Strong prayer from the evil chief at work


Comfortable microclimate at work facilitates the life of employees. But if the boss begins to oppress, it becomes unbearable. The failures at work are reflected in family relationships, because a person comes annoyed and breaks his anger on home.

Prayer from the evil chief at work will help break the vicious circle of the negative, will change the situation in the positive side. My niece suffered from the persecution of the evil chief at work, which almost with the light coming around. The situation was corrected by the daily reading of Psalms David: God ordered it to translate her to another job. In the article, I will tell you who and how to pray from the wrath of the head.

Prayer from the evil chief at work

Who pray for the boss

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When the situation has arisen in the workplace, the question appears: to whom to seek help? In the Orthodox Pantheon of Saints there are many wonderworkers who make wonders and after their overseas. One of them is Nicholas. But not only he is able to come to the rescue to the suffering, with a prayer from anger of the head, you can also contact the thrimifuntie spiridon, as well as:

  • Matron of Moscow;
  • Guardian angel;
  • Most Holy Virgin;
  • Archangel Mikhail;
  • King David;
  • Lord Jesus;
  • George Victorious.

The list of saints can be continued. For help you can also contact your Heavenly patron, whose name you wear.

It is necessary to pray for changing the situation. And even when the head will change his anger to grace, you need to continue reading prayers for its health. Fathers of the Church identified two prayer rules for believers - the morning and evening. But few people try to observe them, so Satan suits various conflicts for naughty.

Which of those who had trouble at work, read every day at least one prayer rule - morning or evening? But there is always a chance to correct your mistake, and the Lord graciously applies to all repentant sinners. Start reading a prayer rule daily, and life will change.

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Prayer from anger of the chief

When you need to pray about the boss

A Christian must pray for his neighbor daily. But if this did not happen, the result was a conflict situation at work.

Anxiety need to beat if the boss:

  • constantly quit;
  • finds some errors with you;
  • Ignoraly talks to rude;
  • illegally downgraded;
  • Threatens dismissal.

Prayers are capable of changing the situation, to establish peaceful communication between employees in the team. Therefore, you need to urgently proceed to prayerful work. It is advisable to repent and compete, and in front of the communion to withstand a three-day post without protein food.

At work, you do not need to answer the rudeness to rudeness, you should behave adequately. Prayers soothe people, so after a while everything inner concern will disappear.

The boss must be forgiven from the whole of the soul, at least he did not lead to the death penalty and crucifixion. If Christ forgave for those who gave him to the painful death, then he can also forgive the boss too.

Before the boss can not be fear, even if he threatens dismissal. In fear there is no love of God, fear is idolatry. Because a person puts the boss above God himself, once begins to be afraid of him. Carefully analyze your mental state: there is no hidden idolatry there. Because holy worships will not help those who have an ordinary person puts above God.

Prayer from the attacks of the Chief

Prayers of holy waters

To the icon of the Virgin "Softening of evil hearts"

Mother The Mother of God always comes to the rescue. The most effective protection against enemies and evil people is a prayer in front of the icon "Softening of evil hearts" (or "seminist").

First read our Father, after reading the "Virgin Delo, rejoice", then read prayers in front of the "Sex Stracean" icon:

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You can also read the Akathist to the icon or listen to audio recordings.

Prayer Archangel Mikhail

Archangel Mikhail defeated the Military of Satan when it rebelled against God. He, and now his fiery sword, raises demons who found a temporary refuge in the bodies of sinners. It was the demon who encourage the boss to behave aggressively and defiantly, so forgiveness is the first thing to be done. You just need to understand that a man leads demons, and all anger to send them.

Prayer from the attacks of the Chief Arkhangel Mikhail:

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It is also useful to read and listen to Akathist Archangel Mikhail, from where and prayer is taken.

Prayer angel keeper

Many believers forget that the guardian angel is given to every newcomer for help in worldly matters. This meek creature will never remind themselves, there is no obsession. For years, the Guardian angel stands on his right hand from a person and quietly waiting for him to remember and call for help.

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Remember that it is impossible to ask the angel to punish anyone, even the very evil chief. He has a special mission - help and protect. The custodian will never punish another person who may have his own guardian angel.

Prayer David from the wrath of the head

Psalms Davida

Tsar David has undergone a lot from Saul, who constantly wanted to catch him and kill. Tsar David has spent 40 years in the war with Saul, did not know peace. Twice him God gave a chance to deal with his enemy: David stood over the sleeping Saul and his guards. But David did not raise his hand on God's anointed, left him alive. For this, the king was called meek, God-fearing.

Prayer David from the wrath of the head

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We need to learn from the king of David meekness, God-fearing and wisdom. You can also read the "Live in Help" Psalm if the boss faces the dismissal.

Psalm number 90.

Before reading the reading of Psalms, you must be sure to read our prayer. The book of Psalms refers to the Old Testament, which was canceled by the Jesus victim. Therefore, you need to start reading David's songs prayer, which I gave the believer of Christ. In prayer, our father has the main words that cancel the Old Testament rule "OKO OU" - "And forgive our sins of our sins, as we also forgive ...".

Some Christians forget that they are followers of Christ, and ask God for the punishment of enemies. This is not correct: believers in Christ must pray for enemies and even bless them - do not curse, do not demand punishment. Because the punishment can come to the head of those who ask if they do not silence and do not dig.

Psalm No. 90 can be read as many times in a row as he asks the soul. This text can be learned by heart and read at work.

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Psalm number 26.

It is usually read along with №90. About this Psalm, the Blessed Pelagia Ryazanskaya said that these holy words reading three times a day will be saved by God and passes through the water, as luck. Psalms (chants) of David have a great power of impact on human souls: reading the stupid psaltiri for a sinner can return it to the path of truth. The unprecedented psalm is read in all monasteries continuously (day and night) in turn, at the end commemorate the Orthodox Christians named - if a petition served for them.

On a note! If the Orthodox Chief, it is possible to submit a note on a non-saturated psalter. Notes are also accepted online.

Psalm №26 helps:

  • protect against enemies;
  • take any mischief;
  • preserve in inviolability of their property (salaries);
  • To enlist the support of God and the Heavenly Ham.

Optina elders say that reading Psalms No. 50, No. 90 and №26 saved from bombing during the war: Bombs flew past.

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Reading Psalms strengthens the soul of the believer, protects against despondency and fear: the Lord is stronger than all. Therefore, read these chants constantly. In order not to suffer from the head of the chief.

Psalm number 34.

This psalm read against enemy attacks, to which the soldiers of the chief or colleagues belong. In his psalm, King David asks the Lord about help, calls him with tears of pain in their eyes. God has always responded to the requests of His anointed, despite the former sins of David with Versavia.

Yes, the Lord will free the goodwill of the evil.

Psalm read:

  • in psychological problems in communicating with other people;
  • To get rid of psychological dependence on another person (fear is addiction);
  • to protect against the operation of the boss;
  • For liberation from negative influence.

Psalm should be read constantly until the conflict exhausts itself completely. This psalm is also read in conjunction with No. 50 and No. 90. This is a powerful wubble from evil, energy vampirism, subsidence and mental illness. When reading, church candles should be lit (3 pieces), women necessarily cover headscarf and wear skirt below the knee. It is necessary to strictly comply with church rules and traditions.

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