How to independently remove the crown of celibacy: an effective rite


Do not be born beautiful - everyone knows this proverb. Beauty is not a guarantee of female happiness, because in the way the beauty has a whole army of envious. Some of them may well pay the sorcerer to put on the crown of celibacy or put a stamp of loneliness.

So there will be a beauty of the eyelid without a husband and children, for evil intimidation. To get rid of this attack, you need to know how to remove the crown of celibacy yourself. With this, any woman can cope if he fulfits everything right. In the article, I will share with you for effective rites.

Crown of celibacy

Why appears the crown of celibacy

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It is customary to believe that only a black magician or a witch will damage for loneliness. In fact, the failure in personal life can pursue the girl because of their own rapid actions or family-genital problems.

For example, the rapid ritual, the ritual of racmill or the attitude can turn into a rope in the form of loneliness and family troubles.

Self-brave and self-heading is another reason for failures on the love front. The girl just programs himself on bad luck, which mother is alizes in life.

Generic curse is another reason for hazardous in family life. It can be determined on the fate of women genus. For example, everything is widden or divorced. But if the generic curse is fresh, then only professional diagnostic can be determined.

How to determine the crown of celibacy

Sometimes it is difficult to do it, because you need to be able to distinguish the crown of celibacy from the generic curse for loneliness. In case of doubt it is better to apply for the diagnosis of professionals. Consider the characteristic signs of this negative:

Failure in relationships. The girl can meet with a guy, but only to conversations about the wedding. If the case acquires a serious turn, the man simply disappears and does not appear anymore.

There are some obstacles on the way to your loved one. As soon as the question arises about the meeting, the temperature jumps, breaks the heel on shoes or somehow strange circumstances change.

On the eve of the wedding, the groom suddenly changes its decision and refuses to marry. But this may be a sign of wedding damage, therefore the court consultation is important.

The crown of celibacy can show himself a sudden death of the spouse after a while after the wedding, and then the next day or in a month.

Black magic effects manifested in violation of the menstrual cycle. Also can dream dreams, a woman indulge in amorous pleasures with demons.

Low self-esteem, lack of confidence in their female attractiveness - also the characteristics of the magic of negativity. Although it may be imposed complexes (classmates hounded, bad relationship with his mother).

Inability to get pregnant - also a sign of the impact on the woman's fate.

how to remove the crown of celibacy

How to distinguish between celibacy crown from psychological problems

Black deterioration of loneliness is not as frequent as it seems. Sometimes girls give themselves impose an imaginary crown of celibacy wrong thought forms or wrong perception of life and relationships.

For example, if the girl's father is a wonderful family man and loving husband, she is looking for his example of the same husband. But common people are extremely rare, so she runs the risk of being left alone.

Another example - an alcoholic father. Naterpevshis from such a parent of any girl decides not to marry for fear of repetition of the fate of the mother. By the black magic that decision is irrelevant.

Some girls make excessive demands on their future husbands, expect a prince on a white horse. As a result, they left with nothing, but somehow see this witch tricks and machinations of rivals.

There are cases where women remain alone because of their loving grandmothers and aunts. Those girls are taught that a husband so clever and beautiful only good prince. This mental attitude works against the very "clever and beautiful."

In these examples, there is no hint on black magic magic. The girl should turn to a psychologist for advice to remove the mental block and mental attitudes. After that, the personal life will improve.

how to remove the crown of celibacy alone in women

Rite remove the crown of celibacy and loneliness Print

Removing the crown of celibacy? This powerful ceremony is held on the waning moon in the women's days for women (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday) and men for men (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday). Before the ceremony day need to refrain from eating meat, it is advisable to hold a strict fast on bread and water. You also need to purchase a new headscarf for women and new handkerchief for men.

The house must be icons of the Mother of God, Jesus Christ and the patron saint. The church should buy a new pectoral cross and candles, collect holy water.

On the appointed day, you need to store the table with a white clean tablecloth (you can put a gauze cut if there is no tablecloth), put the icons of Our Lady, Jesus Christ and the Saint Patron. Nearby to put candles, salt in a saucer, matches. Also put a saucer with holy water in which you should put a new native cross. A little to put scissors, a piece of wax and an aluminum spoon (or the one that is not sorry).

Sit comfortably at the table. Pour in a saucer with holy water and a cross pinch of salt. Light candles on the sides of the icons, and put the back in a saucer with a cross and salt. Read three times of conspiracy:

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Then you need to dip the fingers of the right hand in the saucer, spend your fingers around the circumference of the hair part of the head (where the alleged crown comes) three times. Movement - clockwise. Then you need to cut the hair tips (slightly). Melt a piece of wax in a spoon over the candle, put the hair tips there and quickly pour in a saucer with holy water and a cross.

After that, you should cover your head with a handkerchief and do not remove it within an hour (men cover the head with a nose handkerchief). After that, the wax is buried near her house, the scarf is hiding. On this day they refuse delicious food, eat only bread and lean fish. Sweets also eat to eat. For a follow-up week, you need to light 12 candles in front of the images of any saints in the church. You should make a donation of the church in the amount of a third of monthly income. And what is important - to give vinds of fault. Forget about anger and indignation forever.

After the removal of the damage comes a period of rehabilitation, to which it is responsible responsibly. A woman can not feel anything at the physical level, but the perestroika takes place on thin plans. Therefore, after removing the crown, you must comply with the following recommendations within 2 weeks:

  • limit the circle of communication to a minimum;
  • within two weeks to limit yourself in food, sweets;
  • do not attend entertainment activities;
  • Confession and coming up.

It is also necessary to avoid conflict situations, not to participate in clarifying relations with anyone. It is better to take a vacation at your own expense, go to the village or to the cottage. This will help quickly recover and balance energies.


How to remove the crown of celibacy independently in women and men we disassembled. Now you need to make a rite to attract the second half. Conspiracy is read 3 days in a row in the morning and evening dresses. Pronounce words three times:

How to independently remove the crown of celibacy: an effective rite 2988_5

This conspiracy is read 2 weeks after the removal of the crown and after the statement of the flop.

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