How to fight with a laziness of an adult man and win in this struggle


Laziness is a lack of or shortage of hard work, preferences of the thing from the performance of certain tasks. Why does she arise and how to deal with laziness, increasing the effectiveness of his life? I propose to clarify these questions in today's material.

Why are we lazy?

According to Wikipedia, too lazy - is a vice, because the lazy person does not bring any benefit to society. But it should also be distinguished by the laniness of brilliance, natural need for rest and restoring forces, from depression, attention deficit syndrome, sleep disorders and other similar states.

What are the main causes of laziness? Let's look at them further.

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Laziness photo

Cause 1. Fatigue, objective exhaustion of the organism, lack of vital energy

To lazy people, it is customary to be negative, considering them weaklings, weak. Nevertheless, laziness is not innate quality, and often there are quite objective reasons for it.

Suppose if you are not regularly poured, tired, it is not surprising that it is difficult for you to force yourself to do any activity. Think, perhaps you yourself are to blame for the current situation: it is often suited to be absolutely, pushing your bad habits, moving a little ...

Indicated actions provoke constant attacks of laziness.

It is worth noting for themselves that successful people always adhere to the same routine of the day, try to get up early, and go to bed, and still be sure to practice any physical activity. Which allows them to be vigorous and energetic, while not leaving the laziness no chance.

Reason 2. It is necessary to implement not their desires and goals

When we are forced due to different reasons to do not what you want, what our soul is asking, but "what you need." The famous psychologist of modernity Tony Robbins once said a very wise phrase on this score: "There are no lazy people. There are goals that are not inspired. "

If you have to force yourself to go to work, fulfill certain responsibilities, then it's time to think about - do you live in life? And did it go to change it?

Cause 3. I do not want to leave the comfort zone

The human brain is arranged so as to spend as little energy as possible. Therefore, he always seeks to equip a zone of comfort, from which it does not want to go out.

But success and self-realization are often outside this cozy area. However, reluctance to strain, worry serious changes in life for the achievement of the result are poured into protracted attacks of laziness.

Cause 4. No motivation

Psychologists find a laziness lack of motivation to do anything. When we want something, but we understand that it is very difficult (if not unreal), then everyone disappears to try.

For example, a person is arranged to work in a good firm, it works, tries, but the situation has developed so that all the "warm" places in it are exclusively familiar. He understands that there is no particular sense to overvolt and spend energy, as a result, as a protective reaction, laziness occurs.

Cause 5 afraid failure

Fear to make a mistake and "burn out" completely beaten off all motivation. Especially if there is enough unsuccessful examples of acquaintances before our eyes or you yourself happened to survive failure.

It is important here to realize that any failure is given to a person as an experience that he needs. And there is no success without failure. They do not need to be afraid, you need to be able to read any complex moments worthy, always see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Having understood with the main reasons of the laziness, we smoothly go to how to cope with the laziness.

Lazy animal

How to deal with a laziness of an adult person: ways

After self-diagnosis and identify the cause of laziness in your particular case, start solving the problem. Below are ten methods, the execution of which will save you from apaticity and will help live more active and high-quality life.

Method 1. Developing useful habits, improving self-discipline

This method will help you if the main cause of laziness is fatigue due to the wrong lifestyle. First of all, change your day of the day: Start go to bed and get up before.

Of course, cardinal changes are always very difficult, so act gradually. Go to the big goal with small chains. Start at least with half an hour and gradually shift the mode in the right direction.

Also deal with the right diet: Try to use as much fresh vegetables, fruits as possible, eat legumes, minimize meat and fish in the diet (and even better - to completely exclude them).

Refuse bad habits, replacing them with useful - for example, instead of smoking, start running in the morning. In a healthy body, a healthy mind, and still physical activity trains the power of the will and reduces the seizures of the tacity.

Method 2. Implement only your goals and desires

After all, only then you can gain real happiness in life. The implementation of other people's goals will never give you such a tremendous amount of energy and will not bring any pleasure. Fish do not live on trees, and monkeys are unlikely to be happy on the North Pole - always remember this.

Method for 3. Exit from the Comfort Zone

To get rid of lays, it is important to learn to leave the usual area of ​​comfort and expand its borders. How about sign up for yoga in the evenings, start regularly visit the pool or trite daily to pass at least 10,000 steps?

Just act without fanaticism, especially by the first, so that no "rollback does not happen."

Method 4. Deliver big goals on "pieces"

Suppose you have a goal to learn to dance Latin American dances. Detach this process at least half an hour, but every day and after some time you will start moving better, even complex movements will easily get. Gradually, slightly increase the load, but not "okay" to wear.

Even very global goals will seem not so difficult if you get a little time to them, but regularly.

Shake a goal to pieces

Method 5. Stop afraid of failure

Right now stop thinking about what will happen if you do nothing and read negative examples on the Internet! Remember that we ourselves create our lives with our thoughts, words and actions (as well as those settings in which we believe and which are constantly scrolling in the head).

Even if one day you have failed - it does not mean that you need to "put a cross" in your success. Yes, sometimes you have to commit 9 unsuccessful attempts before the last tenth is crowned with success, but it is worth it.

Method 6. Look for yourself motivation

Think than you can please yourself when you follow the required duties? This is especially important for women, because if a woman does not get pleasure from his life, she emotionally "dying", can not inspire her man, she becomes in a burden.

Therefore, find what will inspire and motivate you: maybe it will be beautiful things, decorations, maybe special spiritual music or special literature, video for self-development. Choose the way that it is best for you to personally.

Method 7. Make breaks

Overwork becomes one of the frequent and completely explained causes of laziness. Therefore, it is important to always count your strength and make mandatory pauses in work. Going to breathe fresh air, drink a cup of coffee or listen to the meditation to switch the brain and arrange a small relax.

At lunchtime, it is allowed to take a little bit off, but only for a while, otherwise waking up, you will feel even stronger fatigue. In addition, now there are special applications for phones, helping to properly distribute time to work and rest. One of them is Focus Booster.

The creators of the application claim that labor productivity will become multiple times higher when the period is alternating with recreation periods. For example, 45 minutes have worked, and then 10 minutes rested and continue to work again.

Method 8. Eliminate any distracting factors

Do you like to taste instagram in tape? Then you need to remove your smartphone away from the workplace or turn off at all. Also standing in advance to negotiate with colleagues so that they do not disturb you during a certain time until you handle the tasks.

Be the most concentrated on the executable and gradually you will learn not to respond to distracting factors.

Tip 9. Do not do anything

This is such an unusual, but, according to reviews, a very effective way to overcome Lena. Just keep in mind that you can not do absolutely anything - including sitting in a smartphone or laptop.

Just sit down and sit, without performing absolutely no action (you can only think). Sitting so needed smoothly so far, while you do not have a desire to start acting. But do not indulge in him immediately - wait until it becomes very strong, and then you can only be taken for doing business.

Method 10. Appreciate the time of your life

Time is the main and most important resource in our lives. And with what rapid speed it flies! We will not have time to look back, as old age will come. And however, it will be a shame to realize that most of the life was held in the state of Noschelania, in an empty idleness.

Isn't it the best motivation to say Lazz "Farewell" forever and start actively acting?

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