How to materialize thoughts and desires


Surely you heard the statement that every thought is material. And this law works, regardless of whether you believe in it or not. Today, not only mystics and esoterics speak about the strength of thought, but even scientists physics. If you are interested to know how the materialization of thoughts and desires occurs, then let's clarify this topic in today's material.

Law of the Universe - the Law of Implementation

Speaking about the topic of materialization of thoughts and desires, we will consider one of the laws of the universe, which is called the law of implementation. In the universe there are many other laws, ignorance by absolutely does not frees you of responsibility. All of them are elementary, but are very important for compliance. The whole world functions on them and we must necessarily adhere to them if we want to live a happy and harmonious life.

Materialization of thoughts and desires

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And the law of exercise says that all in the universe mentally. Everything is thought. And the thought is preceded by each materialization. And every person in his life receives what "implain" himself.

Any events first manifest themselves on a thin plan in a person's mind as mental images, but only then they are moving to a rougher, material plan. And it turns out that the person himself creates his life at the expense of his thoughts, desires and actions.

The implementation of the implementation provides materialization for the images that our consciousness created. But here it should be noted that not every thought materializes in life. Some thoughts simply flashed in the mind, without providing a significant impact on our lives, while others are firmly justified.

You can ask why this happens? Plays the role how emotionally you perceive the same image, and also believe that you are thoughts or not. After all, the faith gives an additional energy push, fills the image of energy.

I wonder, but this process does not depend on whether you think about good or bad. The thought, supported by faith, is realized, but there is a time delay. The latter depends on how simple the idea and desire and from the personal power of man.

Elementary thoughts and desires are embodied much faster than more complex images. After all, then the universe is necessary time so that the conceived realized. Yes, and it would be strange to imagine that every thought and desire would have been instantly.

Interesting! The world - acts as a large mirror reacting to our actions, but with a certain temporary delay.

We used to assume that the world is real, but the reality varies for each particular person and was created by himself, pushing out his own thoughts, desires, fears, fears.

Any methodology for the materialization of thoughts and desires is repelled from the law of implementation. It happens that people dream of one version of the development of events, but in imagination they paint a completely different picture, making focus on negative events. Their negative thoughts and emotions fill with the energy that bad scenario and as a result they turn out to be in the kingdom of curves mirrors.

Therefore, it is so important to learn to track your thoughts, always try to think about good, do not concentrate on fears, experiences. Then you have less chances to get a twisted projection of the initial desire.

We ourselves create our own world

How to materialize thoughts and desires

To make this process faster and simple, be sure to consider three important recommendations.

Recommendation 1- Maximum set picture

If you want to get something, you should imagine the desired in as detailed items as possible. When you formed a visual image of a desire in consciousness, express it in a simple, understandable language in one or more offers, which must certainly be written on paper.

Yes, you will need a little longer than if you simply talked to the desired loud, but you will be satisfied with the result. The fact is that, as psychologists explain when we express our thoughts, feelings and desires on paper, we completely go to ourselves, the most concentrated on what they wrote. According to the final, we fill our mind image more and is faster implemented in practice.

Use only positive statements without a particle "not".

Examples of proper formulation of the desired:

  • I am healthy (healthy).
  • I achieve success in (call the chosen business).
  • I get a boost.

Recommendation 2 - Bright Visualization

Now that the desired image is created and thought out to the smallest detail, it must be submitted. And in maximum details, nuances and details. Use visual, sound, tactile associations. Suppose if you dream about the car, mentally imagine it: what it will be for a model, what class what color. Feel like driving behind the wheel, feel pleasant touch to mild, leather seats. Hear the sound of a shower motor.

Just it is important to include yourself in this image. That is, not just visualize the car, but "see" his owner. As if he had been owned for a long time.

Visualization of desires

If you find it difficult to keep a picture in your head, you can record your feelings on paper. Write as you are glad that you are no longer a pedestrian, but became the driver. How do you drive by car by different cases, feel confident on the road ... Include the maximum details of what is happening, it is very important.

Recommendation 3 - Let's release desire

When two previous steps were successfully passed, you will need to let go of a desire or, in other words, give it time for execution. What does this mean? You need to relax and entrust the realization of the intended universe. If you are a believing person, you can pray to God or holy to help you.

And does not play a big role, who exactly you pray - the main thing so that you are sure that you will be helped and the object chosen by you will become a guide between you and the universe.

Atheists should find another way that seems to be the most successful. Remember that your task is to formulate the last point, concluding in the embodiment of the desire.

How to think correctly so that thoughts materialized

As in all, in the process of implementing thoughts, it is important to adhere to certain nuances. So, every person can influence himself exclusively on his life. Therefore, it is necessary to wish only for yourself, making yourself a major person.

Do not try to desire for your relatives and loved ones. The wording like "My spouse often makes me pleasant gifts" or "My daughter becomes a famous athlete" will not be effective. If you want to add other people to your dream, then do it so that the outcome of the realization of the wishes is entirely dependent on you.

For example:

"I have excellent relations with my daughter, I motivate it professionally play sports."

Or "I inspire my spouse that he often delighted me with pleasant gifts, manifestations of care."

What strengthens materialization

Above, we have already talked about the fact that all thoughts and desires are embodied at different speeds. First, it all depends on the complexity of the problem, and, secondly, from the number of vital energy from the "operator". After all, it is she forces this mechanism to work. And the more energy you have - the faster your desires will be carried out.

To increase the energy, first of all, it is recommended to lead the right lifestyle:

  • to go to 23 hours so that the body gets a full-fledged rest;
  • Balanced to eat with a predominance of natural vegetation food;
  • have a sufficient level of physical activity;
  • refuse bad habits;
  • eat smaller alcohol;
  • Think positively, it is correct to get rid of emotional tension (walking in nature, running, taking a bath, with the help of herbal chains and so on).

As a result, you will feel more energetic and active, you have enough time. Remember that "in a healthy body is a healthy mind." This phrase perfectly illustrates a close and inseparable connection between the physical and spiritual and the process of materialization of thoughts is displayed.

Henry Becher and its experiments

Finally, we will not be limited to beautiful phrases, but give some scientific information. Do you think that only Jesus Christ could make wonders like turning the water in wine? It turns out that there is no. Henry Becher was a guilian-anesthesiologist who worked in one of the military hospitals during World War II.

One day, Henry ended morphine (strong painkillers used for the anesthesia of the wounded). But one of the soldiers acutely needed operations. And Becher found a way out of the situation - he quite convincingly stated the victim that Morphy was introduced to him (then as ordinary physical physiology was actually used).

Stunningly, but after some time, the soldiers really stopped feeling pain. A little later, it will be quite successfully a difficult operation that cannot be taken out without anesthesia, since otherwise a strong pain shock is developing.

When the war ended, Henry Becher will hold about 15 experiments, participating in which about thousands of people will take about. It was also written by the article "Almighty Placebo", Henry said that approximately 36 percent of placebo cases provoke the therapeutic effect. That is, it turns out that the subjects influenced their health exclusively by the strength of thought.

Of course, you can perceive this information skeptically, because our logical mind always doubts everything. But I advise you to just try to make sure of the materialization of thoughts and desires on a personal example (naturally, we are not about the use of saline instead of anesthesia, but to attract the desired things to your life or events).

And in the end, browse the video on the topic:

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