christ. After healing, Maria left everything and followed Christ.

Together with other pious wives, she served the Lord in his earthly incarnation.

West days - the second Sunday after Easter and August 4.

During the crucifixion of Sv Maria Magdalene was next to his Savior, sharing me flour and sorrow with him. Then in the Gospel it says that it brought to the coffin aromatic oils along with other myrrhea wives to anoint the body of the deceased.

She had one of the first to meet the resurrected Christ, this honor was provided to the faithful sequence of Jesus. The mouths of St. Mary were uttered important words about the resurrection, who heard the apostles Peter and John.

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On the ancient Jewish tradition, the body of the deceased was buried not in the ground, but in a specially dilated cave. The entrance to the mortgage cave was closed with a large stone. When Maria approached the cave with aromatic butter in his hands, he saw that the entrance to the cave was opened, but there is no one inside. Piecely woman began to grieve that the body was taken, and she could not build oil to him.

At this time, two angels appeared in the cave and asked what Mary mourn and crying. The same question asked her and resurrected Christ, which appeared in the opening of the cave. But Maria was so depressed that he did not recognize his gentlemen in the man that appeared and asked if he knows where the body of Christ.

Maria Magdalene is equated to the apostles, because it was from her mouth that they heard about the resurrection of Christ.

Then Christ called her by name, and the woman recognized her Savior. Rushing in front of him, she fell in a rustling of feelings. But Christ asked not to touch his new body, because he was no longer an ordinary person after the resurrection. He also asked her to bring all the news of the wonderful resurrection that Maria would gladly fulfill.

This woman had a lot of faith and fearlessness than the apostles could not boast. She was always next to the Lord, even when the apostles left him and ran away in horror. She rose on the Sunday of Jesus, and the apostles needed to make sure of this.

Maria Magdalene Life

Was Mary Bludnitsa?

The Gospels are not reported to this, the version of the Bloodayania suggested Pope Gregory Dvoes. He considered that Magdalene is the woman who almost scored stones for adultery. However, in St. Dmitry Rostovsky's other version. He believes that this is a completely different woman.

If Maria really was engaged in the crib, then the Jewish priests would reproach in this Jesus Christ: she walked everywhere behind him.

On a note! Information that Maria Magdalene and Christ were married, is not reliable.

In the Orthodox tradition of Magdalene Maria, he worshiped as a mironositz, which brought to the coffin of the Lord aromatic oils. In the Catholic tradition, this holy combines three personalities in itself:

  • the harmnitsa, washed by his tears of the legs of Christ;
  • sisters of righteous climbing fourth day;
  • Women from which Christ expelled 7 demons.

In Orthodox tradition, these are 3 different personalities, unlike Catholic.

Holy Maria Magdalina

First paint

After the Ascension, the Holy Maria remained briefly in Jerusalem, and then went along with the apostles to gnaw about the Savior. Arriving in Rome, the woman was recorded at the reception to the emperor Tiberius. Since emperoly did not go with empener hands, Maria took a fresh chicken egg with him.

When a woman gave an egg Tiberius with the exclamation of "Christ Risen", it flushed. In memory of this event, it is customary to give each other painted in Easter.

On a note! The Holy Maria Magdalene is considered to exchange the Easter tradition of the Easter tradition to exchange paint eggs with the exclamation of "Christ Risen".

Seeing a red egg, Tiberius became interested in history with the resurrection. Then Holy Maria told the emperor about the Savior, his crucifixion and wonderful resurrection. Tiberius believed Mary and even wanted to rank Jesus to the Pantheon of the Roman gods, but he was prevented by senators. Nevertheless, Tiberius's favorable attitude towards the story of Mary facilitated the spread of Christianity in the south of Europe.

Maria graduated from her earthly life in Ephesus, and her non-permanent relics subsequently transfer to Tsargrad (Constantinople). But after the destruction of Constantinople, the holy relics were in Rome, and then the particles were separated across the Orthodox world.

Life Mary Magdalina

What helps

What are the equal to the apostolic saint pray? Since Magdalene managed to defeat flat passions, she is asked to be released from dependencies, as well as pray to God for the perfect sins.

Prayer requests:

  • strengthening in faith;
  • for perfect abortions;
  • for the sins of the crop;
  • protection against evil eyes and damage;
  • about getting rid of bad habits;
  • about acquiring true faith;
  • about healing obsessed demons;
  • about the world in the family in conflicts;
  • about healing from mental ailments;
  • When hosting children with parents;
  • about healing from venereal diseases;
  • about the forgiveness of seven mortal sins.

Holy Maria Magdalene is considered a patronage of pharmacies and hairdressers.

According to the prayer petition, Mary Magdalene is healed from severe dependencies: drug addiction, alcoholism, game. The icon itself is considered to be a symbol of repentance.

In the Catholic tradition, Magdalene is honored as a patronage of the family, so they ask to strengthen the marriage bonds. Also, the holy asks for unbelievers so that the Lord will give them the fire of faith and led to salvation.

The holy icon is treated with prayers, tropari and Kondak are read, and the Canon and Akathist are written for it - the Orthodox Song of the glorification.

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