Gray blue eyes: characteristics of their owner


The famous saying says that "eyes - the soul mirror." And it is really believed that you can learn a lot about a person: about the features of its character and behavior on the shade of the eyes. You can meet people with very different eyes, but today we will focus on gray-blue eyes: find out what character they give their owners, the importance of men and women.

grey-blue eyes

How can the shade of the eyes affect the character?

Not only what a person speaks and does, characterizes him for others: Psychologists have learned how to determine the inner state of gestures, posture, posture, facial expressions, hairstyle and beloved clothes.

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However, the physical characteristics of people are also taken into account. They are studied by the science of physiognomy. Surprisingly, but in the form of a nose, forehead, different constitution of the body, even by the type of wrinkles on the face you can understand what personality is in front of you. Unless, of course, to understand well in this specificity.

And the eyes are altogether one of the most reliable sources of information about a person. Turning to ancient treatises about physiognomy, we will find a recommendation in them first to study our eyes. And this is not at all by chance: through them we perceive the bulk of the information. In ancient times, people were very afraid of such a thing as "evil eye" - that is, a negative energy-informational impact, invisible through the eyes of a poorly tuned man.

And today, according to the Council of Psychics, if you are very wounded, you are impressionable, too sensitively perceive someone else's energy, you should use black glasses - to protect against negative. Astrologers say that in the eyes we can observe the flower gamut of those planets in the horoscope that affect the individual is the strongest. They shed light on various natural tendensity of man, its preferences and flaws.

Scientists also did not remain aside: according to the results of scientific research it was confirmed that the eyes can shed light on the inner world of their owner.

Interesting! Scientists found that each person has unique eyes, their color is unique. There are no two people in the world with fully the same eyes.

Now let's move directly to decoding. Some moments are known here:

  1. The more dark, bright and saturated eyes are the more active than their owner, the greater the vital energy, passion, rage.
  2. Light eyes - characterize romantic natures subject to someone else's opinion.
  3. The more bright iris eye - the more interesting the person, he has creative deposits.
  4. The eyes of a warm shade - describe gentle people.
  5. And the cold colors are inherent in the "Ice" Natures.

Having understood with basic concepts, I propose to consider the gray-blue eyes in detail: what the character and features of the person's personality will tell.

Interesting! We recommend to see the thematic film "I start".


Blue-gray eyes: meaning

Such an unusual shade of the eye is provoked by a lack of melanin and excessive collagen deposition in stroma. The latter interferes with the light to dissipate when the beam passes through a non-uniform optical tear. As a result, the appearance of a brighter blue is blocked.

In rare and beautiful eyes, two cold colors are combined at the same time - gray and blue. Therefore, gray-eyed people absorbed qualities and the first, and the second shade. What are they by nature?

  • They are distinguished by determination, ambitiousness, sense of justice, the inner solidness of the spirit. They know how to seek the goals.
  • Such specials are not easy to remove from the state of spiritual harmony, they are peaceful and honest.
  • For the most purpose, they have high intelligence, flexible thinking, developed intuition. This is a very inventive personality. They prevail analytical thinking.
  • They are not too sentimental, but the second half is preserved.
  • They do not like to grow rapidly to show emotions, they often do not give enough spiritual heat to others.
  • Despite this, these are spiritual personalities, they will readily come to help people, helping to find solutions even for serious problems.
  • They differ independently, but often need approval and support for loved ones. They strive to surround themselves with the faithful and devotional comrades.
  • Their mood is quickly changed depending on the circumstances, very unpredictable.
  • But if you want to hear a truthful answer to the question - consult a gray-eyed person. He is not inclined to lies, so they will answer you directly, as it really thinks. But never forgive the deception of another person.

If you have a gray-blue eye, then you will probably be interesting to know the following:

  1. In life, it is important for you not to succumb to other people's tricks and not allow you to manipulate. After all, you often go to the surrounding.
  2. Do not try to impose your opinion by other people themselves - especially owners of similar eyes. Better interact with them on equal.
  3. Stop constantly doubt, consider yourself worse than others. You are a unique person, not like others, but it is beautiful.
  4. Take up for a new occupation only when you experience a strong desire to action. Do not try to force yourself to work through force - it will be ineffective.
  5. Often, success can you bring something extraordinary, unusual.
  6. Choosing a chosen / selected, based on the tips of the sixth sense, and not common sense. It is extremely not recommended to enter into a relationship, without feeling feelings - they will not make you happy.

Interesting! The gray-blue is a very rare eye shade and the most unusual of all possible combinations. Mostly it is common in the north and east of Europe, although the Arabs are sometimes found.

gray blue eyes photo

Gray-blue eyes in men

Such a strong sex representative prefers to count only on himself. Sometimes he can make the impression of too self-confident, harmful, arrogant, but, as a rule, we are talking about a protective mask.

A gray-eyed man has a strong inner rod. He knows the price, follows himself no less than his chosen, as the appearance is extremely important for him. Unisex and routine tolerate cannot tolerate.

Gray-blue eyes in women

Girls with gray-blue eyes broadcast confidence in themselves and indeed they are. If they set themselves a certain goal - they will seek it, by all means. They are distinguished by enviable determination, however, sometimes they behave rustic. But they will definitely not be envied to girlfriends, as they are completely deprived of this negative character trait.

They gives pleasure when the surrounding makes their merits, they adore to swim in someone else's attention.

It becomes clear that the eyes really act as an open book containing maximum information about a person. The main thing is to learn first to correctly determine their shade, and then learn what it means.

Have you ever communicated with the owners of gray-blue eyes? Noticed the coincidence? Share them in the comments under the article.

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