How to attract money to the house: wise witch tips


People are tired of constant economic crises, financial instability. When small children and the elderly parents are in the house, the issue of welfare is especially acute. How to attract money to the house, do reliable ways of attracting a financial flux exist?

My good acquaintance for several years I was looking for a magic wealth tablet - a key that will help to get rich instantly and without any effort. But did not find. You need to attract money, you need to care for them, you need to grow - then they will settle in the house of a caring owner. In the article, I will share with you modern and old secrets of attracting financial good luck.

how to attract money to the house

Methods of attraction

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Rituals of the attraction of monetary good luck exist in all traditions and all nations. This is the mantras, and the rules of Feng Shui, and Russian conspiracies. Tips about wealth and well-being distribute psychologists and parapsychologists to all needy.

However, just read the mantras and make some rites little. Need to approach the question comprehensive:

  • Clear thinking from negative installations;
  • Note tactics and strategy of action;
  • Work on solving the issue daily.

Most of our compatriots were brought up on fairy tales in which miracles are told. The fairy tale "By whining velin" sits deep in the subconscious of the Russian man, as well as the magical image of good luck the poultry. It seems that only catching good luck for the tail, as life will turn into paradise on Earth. But this is not the case, and the poultry is not really no - this is a collective image of good luck, fortune.

Therefore, it is not worth lying on the furnace as Emel, you need to take active actions on the creation of your own well-being. Under the lying stone, water does not flow, it is not worth counting on it.

Psychologists help to clear thinking from negative installations. A lot of books are written on this topic, you can find them in online libraries. Negative installations are informational dirt that does not allow the mind to make work to create financial well-being. Only a person begins to work in the direction of creating well-being, as negative blocks block the path to any positive impulse.

When it turns out to get rid of interfering blocks, you need to choose the method of attracting finance and good luck. How to attract money to the family, what methods - you will decide on your own. Someone will read the mantras, for someone more understandable affirmations, someone closer prayer, etc. After determining tactics and strategy, serious work begins. Do not think that after reading a couple of times a spell, you can get rich. This has not been able to anyone. There is no magic tablet of wealth, and look for it meaningless.

how to attract money in the family

Tips of psychologists

Many of our troubles depend on improper thinking, it concerns the lack of money. Psychologists indicate the reason: thinking is poor. Many people are simply not ready to become rich psychologically. In words, they express the desire to get rich, but in the depths of their soul are afraid of this. That's why The first step towards wealth will be a change in thinking. . Money is energy that feeds on positive emotions. In other words, everyone likes when they love them.

If a person within himself refers to money with fear, prejudice or contempt - he pushes them from himself, and does not attract. There are several sayings in the people who serve as "scarecrow" for money. For example, "not in money happiness", "you want a lot - you will get a little." And other similar statements about the "despicable metal". Therefore, you need to spend enough time to understand and rethink your attitude towards money.

On a note! Psychologists recommend concentrating their attention on the pleasure and positive that they receive from money. This will contribute to their involvement.

The second step is not to put restrictions. For example, some people are confident in advance that they will not be able to acquire important things for them. To purchase the desired, you need to talk about it. But only in the present time, and not in the future. Either just be silent. Any denial is a powerful destruction energy that will destroy everything to the base.

The third step is to establish relationships with successful successful people. . Only to envy them in a comidence can not be destructive energy. Successful people need to learn a positive look at life and the ability to attract good luck. As well as "similar attracts like": how many money has a lot, and you will be in prosperity. These are not empty words, much depends on the right circle of communication. Just imagine yourself in a circle of losers: you will also become in a certain time.

The fourth step is not to wait for the weather by the sea, and act . Money will not come to you yourself, if you do not call them. Just go to work is not enough: you need to actively attract a financial flow into life. For this you need to work daily: read prayers, mantras, affirmations. Poverty - the lot of lazy. Only daily efforts can be achieved positive results. You can make a cash amulet who will attract finances and work on you around the clock.

How to attract money and good luck is instantly

Money and luck

At first glance, these are two different things. But in fact, the money is very closely connected with luck, because it is thanks to her that they come to our house. There is even such a term "financial luck". Therefore, the question must be put so - how to attract money and good luck? Some people think that to attract financial well-being you need to work much and hard. But no one thought about why they were born in the royal palaces had everything without any difficulty, and their servants gave their backs for pennies. It means that financial success does not depend on severe and hard Physical Labor.

If you think about the issue of finances, you can draw the following conclusions:

  • Money love silence (in banks is always quiet);
  • The money loves the holiday (the biggest amounts of money are spent on holidays);
  • Money love movement (bankers constantly give them into growth).

So you need to create a similar atmosphere in the house. Silence is the lack of information. You do not need to tell everyone about your money matters, luck and failure. Also try to fall from the house of envious and other suspicious people (neighbors, acquaintances, colleagues). This category of people can scare any luck, not only monetary.

If the money loves holidays and luxury, then you need to please them. For example, make regular family festive gatherings or Sunday festive dinners. During festive dinners, you need to hide cash bills under the tablecloth so that they are filled with the energy of the celebration and attracted abundance in the house.

If the money loves movement, it means that you do not need to store them under the pillow or in a glass jar in the basement. Come up to invest your savings so that they work for you. It can be an investment, buying precious metals, etc. Do not force cash bills to die from longing - they will distort you.

Do not forget about flavors. Any smell is energy. It can be positive and negative. There are special flavors that attract goodness and abundance - use them. It is possible to make compositions from aromas to attract monetary success: they are made based on base oil (apricot or grape bone and other cosmetic). Fragrances can be used as daily perfume, you can charge bills and talismans.

On a note! Patchouli oil is a powerful monetary magnet. Use it to strengthen the talismans, for meditation for money and good luck.

According to Feng Shui, money and luck come in Dorm through the door and the corridor. Therefore, try not to clutter the hallmarks by different things - leave a spacious passage for the energy of abundance.

Many natural minerals and gems become magnets of monetary good luck. For example, Jasper and Malachite have a powerful strength of attraction of wealth. First, they are associated with the elements of the Earth, source of abundance. Secondly, the crystal lattice of minerals as a tape recorder records and stores any information. And this means that on the stones can be read by attracting money conspiracies and carry. You can also use rosary from minerals to count money mantras - this will also become a powerful money mascot.

Ritual for rapid money attraction

This ritual how to attract money and good luck is instantly, but attracts only the specified amount of money once. It's like ambulance. On any day the growing moon or full moon take a green candle (better thin) and write on it with a needle the desired amount of money and currency. Also on the candle you need to write and your name.

Important! The amount must comply with the purchase of the necessary thing or ticket to the resort. It is impossible to request a sum that does not cover the necessary costs.

Next, it is necessary to crush a dry basil in a mortar, pour on a plate. The candle is lubricated with vegetable oil (traditionally take olive, but anyone can be rolled into the basilica powder. After that, you need to install a candle on the candlestick, light and constantly talk to the flame of the word:

"Money come. Money is growing. Money road in my pocket will find. "

While the candle burns, you need to read a plot as a mantra. Do not be distracted by conversations, do not respond to phone calls (the phone is better to turn off). As soon as the knot candle, say "Amen." It is better to take a thin wax candle that burns 30 minutes.

If there is no possibility to sit for 30 minutes and read conspiracy, do this. Apply the candle to the lips and say 9 times this plot - the wax will remember the information. Then already cut the candle in the grass. Light, and let him burn on their own. This rite can be carried out constantly if a certain amount of money is needed, there are no restrictions.

The cash flow mantra can be listening constantly, its energy will attract finance to the house. It is advisable to include a mantra daily for 27 days. This time term is necessary for positive changes in the financial fate of a person.

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