The image of the mother of God's "Absorbing the mind": how helps people


"Absorbing the mind" is one of the rather rare icons of the Mother of God, having an amazing history of acquiring. The image is distinguished by unique properties, helps believing Christians since their appearance. Where does this sacred face come from, where is it, in what cases you can ask for help from him - I propose to reveal the questions in today's article.

Image and symbolic image

The icon of the Mother of God "Absorbing the mind" demonstrates us to the holy Mary Mary, which is depicted in full growth. She stands next to the entrance to the heavenly gates, wrapped in the bedspread, and she sits the baby Jesus Christ in her arms.


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Next to the mother and her son we see large and small angelic creatures holding a burning candle. At the bottom of the icons drawn a lot of miniature houses, buildings, churches, they are symbolicly identified with heavenly Jerusalem.

Interesting! In Christianity, it is believed that praying from the Lick "Adjusted mind" a person will find a true life path, will be able to achieve success in learning.

The metaphorically considered image of the Mother of God shows us the victim committed by the Savior. It is thanks to her all the believers who live on righteous life will be able to get to Heavenly Jerusalem after death.

Historical information about the icon

Not one story has reached the creation of a wonderful image of Our Lady, called "Absorbing the mind." According to one of the legends, the time writing icons - the 17th century. Then in Russia just happened to the split of the church at the venue of Patriarch Nikon, the so-called Nikonov reform was carried out.

One believer artist (whose name history did not save) decided to independently examine the church editions created before the church split, wishing to understand who was right. The man did not trust innovations, wanted to figure out how to properly pray, be baptized, so as not to bring sin to himself.

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But in the process of reading religious books, he so fonders that his mind was implanted. At times on the believer found an enlightenment, at such moments he began to pray to the Virgin Mary, begging the holy Maria to give him a bright mind. So sincere requests did not remain unanswered: once the man saw the Mother of God, who punished him to write her icon. And you needed to portray the virgin, as he saw her. Also, the Mother of God told a man to continue his prayers to her.

A Christian did not dare to disobey and immediately began to work. But he had no way to bring the image of the Virgin to perfection: lacked important details, they seemed to slip out of his head. Then the master began to pray even more diligently, the Holy Virgin was to him again and again, so continued exactly so much until her icon was completely ready.

Having completed painstaking work, the painter keen knees in front of the way and immediately felt the enlightenment of the reason - he was able to get all the answers to his disturbing soul. Icon gained the symbolic name "addition of mind", and since then it helps to clean the mind, make it clear, treats mental illnesses.

There is a second very similar from the first version of the development of events. She says that the authorship of the creation of a miraculous face belongs not just a painter, but the master writing an icon who was tormented by issues related to the new Nikonov reform.

The last sown in his mind a lot of doubts about how church editions should be trusted: new or old. Trying to get to the truth, the master also sees the phenomenon of the Virgin Mary, which is short and depicting on a new image. Whatever it was, it is important not how the icon was created, but the fact that she really helps those who sincerely pray in front of her.

Interesting! Other names of the Lick: "Crayman", "Philaffta" (Greek word).

Italian prototype image "Abduction of the mind"

There is also a version that icon comes from Italian lands. Some researchers believe that the Catholic Figurine of the Virgin, made of wood, which was kept in the city of Loreto (Italy), could become the prototype of the "mind. She was in the "Holy Domik" - the abode of St. Mary, who was invasion of Arabs.

For happiness, one family of the Greeks miraculously managed to save a wooden figure. Otherwise, we would never see her. The statuette of the Mother of God is made of a cedar tree and richly decorated with the help of threads of pearls and diamonds. We see the Virgin Mary, closed in a sleeveless cloak (called Dalmatian). She holds in the hands of a baby of Christ.

In its appearance, the Italian figure is very similar to the domestic manner of the "Cancer", as well as with the icon of the Loretskaya Virgin, created by the likeness of the sculptural image.

Catholic statuette of the Virgin

Where the icon "Abduction of the mind" is kept today

The original version of the facility was kept in the Savior Transfiguration Cathedral, which is in the city of Rybinsk (Russia). True, today it is lost, the place of his location is unknown.

Fortunately, many lists have survived in Russia (that is, copies of the icons), who managed to become famous for their miraculous properties. Where are they?

  1. In the Pokrovsky temple in the city of Tutaev. There are mass pilgrimages of believers annually. Also once a year, on the current tradition, the miraculous leak is moved to the city of Yaroslavl to the regional center. This event is timed to the day of knowledge.
  2. Temple of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God (Church Gorka, Moscow, Russia). This is the second in popularity. A copy of the icon "Absorbing the mind".
  3. Temple of Saint Tatiana (located at Moscow State University in Moscow, Russia).

What denotes the images on the Icon's Icon

Although usually the Orthodox icons were written on the boards, the most old versions of the Filafet Face were performed on canvas. Let's look at the symbolic images depicted on it, and what they mean:

  • Sky with stars - Metaphorically implies paradise, the kingdom of heaven. And Mary itself stands next to the gates to paradise, as if showing that everyone who will pray to her can pass through the same way;
  • Winged seraphima - symbolize the execution of God's Will. At the upper angels drawn in many wings, which speaks of their speed, and the corresponding location on the face - indicates the maximum approach to the creator;
  • Four angels Climbed in the apostolic robe, which hold candles - these are prototypes of four evangelicals, who spread the Christian faith in the world;
  • Little white houses at the bottom of the Naga Mary - Symbol of Heavenly Jerusalem. More metaphorically, they denote the cities where the "House of Our Lady" was located, when making traveling to Italy from Palestine;
  • Two grilled lamps Hanging over the gates to Paradise - symbolic protruding "lamps of wise virgins" from the evangelical story about girls in anticipation of the groom. It says that wise maids stored enough oil, which allowed their lamps to burn until the morning, and stupidly took oils, because of which they did not have time for the feast, since they tried to dissolve the flame.

Traditions concerning the image "Abduction of the mind"

Previously, there was a tradition of accommodation in the churches of the so-called "overvalie icons." It was possible to order an icon painter to create a face of the Virgin, portraying concrete holy individuals on it, which caused the greatest sympathy from the customers. Subsequently, such a shrine was given to the church, and a man asked God to help fulfill his meaningful request.

Often the freelance icon also became a Filafet Lick. Interestingly, the plot line could change in this case. For example, in one of the icons of the icon, the Savior sits on his mother's right hand, a symbol of the rule of the ruler is depicted in his hands. And on the other hand, the boards are drawn by the saints who are praying for deliverance from alcoholism, for a blud.

Another common icon, in addition to traditional elements, depicted the Holy Martyr Antipa - his people are asked to cure toothpick. Information is also preserved about the image of the "Cancer", dated from the 18th century, depicting the saints who are dedicated to the construction of the future temple.

Very sad, but most of its ancient versions of the icons were lost during the time of the October Revolution.

The image of the mother of God's

Celebration date icons

The sacred face of the Virgin is revered annually August 28 (according to the modern calendar) or 15 numbers of the same month (old style). The same date is celebrated by the image of the wisdom of God's Sofia, most likely that this is not just a random coincidence.

The fact is that the icon "The Surgeant of the mind" - personifies the intercession of St. Mary in front of Jesus Christ and God by the Father. The Mother of God asks to give people spiritual and mental enlightenment - to send them the Divine Wisdom.

"Improve the mind" icon of the Mother of God: what helps?

Italians pray to the image of "Philaffta", asking him to protect people moving through the air (crew and passengers).

If you carefully consider the ancient Russian icons of the "Crayman's Summer", then you will find inscriptions on them, according to which the face will help "from the mortal murder, from the ongoing winds, from choking, from the rocks, from the applied to the beasts of poisonous, from enemies and mossy, and mosquitoes"

But, of course, the greatest glory of the icon found as a helper of people having a weak intellect (in particular, children) suffering from mental illness, and those who stand at the crossroads of life roads cannot make an important choice.

The following are the main problems with which you can refer to the miraculous facility:

  • With low progress of the child in study;
  • in childish hyperactivity, when Chado constantly violates the learning process;
  • If there is an insufficient intellectual development (child or adult);
  • with mental disorder;
  • If a person is long forgetful, dissatisfied, it has a concentration of attention;
  • when the implementation of a new, complex and responsible work is required;
  • For people who workers in scientific activities.

It is also believed that the "death rate" will be able to protect a person from a strong wind, hurricane.

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