Prayer Luke Crimean On Health and Giving Chad


Health is the most valuable human wealth. When a person is ill, it begins to understand that nothing without health is no longer necessary. A grave cargo on the shoulders of the patient and his relatives lies with a chronic incurable disease, when doctors can help.

At such moments, people seek to heaven and ask for help from God. The prayer of the Crimean Luke about the health was put on the feet of many seriously sick people when they with faith in his heart raised their requests. Saint Luka War Yarenets raised my grandmother from the sick, when she suffered a stroke. In the article, I will tell you how to pray to the saint and what prayers to read.

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This saint was canonized not so long ago - in 1995. But healing people this miraculous doctor long before his canonization. Orthodox believers knew that the saint of Luke helps and after his death as well as in his lifetime.

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Father Valentina (so called the saint before the stop) was a pharmacist, so the Son went on his footsteps and entered the University of Kiev to the Medical Faculty. Successfully graduating his studies in 1904, was aimed at helping soldiers to the Far East. At that time, the war was performed with Japan. It was his first medical practice as a surgeon.

Saint Luca Crimean is the heavenly patron of medical workers, students of physicists and chemists.

In 1917, his beloved spouse died from tuberculosis. This event led a young man in religion, he fully dedicated his life to serving God and people. There were difficult for the church of the Soviet times of the Soviet system, and the young doctor was sent three times in a reference for faith in God. Valentine and did not hide his faith, and before each operation was baptized and baptized the patient. He did not want to renounce the faith.

The link of Luka Crimean continued to operate and, sometimes, did it in impossible conditions. But God always helped his chosen one, and patients were recovered. Interestingly, the fate of the doctor of war-Yasenetsky was formed: he was three times in a link for adherence to Christianity, in 1942 he became Archbishop, but at the same time the Stalinist Prize for achievements in medicine was marked.

The icon of St. Luke War Yarenetsky is considered a miraculous.

After graduating from the Great Patriotic War, the saint moves to the Crimea, where he takes an active part in the restoration of the peninsula. He did not gear for the restoration of destroyed temples, but he treated patients for free. Many received healing through touching his rocky.

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This holy man at the end of his life is completely blind, but continued to serve people. Torture led to blindness: when the bright beam of the light was directed directly to the face and forbidden to close the eyes. The saint died in Simferopol in 1961, there was also buried. Almost all Simferopol gathered for the funeral, people walked behind the coffin and sang prayers. In the people's memory, Saint Luka remained a miracle.

What helps

Surgeons and patients are treated for the saint Luka before carrying out complex surgery operations and patients. Without his heavenly patronage, Orthodox Christians risk falling under the scalpel. The prayers of the saint helps to strengthen faith, inspire, give the forces to combat life adversity. How many people and misfortunes underwent this holy man during his lifetime, but did not turn from the path of truth and did not despair.

After the death of the saint, people came to him on the grave for healing. And they argued that the Earth or drunk water taken from the tomb was helping. Only to do it was necessary with faith in the heart, and not to be mechanically repeated for someone. In 1995, the relics of the saint were transferred to the Holy Trinity Church. The flow of people going to worship the holy relics does not dry. The saint helps everyone suffering.

People turn to the icon of the saint before surrendering analyzes, so that it is made correctly diagnosed and is appointed true treatment.

Numerous testimonies of healing on the grave of the saint forced the church guide to pay attention to this. After the meeting of the churchmen, it was decided to rank of the Crimean bow to the saints. In 1996, unprecedented power were acquired, and his face was imprinted on the beddow.

Memory days - March 18 and June 11.

With severe disease, you need to read and listen to the Akathist Luke Krymsky together with prayers. So make every day until complete healing. To correctly read the akathist, you need to get a blessing from the father in the church. Akathist is a laudatory chant, read it standing. Women read prayers and akafist with a covered head and in skirts below the knees. Before prayers, you need to remove cosmetics from your face, as holy words with paint on the face are unacceptable.

How fast is the recovery coming after the appeal for help to St. Buca? It depends on many factors:

  • gravity of the disease;
  • confession of sins;
  • Power of faith in the heart.

A close patient can also read the acafist and prayers to the saint can also be a weakened person can stand for a long time.

Saint Luka Crimean Prayer for Healing:

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How to pray

Many unbelievers are asked why to ask for the dead about help? The fathers of the church answer that God has no dead. In the Old Testament, the Lord says: "I am not the dead, and living." Therefore, in church practice it is customary to seek help to those who are in the kingdom of God in full health. On earth from them, the power remained through which communication with the heavenly patrons. Therefore, in the Orthodox tradition (and in Catholic), it is customary to touch the holy relics to gain healing.

Many believers seek to make pilgrimage to Simferopol to touch the wonderful cancer with relics. But if it is impossible to make a pilgrimage, you can simply handle the prayer appeal to the icon, and even at home. All saints hear the sincere Molub of the suffering, and do not leave unanswered. Many wonderful healings made a saint Luka during his lifetime and after death, he warms his love with every soul.

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