The value of the owl tattoo for a man and for a woman


Body art in recent years has gained widespread among young people. On the body, they depict both separate sketches and whole art compositions. Each tattoo carries a hidden meaning and is a guard, talisman or just decoration.

Today we consider the value of Tatu Owl for a man and for a woman. Who chooses this symbol that a person wants to demonstrate the world? My younger sister was fascinated by tattoos and even graduated from special courses. She told me about the meaning and meaning of the mysterious tattoo with the owl than I will share with you.

The value of Tatu Owl

Symbolism of owl

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These forest birds are always associated with wisdom and knowledge. Since owls and Filin live long, they symbolize life experience and prudence. In medieval Europe, these birds were associated with sorcerers and witches, and the stuffed from the owls put in the house as a wubble of evil forces. However, in ancient Greece, these birds were applied with due respect, as they considered their companions of the goddess of the wisdom of Athens. North American Indians used Owl feathers to create a coastery mask. The ancient Egyptians mummified some owls, as they treated them with great reverence.

In China, Filin is associated with the world of shadows, sadness and death, black witchcraft. This was facilitated by an ominous Wuhana bird in the night forest, huge eyes and ears with tassels. The negative image of Filina was also at the Celts: they perceived the bird of the Bulletin of death or misfortune. Negatively refer to the owls and in African culture.

Residents of Madagascar Island are confident that Filins take an active part in the witches and dancing on the bones of the dead. In India, Filin is also associated with the world of the dead, but in a positive way: he escorts the souls of the dead in the afterlife. Communication with the afterlife Filin was attributed to the ancient Egyptians. Modern goths also associate Filin with the afterlime world, only consider it a symbol of an inhabitant soul.

What is the meaning of the owls give modern people? Owls find their food in the darkness of the night and do not come down from the way. So and the person who chose his totem owl (Filin), Intuitively chooses the right life path. The gloomy species of the bird says that any life grinds are allowed to be the most well-safe way: for this purpose and wisdom is given.

On a note! This symbol often choose people who are accustomed to the night lifestyle.

The image of birds in flight shows the desire for freedom and independence. However, the value of the owl tattoo depends on the background on which it is depicted:

  • The moon is a symbol of mystery, developed intuition, natural cycles;
  • Dream catcher - protection against nightmares;
  • Clock - the desire to reasonably use every minute of his life;
  • The key is the desire to reveal the secrets of being, to know the unknown.

There are other concomitant characters, but those listed above are the most common.

Tattoo owl value for a man

Place placement

What denotes the owl tattoo at different parts of the body - hands and back? Usually, the chest and back depict the filina in flight with open wings. This is a symbol of freedom, independence, power over circumstances.


  • The bird on the left hand emphasizes the independent nature of the owner, these freedom-loving decisive individuals are often inclined to rebar and disobedience;
  • Bird on his right hand emphasizes the desire of its owner to knowledge, ancient wisdom and self-development; Too dark sketch indicates the rigidity of character and inconsistency;
  • Tattoo on the neck is rare, the bird is depicted to protect against unclean strength and bad thoughts;
  • The drawing on the chest demonstrates thirst for life, emphasizes the personality of the owner;
  • Birds on the leg symbolize the adoption of suspended solutions, when a person controls the mind every step.

An image of small sides behind the ear, on the fingers, on the neck more often used as a decorative element. They look funny and unexpectedly. It is unlikely that such tattoos give sacral meaning.

What does the owl tattoo mean on the wrist? This is a charm of negative energy. It is necessary to portray the bird of a small size so that it can be hidden behind the bracelet.

The meaning of Tatu Owl has a girl

The meaning of Tatu Owl has a girl

The meaning and importance of female tattoos is often different from male. Depicting Filin on his body, the girl wants to emphasize his mystery and interest in the mystical side of life. She also emphasizes its addiction to the night lifestyle and witchcraft.

If the bird is depicted in a comic or cartoon version, then this indicates the carelessness of the mistress of Tatu and its light perception of life.

On a note! The image of Filina on the body of the girl does not always talk about her life experience and wisdom, sometimes it is just a beautiful body decoration to attract attention.

A brightly painted bird on his hand or neck says that the owner of Tat u loves communication and is open to new interesting dating.

However, there are girls who choose this image as protection against negative energy. It is believed that the image of Filina can scare the damage and the evil eye.

The value of the tattoo of the owl

Owl Tatatu: Men value

If girls choose colorful sketches of owls, then men prefer more gloomy tones:

  • The image in black and white tones emphasizes the prudence, life experience and wisdom of the owner;
  • A large image of a bird says that a person is able to manage his fate, it is not going to sail downstream;
  • An image with an emphasis on any parts of the bird's body speaks of a creative approach to life, and also demonstrates the refusal of household fuss.

If the guy chose a color image on his body, it speaks of his irresponsibility. A person sees only pleasure in life and does not want to take responsibility for his fate.

The image of a flying bird symbolizes the aggressive temper of the owner of Tattoo, his willingness to attack first. This is due to the ability of Filin to silent flight. The bird knows how to be inconspicuous and always catches his sacrifice, climbing it unnoticed.

The ruthlessness and bloodthiance of this night hunter does not know borders. Therefore, for a man, the image of a flying philina has a special meaning and meaning: fearlessness, courage, victory, power, success and good luck.

In general, the image of the owl is perceived positively and is not interpreted in a negative context. If earlier this bird was perceived as an angel of death, then in the modern world, such a interpretation lost its meaning. Owls are depicted even in the style of comics, which is not consistent with death or sadness.

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