Prayer Luke Crimean about health, for healing from illness


Archbishop Luka is one of the outstanding 20th century people. He remembered people not only to what the sacred san was wary, but also because he was a talented surgeon, a scientist, doctor of medical sciences, a professor, as well as a spiritual writer and Dr. Theology.

During the lifetime of Saint Luka, saved many patients suffering from death pathologies. He continues to do this and after his death: the prayer of the Crimean's prayer on health, a prayer for healing and recovery enjoyed great popularity.

Crimean bow

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Archbishop Luka (or Valentin Feliksovich Waro-Yasenetsky) - was a bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church, in 1946 he received San Archbishop of Simferopol and Crimean, and was also a surgeon, Dr. Science. During his lifetime, he had a huge number of complex operations, for which he received the Stalin Prize. After the death of the Crimean, the Crimean officially figured the saints.

Luke War-Yasenetsky had a chance to live and work in a very difficult time: when the prayer and visiting the temple could be born. Despite the danger, the saint before each surgical intervention pronounced Orthodox prayers, and on reading his lectures in a medical university was died in a rjas, put his cross.

But not only anti-religious trends in society were the main problem. In the first half of the 20th century, surgery was still a rather risky business. Often, people died because of the wrong dosage of anesthesia. Luke Crimean with his own eyes saw this, when he served as the head of the surgical department. He decided to develop a method of safe and effective anesthesia.

Everything, for whatever Valentin Felixovich, everything was able to be the best way. But the man did not have special secrets: he was helped by a brilliant formation, absorbed with Mother of Mother of Mother, hardworking and faith in God.

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With the last, Luke had a very close relationship: he loved the Lord, read the sacred Scripture, spent a lot of time in prayers. And other people sent true to the path. As a scientist, a professor and an outstanding doctor, he showed that science without divine intervention could not be full.

The archbishop and its generosity was widely famous: the bulk of the money received by the Stalin Prize was distributed to orphans, as well as all in need.

Interesting! Of course, any operation acts as a very exciting event in a person's life. Not so easy at such a moment, turn off the thoughts about the upcoming. However, it is then necessary to turn to the Lord, praying for him and asking for support.

Saint Luka icon

Crimean Luke: Prayer and Wonderful Healing

Valentin Feliksovich died in 1961. The unprecedented number of grateful patients gathered on his funeral. But the memory of such an amazing person did not go in the summer: after 30 years, Luka is asked to the face of the saints, and his remains are transferred to the Holy Trinity Cathedral (Simferopol).

It should be noted that people prayed to Crimean onions about help, without ceasing. Only initially wonderful healing stories were hidden, and after the saint was glorified, they began to fix them. I suggest you familiarize yourself with some of them below.

History 1. A very sick kid appeared in one family, who was needed serious operations, without which he could die. Natives were made of permanent experiences. Once the krotte mother of the child decided to go to church. When she prayed, he suddenly felt someone's look at himself. The icon of St. Luke rushed into the eyes of her eyes, who looked at her chokingly, as if, asking: "Why not pray?"

The woman saw in this sign over and began to read the prayers and akathist holy. Surprisingly, complex surgical interventions have passed easily, the disease gradually began to retreat. One, but the hardest operation, doctors did not give a chance to success.

Parents had already wanted to find another hospital, but a shame convulsed them, because during the prayer heard the promise of Luke Crimean to take care of the health of a small patient. Past test of faith Mother and Father were rewarded many times when their baby easily moved the most difficult intervention on the brain and recovered!

History 2. . The second story happened to a resident of Georgia. It was tormented by a strong migraine, but how much she went through hospitals - everything was without any sense. According to the advice of relatives, the patient turned for help to Luke: began to pray every day in front of the saint icon, brought from the Crimea, used the oil bought there.

So it lasted about 30 days, but the pains did not end. However, the woman did not lower the hands and continued to pray. I had a very realistic dream at one night: as if she had an operation on his head, and she felt everything as if it was in reality. When she woke up in the morning, all unpleasant symptoms of migraine disappeared forever.

History 3. . A large mother from the Moscow region Julia was forced to constantly lift heavy strollers and children to the 4th floor of the house, because of what she earned herriation. Doctors have diagnosed her and prescribed an urgently to make an operation. A woman did not have to leave children with whom, plus the summer holidays arrived and they were going to go to the Crimea to relatives.

There, Julia and told about the holy doctor from God. She visited the Trinity Cathedral, went to the relics of St. Luke, where he immediately felt the state of pacification and calm. On the eve, she memorized the prayer text, but then he disappeared from the memory, I had to pray my words.

Upon returning home, Julia discovered a local doctor there, who came to her father. She also decided to seem to him, but as a result of the examination, the doctor stated that he did not see any hernia. Then the woman went to the hospital, where on a more detailed inspection also did not show anything. Subsequently, Julia will remember that the pain released it when visiting the relics of St. Luke Crimean.

The relics of St. Luke

Rules of Appeal to the Holy Luke

First of all, you need to know in what cases the Holy Archbishop is usually prayed:
  • about body healing and soul;
  • If surgery is to be surgical, then they are asking for the operation to be easy, the patient benefit safely;
  • Women appeal to him with a request to send them a normal pregnancy, to help in childbirth;
  • If a person cannot establish the correct diagnosis and choose adequate treatment.

Cancer with the remains of St. Luke is kept in the Holy Trinity Monastery for women (Simferopol, Crimea). There you can order prayer or remembrance. If the urgent operation is to be used, it is recommended to call on the phone, and with the planning intervention, the appeal should be sent to an email address.

Additionally, the abode is sold oil from saints. It is used by believers with prayers: oil cruciformly lab the forehead or a problem space with the words: "Holy Father, the moths of God about us!"

Also in the monastery it is possible to consecrate small items: hats, belt. It is believed that sanctified things were blessed by Luke himself. And, of course, you can buy a saint icon, praying in front of which you will at home.

To help you are given the rules of appeal to Luke Krymsky:

  1. If you are going to read akathist or prayer at home, buy a small version of the icon of the saint, place it in the so-called "red angle". Do not forget about the icon of God, who is responsible for all healings.
  2. Before prayer, it is recommended to burn a candle or lamp.
  3. Women need to cover the hair with a handkerchief.
  4. You can pray in any position, but it is advisable to kneel the icons.
  5. Before the start of the prayer, a little waiting in silence, peering into the flame of candles and icons.
  6. Three times say the words "Lord, Homes", squeerty yourself with a cross, and then read the prayer and / or akathist three times. Make you carefully into each phrase.
  7. At the end of the prayer additionally contact the Crimean Saint Luke in his own words. Their formulation does not play too big role - the main thing is that they proceed from the heart.

Interesting! Patients who are in the hospital are recommended to read the book written by Archbishop Luka-Yasenetsky "I loved suffering", as well as a collection of his sermons.

At the end of his earthly life, Crimean practically lost the opportunity to see, but did not cease to accept the suffering. Each he put a strikingly accurate diagnosis, because he used not his professional skills, but the power of God. And after death, the saint continues to help people from heaven, responding to their prayers and granting healing.

Saint Luke Prayers: Options

Below are the texts of the most common prayers to holy rash.

Saint Luka Crimean Prayer for Healing

Prayer Luke Crimean about health, for healing from illness 2958_4

Prayer Luke Crimean about health, for healing from illness 2958_5

Prayer Luke Crimean On Healing from Cancer (Akathist)

Prayer Luke Crimean about health, for healing from illness 2958_6

This is only part of the Akathist, in more detail with him you can read, reviewing the video at the end of the article.

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