Icon "Uming" Seraphim-Diveevskaya: meaning when praying


Icon "Uming" Serafimo-Diveevskaya is one of the most distinguished Christians of the shrines. All his life, she accompanied Rev. Seraphim Sarovsky, who used it for the healing of patients. The shrine could earn its glory, where it is stored today and what miracles do images of the Virgin - talk about it in today's material.


Historical information

Who was the author of the icon of the Mother of God "Uming" and how she turned out to be reverent Seraphim unknown. In the preserved literature, we find the mention that the Father Seraphim always prayed before this manner. "

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The initial version of the icon was written on a canvas that fastened to a cypress board. Subsequently, Russian Emperor Nicholas II will give a sample of precious robe. But Let's return to the father of Seraphim (in the world of Prokhor Moshnin). In his youth when the guy decides to become a monk, he leaves his native Kursk, going to Kiev in order to get a blessing from the Inok in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra.

There he was blessed by the father of Dosiphem, who directs him to the Sarov abode. There is an assumption that it is there, in Kiev, Seraphim received a list of the Virgin "Our Lady Vilenskaya-Ostrodskaya, which and brings to the city of Sarov. At that time, this miraculous face was very popular in the Western regions of the Russian Empire, in particular, Ukraine.

In 1778, a young obedient adopt to the Sarov monastery, where he successfully practiced carpentry skills. It is possible that Seraphim Sarovsky independently created the icon of "Uming", seemingly changing the "Vilensky-Ostroman's Vilenskaya": by tightening the canvas on the boards from the cypress. But, of course, as everything was in fact, we will never know.

Icon "Uming" God's mother appears in the records about the second part of the monk life since 1815. Then Seraphim comes out of the shutter and sets the massive reception of all the suffering, which was held in his personal cell.

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People came to the old man to tell him about their problems, get a spiritual advice. Seraphim Sarovsky prayed with the visitor, blessed him, and then always put on his forehead in the shape of a cross of a river from the lamp, which was burning with the icon "Uming". The old man spent so much time at St. Lika, it is not surprising that it was there that he caught his death - standing on his knees in a prayer pose.

Prayer with icon

After the death of the father of Seraphim, according to his venue, given during his lifetime, the image was transferred to the storage of nuns of the Diveev Resident (the city of Diveev). For its storage at the monastery, a special case was built. When, in 1927, the monastery was closed in 1927, one of the nuns named Alexander was able to bring the image of the Virgin "Delicate" and other personal things of Father Seraphim.

The woman moved to the city of Murom, where he lived until his death in 1941. The shrine is then stored to another nun Maria Barinova. She takes the image all his life, then gives him Patriarch Pimen, who once served as Hieromons in Murom and a good friend with the shrine.

True, the Patriarch itself decides on the transfer of the icon to the Archpriest Victor of the Shipovalnik. For the residence of 19 years, Victor, together with his mother, carefully keep the things of the elder Seraphim. Often they came to them the suffering people who received healing from shrines.

In 1991, the icon of the Mother of God "Uming", together with the salary and things of the Reverend, report Alexey II - Patriarch Moskovsky. The image is placed in the patriarchant church, but every year it is transferred to the Epiphany Cathedral. Over time, a lot of lists (copies) have made a lot of lists (copies), many of whom are not inferior to the original in their strength.

Interesting! Seraphim Sarovsky wanted the image to call the "joy of all joys."

Image of Lika

The icon of God's Mother "Uming" demonstrates us to the holy of the Virgin, even before the appearance of the Divine Baby of Jesus. But here Maria was already notified by the angel Gabriel about his position. We can see the light image of the intercession, as well as her enthusiastic and dying features.

The Virgin is depicted with hands, folded cross on the chest, it is clear that she prays: her head and eyes are slightly lowered down. In this gesture, the chastity, restraint and gesticularity of Mary, manifests itself. The image of "lunizing" is the type of Elyus icon painting - they were mainly written all the Orthodox icons, on which Jesus Christ sits on the hands of the Virgin, touching her cheek.

Interesting! Icon "Uming" Serafimo-Diveevskaya reproduces the ancient Akathist of the Virgin "Rejoice, the bride-nonsense" - the poetic version of the greeting of Mary Arkhangel Gabriel.

Dates of celebration icons

The Diveev Icon of Our Lady in the Orthodox world very much, in her honor for the year it is arranged several celebrations at once, namely:

  • December 22 (at the Gregorian calendar) or December 9 (in Juliansky) - as the memory of the day, when Seraphim Sarovsky visited the Devic Mill Community;
  • August 1 (on a new style) or July 19 (old);
  • August 10 (in the Gregorian) or July 28 (according to the Julian calendar).

Icon "Uming" of God's Mother of God: meaning and prayer

The miraculous shrine is usually associated with representatives of weak gender, therefore the main importance of the Icons "Uming": to assist, protect girls and women. It will help in preserving goodness, spiritual purity will save the girl from the commission of rapid acts.

The basic condition for effective assistance is to sincerely believe in the virtue of the image and so much to pray in front of him the Virgin. Knowing people say that the stronger the person believes in God - the faster he receives the desired.


To the image of the Diveev Icon "Uming", it is customary to handle prayer in such cases:

  • When they want to get rid of the disease (physical or mental plan);
  • To remove the cargo from the soul, to cleanse the sins;
  • For more easily accommodation in adolescents;
  • to get rid of infertility, easy pregnancy and childbirth;
  • In order to attract a decent man to find marital happiness;
  • In addition, the icon eliminates bad, immoral thoughts from consciousness, softens the evil hearts, provides internal harmony and balance.

And in the next video you can find a prayer recommended to read in front of the formation of the Mother of God "Uming":

Location of the image and its lists

The original of the shrine of the Virgin "Uming", surviving long wandering, is kept today in Golitsyno with the Cathedral of Rev. Seraphim Sarovsky. But, as we already know, this icon has enough lists that often have the same miraculous power as the original. For example, one of the most famous and revered copies is located in Trinity Cathedral, which is located at the Serafimo-Diveevsky temple.

Its in 19-20 centuries created nuns from the monastery. And let the list of obviously put the original icon, but for its history of existence, he managed to repeatedly show the miraculous properties to people. It was in honor of this version of the icon that the dates of the celebration were established on December 22 and August 10 (on a new style). Weekly on Sundays during the Divine Liturgy, the Holy Image of the Virgin Mary is performed by Paraklis's special chant.

There is another well-known copy of the image of "Uming" in Moscow in Moscow in the Patriarch of the Epiphany Cathedral.

Famous wonders committed by the images of the Virgin

  1. An old chronicle tells about the epidemics of a terrible disease that mowed people in the city of Novgorod in 1337. There was no salvation from the deadly ailment. The believers introduced into the state of deep despair gathered by the crowd and followed in the Trinity Cathedral, where the icon of the Virodian began to take prayers. They begged the holy virgin to protect them from the disease and she heard their requests: the epidemic stopped shortness. To honor the memory of Divine Help every year, a groove move to the Trinity Cathedral from Sofia began to be performed.
  2. Repeated Icons of the Mother of God began to make peace. Especially people remember the case that occurred on July 8, 1337, when the icon of the Virgin began to "cry", and also wondered in the air, some unknown force kept it. In connection with this miracle, the priests decided to make a gym in the Trinity Cathedral, where he served.
  3. In the village of Elko, the Bryansk region, some Natalia and Victor Remezov kept the unique shrine of the Serafimo-Diveevian Mother of God. Once, they were visited by a woman, a sick cancer, which soon had to do a serious surgery. The suffering desperately prayed the icon, asked the Queen of Heaven to help her successfully survive surgical manipulation.

I prayed and went to the hospital for the preparation for the operation, and there the doctors who made the control ultrasound came to the real shock, because the device showed that a woman's oncology and she is completely healthy.

In conclusion, I just want to remember the words from the Holy Gospel: "By faith, you will be willing you."

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