Lucchimity - what kind of sin in the Orthodox tradition


In the Orthodox tradition, there is clear definitions of sins that a person must eradicate prayers and the petitions to God and the Holy. One of these sins is related to greed and korestolubia. Lucchimity is literally the richness of people for their own enrichment, labor operation and abilities.

A person is obsessed with the passion of accumulation, for the sake of this, he is ready to go on the heads of other people. The nehelnik of our neighbor suffered by the nehel, barely squeezed. Consider what to do if a person became obsessed with the passion of Lucchimeta. Also I will tell you what is distinguished by the Lucchychimita from surnubing and moss.


Lucchimity and idolatry

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Holy Scripture says that we are all born in sin. This is our nature, from which it is very difficult to get rid of. But to help a person given holy worships, angels and archangels. If the sinner realizes its corrupted nature and wants to correct, God will always come to the rescue. Another thing, if a person is not going to be corrected, if he is comfortable to live sinful life. In this case, no one comes to help him, because he does not need it.

The word Lucchimacy corresponds to the Greek word πλεονεξία, however, this Greek word is translated not only as a lamp. There are two more translations: love, korestoloby. It is clear that this is related to illegal enrichment and frank robbery in broad daylight.

Lyhoimets worships one God - Mammon Demo, who seals people by rapid enrichment. This is an insatiability demon who amazes human hearts and disgusts from God's commandments. Many people think that no demons exist, because they are not visible. What is bad in rapid enrichment, which is bad in abundance and wealth? In fact, there is nothing wrong with abundance and wealth, and even Tsar Solomon owned with indiscrect treasures. The question in another - what ways are wealthy.

If wealth is obtained with God's help, then it serves as the glorification of the creator and the creator of life. But if Mammon chooses wealth, then the goal is extremely clear - to settle the soul:

  • rapidly profitable;
  • luck;
  • luxury.

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Not every soul can withstand such a pressure of material benefits, many people are ready to exchange eternal soul on the steady earth goods. Until now, on the Internet you can find rituals for the sale of the soul for the time of temporary earthly goods, as if they can be taken with them into the grave. A person does not understand that on this earth he is only a guest, and that the stay in the material world has its own temporary restrictions - 100 years. But people are so blinded by a chance to quickly get rich that they just forget that this is all temporary.

On a note! Lychihimens are Mammon Demon Servants, even if they do not know about it.

It is believed that in the submission of Mammon there is a 9th round of hell. There he lives in a palace of pure gold, encrusted with gems and precious stones. Only children become victims of this unrighteous wealth. Mammon picks up unborn and newborn children as tribute to their patronage. And he takes not only those children whose parents gave him a soul: he will take them to all generations. Abortions, miscarriages, stillborn are all the victims of a terrible demon under the name Mammon.

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Insatiable passion

Lucchimity - what is this sin? How to understand that man is obsessed with leaning? It demonstrates an insatiable passion for money. It seems that he always has a little, no matter how much. This person loses all conscience and may be a trusting grandmother, leaving her without a pension. Lihychi do not touch the misfortune of other people, he and the child will take the latter. Lychihimens will never be saturated with money, they always have little alien good. They are ready to even kill to take possession of a false heritage.

Important! Any passion except passion to God is considered sinful.

This passion amazes the soul of a man who retreated from God and the commandments. He made his choice in this life - the destruction of the soul for temporary pleasure. It seems to man that he will live forever on earth, so wealth is useful for him. In fact, no wealth dreamed of people from the death and punishment of God. People do not understand that any material benefits actually belong to God, and the demons only protect them on earth. But the demons know how to deceive well, so they inspire people that they are the owners of reasonable treasures.

Examples of husky in the modern world:

  • take someone else's property, using official position;
  • Assign someone else's work and enjoy its fruits;
  • exorbitant burden of debtors / borrowers percent;
  • shameless operation of someone else's work for a penny;
  • Specs and overestimated prices for products during the crisis, war, failing.

The deceived daemon people will have to be disadvantaged. If other sins (fornicing, drunkenness, curmony) are forgiven immediately after their eradication, then with the lambress much more difficult: you need to return the troubled people. How to do it, if most of the worn Lucchychych managed to spend? There is the second way of repentance - to distribute the loose to the poor and stay without a penny of money to repent. Can Lyhoimets make this step? But many monks refused their legitimate states and inheritance for the sake of serving God in purity of thoughts and with clean hands. Only one who sincerely serve God is capable of such a step.

Like which this sin

Difference from surnamebracy and moss

Square-grayscale can be called bodybuilders in the market or in the store. Only when the seller does it consciously: sets up weight scales. If the seller put improper scales, and he does not know about it, it is not counted.

Also, everything is as well as a profit on inciting human passions. This includes the sex industry, gambling, sale of alcoholic / tobacco products, sale of fake documents, buying stolen, tune, making fake money. This is all based on a conscious deception for the sake of profits and enrichment. But the lack of exploitation of labor is characterized by the lack of exploitation: a person, as it would voluntarily make himself deceiving and even feels happy.

Mšillamism is extortion. Man is so obsessed with passion for money that only about them thinks. It is not only a sin of bribery and extortion, but also excessive accumulation and storage of unnecessary things. This is a prototype of Gogol Box. Mšillamism does not violate the rights and freedoms of another person, like a Lucchychychy, but also refers to sins.

As we can see, uglyamism and squanderness do not exploit people directly, but they act in deception or put in front of the choice, like bribes. But in any case, a person may refuse to interact with these dishonest people, and will not suffer from anything. Like a much more dangerous, it manipulates people and uses their dependent position. A person understands that he is severely exploited, but he has no choice - it works on Lihychych.

Prayer from Lucchimity

In order not to get into the Mammon network, you need to constantly be in a prayer state. As soon as a person stops praying and attending liturgies, immediately attack the demons. At the beginning, it is not noticeable, but over time, sinful thoughts and temptations begin to appear. If they do not destroy their prayer, they will lead to a sinful path. And there and to the though hand to file.

Each believer should feel his dependence on God and the Higher Forces, to realize his weak sinful nature, which is worthless to be seduced. Therefore, get the rule does not go to bed without repentance. Read the following prayer:

Lucchimity - what kind of sin in the Orthodox tradition 2986_4

Two short prayers are saved from sinful thoughts, which can be constantly accepted in the mind:

  • Prayer "Virgin Delo, Rejoice";
  • Jesus prayer.

Lucchimity - what kind of sin in the Orthodox tradition 2986_5

Seraphim Sarovsky advised the morning to dinner to read in the mind of Jesus prayer, and from lunch to the evening - the Virgin Mary. These prayers will keep the mind and soul clean, and no enemy will take off and will not seduce in sin.

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