Assumption Post: What can I eat, menu on days of week


Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is an important Christian holiday, which is held in front of which a multi-day post from 14 to 27 August. All Orthodox posts are kept without the use of rapid food of animal origin, indulging in thoughts about piety and spiritual salvation.

Two weeks lasts Assumption post: what can I eat, and what is banned? These holy days are filled with a special joy, since the Virgin Mary helps keep a strict post.

Food restrictions are not perceived as a harsh punishment, since nature in abundance grants the fruits of the earth - vegetables, berries, fruits, mushrooms. We always spend this beautiful bright time at the cottage at Mom, indulging in spiritual reflection and prayerful work.

After the end of the post feels ease of body and in the soul. In the article, I will tell you how to spend this post.

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Assumption post what you can eat

Traditions of the Assumption post

According to the Orthodox legend, the Mother of God did not die: she just fell asleep. Therefore, the festival is called the success of the Major Virgin. After his Assumption, Nestoneva was ascended to the sky into the draws of her son. The Mother of God simply moved to heaven without learning.

In honor of this significant event, Christians spend one of the 4 long posts, which was introduced back in 1166 in Tsargrad.

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Single all the time the earthly wanderfish was very modest, and only liquid saw 3 days before its success. Therefore, the Rule was established in the Orthodox tradition for the last 3 days of fasting to conduct in complete abstinence from food. However, this rule does not concern the laity: only the clergy and monks.

Exit from post - August 28, it is already allowed to bite any food.

The Assumption post does not apply to the transit church dates, like the Christmas of Christ, he does not agree with the celebration of Easter. The beginning of the post falls on honey saved, traditionally celebrated on August 14th.

Also on this post falls the holiday of the Transfiguration of the Lord on August 19, so the Assumption post is sometimes referred to as SPASOV or just SPASOM.

Nutrition in the Assumption post

Nutrition in the Assumption post

What should be the menu in this post? Since this post refers to the harsh, then all protein products fall under the ban:

  • meat;
  • milk;
  • eggs;
  • a fish.

A little relaxation is allowed on August 19 during the holiday of the Transfiguration of the Lord. On this day, believers can afford fish dishes and some grape wines.

Assumption Post is so harsh that in some days under the ban is fried in vegetable hot food: you can eat only raw salads. However, in the summer, during the abundance of fruits, vegetables, mushrooms and berries, it is not particularly hungry.

On a note! On Wednesday, Friday and Monday, it is customary to eat thermally untreated food - a trunk. On Tuesdays and Thursdays you can prepare boiled dishes, but without adding vegetable oil. Lenten oil can only be used on Saturday and Sunday, these days you can drink a little wine.

Strict post differs from the usual ban there are fish dishes.

Assumption post food by day

Now consider the daily nutrition and the associated limitations. Since the Assumption post accounts for 3 important Orthodox holidays, then the menu will differ from these days from strict.
  • August 14 - the beginning of the post and honey saved. It is recommended to dry, which means the use of vegetable food by untreated fire. You can not boil and stew vegetables, you can use them in the raw state. In the temples at this time, they are consecrated of nuts and honey cells.
  • August 15 - allowed to prepare hot food (cook vegetables), but without the use of lean oil. It is recommended that cooking vegetables in a double boiler, cereal porridge are also allowed to cook - but without oil.
  • August 16 - again a trunk. Salads are prepared, eating freshly dried or dried fruits, eating pickles and sauer products.
  • On August 17, the hot menu is allowed with the addition of lean oil. Prepare vegetable stew, cook vegetable broths and cereal cereal with butter.
  • August 18 - the hot menu is also allowed with the addition of vegetable oil.
  • August 19 - Celebrate the Transfiguration of the Lord. In honor of the celebration, the seafood menu and fish are allowed to fry, stew, boil. You can add oil, it is also allowed to catch a little red wine.
  • August 20 - hot dishes are allowed, but without lean oil. Prepare vegetable stew on the water, you can add salt.
  • August 21 - day of drying. Vegetable salads, fruits, greens, honey, nuts.
  • August 22 - hot menu without vegetable oil.
  • August 23 - day of drying. Vegetable salads, fruits, greens, honey, nuts.
  • August 24 and 25 - Lightweight in the diet. It is allowed to cook hot dishes on vegetable oil, a little hassle a red grape wine - dry.
  • August 26 - day of drying. Vegetable salads, fruits, greens, honey, nuts.
  • August 27 - hot dishes, but without adding lean oil.

However, it should not be overlooked that the meaning of the Orthodox post is not in food forbids, but in the purification of the soul from sinful thoughts and acts. This is the time of reflections on the eternal, imperishable, heavenly.

In addition to abstaining from food, it is necessary to refrain from negative emotions, carnal desires and noisy entertainment. These days are not crowned and not played weddings.

How to be people who are shown a medical diet due to chronic diseases? For them there is a relaxation, you need to adhere to the recommendations of doctors. Refinition concerns and young children, whose nutrition should not change in a strict post.

Is there harm from the post?

The newcomer Christians may be afraid to keep post due to a strict diet. It may impress the danger of malnutrition and non-inclusion of important nutrients into the body. But this is a vain fear: vitamins and trace elements are sufficient.

The abundance of earth fruit by mid-August will not leave anyone hungry, on the contrary, bring the useful cleansing of the body from toxins and slags. Thus, a strict post turns into a wellness event not only for the soul, but also for the physical body.

The people are sacred in the people that the Most Holy Theotokos not only helps to keep the post successfully, but also provides his patronage. Therefore, Orthodox with great joy impose on various restrictions to please the Mother of God and earn her grace.

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