Why a man doesn't want to marry and how to fix it


Girls from a young age dream of a wedding and a beautiful wedding dress. Having met his prince, they are looking forward to hands and heart offers. Unfortunately, it happens that the wait is delayed for many years, and all because men simply do not want to burden themselves with marriages.

For the past 5 years I am in a relationship, and my beloved is in no hurry to lead me under the crown. To understand why he behaves like this, I decided to turn to a psychologist, and it turned out that such a situation today has widespread prevalence. In this article I will tell you why men do not want to marry, and what they may have fears.

why man doesn't want to marry

Top 10 main reasons

In the modern world, the role of a man in society is somewhat different from the one that was before. Today, many families live in the conditions of the matriarchy, and the rising boys are engaged in power women. As a result, they grow up with depressed male beginnings. Blowing out from under the maternal custody, they begin independent, adult life, and do not rush to marry. Sometimes this is due to the fact that the man does not want to be under the pressure of a woman, but most often the fault of such behavior is unwillingness to take responsibility.

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Each man who refuses the marriage is to have its own reason. Moreover, many can not even understand what exactly scares or stops to make such a responsible step. To understand this issue, the most common causes of unwillingness to marry should be disassembled.

  1. Negative example of parents. Frequent quarrels, scandals and especially fights in the family marks the view that this happens in every marriage. As a result, the guy either takes such a model of behavior and transfers it to his own relationship, or does not want to marry, because It is afraid that this will happen in his family. Also, the negative impact on the formation of a person has the absence of one of the parents, or at all upbringing by the family members of the older generation.
  2. Personal negative experience. Divorced men are not in a hurry to marry again, even if another woman is fading. They are afraid of repeating the script. If a new lover after some time starts to insist at the wedding, then the man will rather ruin the relationship than leading it to the crown. Sometimes even the birth of a child cannot affect his decision.
  3. The reluctance to part with the bachelor life. It is much easier to live more easier and more convenient, because no one indicates what to do, and nothing requires. In relations outside the marriage, there is practically no responsibility. A man remains the owner of his own territory and his time.
  4. Did not fit. Women to marriage and the birth of a child pushing the biological clock, while men do not care at all. Some of them even for 40 years continue the search for an ideal girl, changing the partner one after another. Such men are difficult to coolant, and the woman will not be able to influence their decision.
  5. Fear of responsibility. Egoistic and infantality most often the reason that guys are in no hurry to make an offer to their beloved. As a rule, such behavior is due to education. If the boy worked out the parents all the time, potakly him, and even more so they continue to do it in a more mature age, he will not take responsibility. He simply is not taught, and it is convenient for him to remain in the current situation.
    A man refuses to marry
  6. No strong feelings. If a man really loves a woman, he will do everything to stay with him. But if he doubts that he chose the right person, he will not hurry with a proposal of his hand and hearts. It is possible that he hopes to find someone better, and with the current passage just turns time.
  7. Financial instability. Sensible guy knows that the family is a big responsibility, and first of all the financial. Without stable work and good salary, they will not think about marriage. Most often, those who grew up in a not enough secured family are so. Such men want to give their future wife and child a good life, so they will have a career in the first place.
  8. Fear of being used. It is no secret that in the modern world of girls often marry settlement, so secured and wealthy guys are more carefully suited to choosing a pair. Sometimes because of the fear of being used men and do not marry at all, or are looking for a woman equal to status and sufficiency.
  9. All inclusive. Wise women never agree to civil marriage, because They know that it will only pull out the marriage. But many girls think that joint residence and the common life will push the man to the wedding, because he will understand how good it is, not only as a mistress, but as a hostess. But as a result, everything stops on it. A man receives all the delights of family life without a stamp in a passport, and sincerely does not understand why it is necessary to put it if and so everything is fine.
  10. The effect of the nearest environment. Who would not say, but society has a great influence on human worldview. If a man is surrounded by married friends, he himself strives to create a family. But when around convinced bachelors or divorced comrades, then the attitude towards marriage will be more negative. Even if the guy has a lover, he may not marry her at all so as not to make mistakes of his acquaintances.

To understand that a man does not want to take you to wives, it is enough just to talk to him about his plans for the future. If they have no mention of you, perhaps he has doubts, or he is simply not ready for this responsible step. In addition, if a man constantly criticizes you, and it is not shy to do it even in humans, most likely he does not love you, and does not see a joint future.

Man does not want to marry

What to do?

If a man does not want to marry, then you can push it to this. At first, you need to find out the true reason for which he refuses to go to the registry office, and the frank conversation will help. That's just no need to see him with questions - the dialogue should be unobtrusive. If you have a trusting relationship, then he will share his experiences and fears that you will later have to try to dispel. When a man is closed, reacts aggressively on the theme of marriage or does not want to talk about it - it is worth thinking if you have a future.

To push the lover to marriage, you need to convince him that you are the best woman. First you need to go. Perhaps when you become even more attractive, he will see that other men look at you with admiration, and will restart you. In addition to the appearance for men, care, love and attention is equally important. Engage it with your warmth and tenderness, and he will never want to let you go.

The lack of logical development of relations is not rarely lies in the fact that the pair does not have common interests. The joint hobby will help to close up, and will show a man that his beloved can be a good friend with whom you can have fun, to think and discuss the painful.


  • Refusal of marriage is often associated with internal fears and prejudices.
  • When a man is completely confident in his own choice, he will make an offer to his beloved without hesitation.
  • Do not push the guy to the wedding, it can lead to a break of relationships.
  • The frank, relaxed conversation will help find out the true reason for the abandonment of marriage.

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