Theotokos icon "Perishing": value


The second name of the icon - "Getting rid of the ills of suffering." By the miraculous icon of "Perishing" turn in moments of despair, unable to see out of the circumstances. When there is nobody to ask for support and help, turning to Our Lady.

Fervent prayers to the icon helped my colleague to release his son from addiction to alcohol, even the coding is not necessary. She prayed every day for six months, and ordered akathist listened incessantly Psalter in several monasteries.

As a result, the young man came to his senses as if a veil from his eyes slept. Now he is married, he became the happy father, bringing up a boy of three years to the delight of grandparents.

icon of the Perishing

History icon

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All icons of the Theotokos, have their own history of occurrence, and the story is always associated with some sort of miracle. The "Perishing" two versions of the origin.

According to one version, this icon is constantly prayed a simple robber and asked for help in its impure matter. One Hail Mary broke down and spoke to him, explained to him the full horror of what is happening. Rogue repent, repent, and stood on the right path.

According to another legend, the icon repent lapsed with devilish charm monk. Once he was falsely accused of stealing and kicked out of the house of the bishop, in which he served. The monk held his anger and decided to get even with the offender. To this end, he made a deal with the devil, but later recovered.

All night the monk prayed in the temple before an icon of the Perishing, and the Mother of God took pity on him. Since the monk was sincere repentance, forgave him. Deal with the Devil was canceled and forgiven monk began with renewed zeal to serve God.

Day of honoring icons of February 18 on the Gregorian calendar.

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"Perishing" - an icon that gives a chance to be saved, even in the most hopeless situations. Virgin hears sincere prayers, he sees a sincere repentance and reaching out to the lost. Mother of God prays his son's dead, so he gave them salvation.

Who are the dead? It's not dead people. We are talking about the lost souls, which closed the road to Heaven. They are the ones who once renounced God, and now is afraid even to raise his eyes to heaven. They are the ones who in a drunken stupor lost remnants of conscience.

When any hope is lost, when only darkness and the abyss are ahead, - Muchi Virgo comes to the rescue and says: "Do not despair, because my son died for you, and risen for your justification."

How to understand the word "recovery"? In modern Russian, this word is penalted, but the Church Slavonic words do not always coincide with the Russians. This Church Slavonic Word denotes forgiveness and help to a person who needs heavenly patronage and protection. So the value is exactly the opposite.

Recovery of dead icon

Blessed Matrona

The Pskov Monastery stores the list of icons, which blessed the Matronushka itself. One day, Holy told his mother, that he constantly sees the same image of the Blessed Virgin in the dream. Who asks in their temple. The collection of money for writing a holy image on neighboring villages was announced.

The peasants would be eagerly sacrificed to the icon, and two of them showed misfortune. One man gave the ruble, and the second - a penny. When Matrona brought money, she found the ruble among them and a penny and demanded them to return to the buyers with the words: "they spoil all the money."

After collecting the desired monetary amount, the Matrona blessed the icon painter and strictly ordered to fast, confess and coming up before writing a light way.

After some time, the icon painter comes and complains that it cannot write an image. What Matronushka said that the icon prevenches to write one insuructor sin. The icon painter asked for forgiveness from Matrona for hidden truth and repented. After that, the image was written. With this icon, the Matronushka did not part until death.

Icon recovery of dead value in what helps

Help icons

What helps the icon of the suffering? The Mother of God is a guarantee of all people on earth in front of her son Jesus Christ. She, earthly woman, mother, can understand all people on earth. She herself survived suffering, bitterness of loss.

The Virgin of All considers it with its children, to everyone shows condescension. She has endless love for all people on Earth, especially to the misfortunes of souls. Therefore, any person, in any state he was not, will always be adopted by the Virgin, hearing and pardon.

Icon helps:

  • depressed and burdened by
  • lost hope;
  • We lost the desire to live.

Icon becomes a patronage of children, including not yet born. How many times at the request of mothers were saved by teenagers and sick children. How many times the hot prayers of the mothers of drug addicts and alcoholics were heard - and the Virgin Mary saved. She saved the bog of sectarianism and took the truth on the righteous path.

Icon "recovery of the dead" helps girls get married.

How many sons and husbands were saved on the battlefield from bullets and enemy arrows - they returned home alive and unharmed. Millions of the Orthodox were rescued, healed and exempt from vices using the "Declaration of the Died" icons.

The Orthodox Church is asked to the Virgin about her loved ones and relatives:

  • If they have lost hope for the best future and lost the meaning of life;
  • if someone is seriously ill or illness is considered incurable;
  • If they are dependent on narcotic drugs, they suffer from gambling;
  • If someone takes part in hostilities;
  • If someone disappeared or no longer appears;
  • If someone committed a grave act.

Also asking for help and assistance in the far road, in strengthening family bonds, asking for the well-being of their children.

Theotokos icon

Theotokos icon

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