Orthodox prayer to all be good


A person tends to turn his eyes to heaven in minutes of testing. When everything goes on life, you forget about God. As soon as circumstances begin to press, immediately remember prayer. Many go to the temple to the icon of the Wonderworker, because even atheists know about him and the Most Holy Virgin.

Many people are looking for prayer so that everything was good, ready to stand on your knees at night. Today I will tell you about the prayer assistance that the Orthodox saints are provided. Many believers received timely support from them, salvation and healing. I always help me with these prayers, thanks to me and my family left adversity and illness.

Prayer To all be good

The instruction of the fathers of church

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One day, the father of our local church said in the ministry: "Many wish positive changes in life, but do not want to change themselves." These words turned the whole of my life. Finally I understood what was the reason for my failures and excitement. Just ask yourself the question: "How often do I let himself violate the commandments of God about envy, anger, condemnation?" We do not think about the violation of God's rally, justifying themselves with the "ease" of contingent. After all, it is not a murder of this and not adultery, yes?

But God has no "lungs and heavy" sins, but there is a concept - sin. Sin is not small or big, it is the category permanent: it is or not it. Therefore, deceive yourself that gossip is not sin, very stupid. Gossip, Peresa is a condemnation. In the Bible, it is forbidden to condemn (judge) the near, but we persistently continue to do it. And then the question arises about why it all became bad? Answer: Because they violated the commandments.

However, not everything is so sad, as it may seem the first time. Everything comes in comparison, and without sorrow there is no joy. So the black band in life is not the Kara of God, but the soul training. You can disagree with this, but it is. If it was not in the life of a person's tests, he would not think to come to God. Why, if everything is so good?

Tests are sent to:

  • We appreciated that good that we have;
  • Strengthen faith in God;
  • protect against more terrible events;
  • Make us stronger.

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The most important thing is not to rapid on God into heavy life moments, but to trust His will and Providence. How do we know what will happen next? Therefore, our ancestors left a wise saying: "There would be no happiness, but misfortune helped."

During the tests, you need to hope for the help of God and pray that everything is fine.

When you need to pray and ask God for help:

  • During the strip of bad luck and when it seems that the circumstances were driven into the angle;
  • for assistance in specific business, household and working issues;
  • During prosperity, when everything is intended successfully.

The last item may cause bewilderment, but it is in the days of prosperity that you need to pray and thank for everything. If this is not done, the dark times of fate will come. When a person prays and more thanks for well-being, the energy of gratitude creates real wonders. This is the second energy after love.

If you wish that everything is always good for you, ask for this God not only in times of adversity.

Prayer to be all good

Improve life with prayer

How can prayer help in improving the quality of life? Father forever, the creator of life on earth, can change any unfavorable outcome of the case if he is asked about it. Many people do not believe that God can help with something, therefore they do not see help. Jesus Christ taught: "knock and opened, ask and will be given."

However, if a person is determined to pass the life lessons to purify the soul from the bad, God may admit the test. Therefore, one should not be desirable if the expectations for help are not justified. It is necessary to be able to accept not only good from the Lord with gratitude, but also bad: so taught the apostles. That, it seems to us bad in life, can reveal in the future a good perspective. Therefore, the apostles taught for everything to thank: and for bad too.

Who pray

Now consider who needs to be asked for assistance. The pantheon of the saints in Orthodoxy is great, so the newcomer in faith can be confused from the surprise.

For help pray:

  • Most Major Mother;
  • Jesus Christ;
  • saints;
  • Guardian angel.

Among the saints, some figures are highlighted, to which they are treated for prayer assistance - this is Nicholas Wonderworker, Spiridon Trimifuntsky, Matrona Moscow and Joseph Volotsky.

Nikolai Wonderworker West in the whole Christian world, his relics rest in the Italian city of Bari. This saint is always in a hurry to rescue, no request leaves no attention. But it is important to understand that the help of Holy is in the hot prayer at the throne of God: Saint Nicholas is not a wizard and not a kudesman - he just prays at your request.

Prayer Jesus Christ, Daily:

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Prayer Mother of God:

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Prayer To all be good wonderworker:

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prayer so that everything was fine at work

Prayer holy ashy:

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Prayer Angel Guardian So that everything was fine at work:

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Prayer Joseph Volotsky about salvation from life storms and passions:

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Prayer Spiridon Trimifuntsky

This is the only saint shown on the icon in a knitted wool cap. Spiridon in life was a shepherd and agriculture, worked a lot to help the neighbor. Even when he was dedicated to the Episcopian Chin, he continued to cultivate the earth and sow wheat. Abars of St. Spiridon have always been open to those who suffer, he has not helped people during a cramming.

The unwanted relics of Spiridon's holy relics on the Greek Island of Corfu. This saint was famous for stopped shoes. When changing the power, slippers always find hundreds, so Spiridon is considered to be holy. Shoes distribute different churches and monasteries, they are in Russia.

Prayer to Holy Spiridon:

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What can I pray to Svt Spiridon? He helps well in healing and commercial affairs, as he himself was a "entrepreneur", that is, led his business. In those days it was different, but for a modern person it will be clearer - a merchant, an entrepreneur, a businessman.


In order for everything in life, everything is fine, you need to pray daily, and not on occasion. Be sure to pay enough time to repentance in sins (on the evening prayer), because repentance cleans the soul well. If the soul is clean, Satan will be difficult to incline such a person to sin. If a person falls himself several times a day with a procession, the unclean does not have the power of him.

Do not neglect prayers, they are given to us to protect against adversity. Try to fulfill God's commandments and read the Bible regularly. If a person is constantly at the level of high vibrations, then Satan can not even approach him. There is a morning and evening prayer rule: try to perform them. If it does not work in the morning, you will definitely read the evening prayers and the dream to the coming.

When praying to holy asgets, buy them icons and listen to the akathists in the record. If you need to solve some problem with the help of the saint, it will pray daily for two months or while the question is not solved. But often the question is resolved before the end of prayer requests. Try to lead a pious life in order not to angry the Lord.

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